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HitCount Lines of Code build Run tests Clippy check Novel-js is an experiment im doing with rust. Trying to make a small time node/deno "clone". If you have any code improvements, or general ideas feel free to make a pull request/issue respectively.

Current plans for std


  • println( Any[]) => void
    • Print joined by a space, ended with \n.
    • TODO: Support deep printing JSON objects.
  • print( Any[]) => void
    • Print joined by a space.
    • TODO: Support deep printing JSON objects.
  • assert(assertion, message) => void
    • Check assertion == true, if its not, print message.


novel run <file>

  • Run <file> with the novel runtime.

novel clean

  • Clears cache, so on next run, all packages are refetched

novel help

  • Prints a help menu

std.file ✖ ✔

Status Function name Args Returns
read filePath Promise<String>
write filePath, content undefined
append filePath, content undefined
exists filePath Promise
delete filePath undefined
copy source, destinatioon Promise
mkdir pathname, recursive? Promise
rename/move oldName, newName Promise


Status Function name Args Returns
get url, options Promise<Response>
post url, options Promise<Response>
put url, options Promise<Response>
  • Maybe a http library at some point?


No releases published


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