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Tags: o-Oscar/jiminy



Toggle 1.6.21's commit message


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[gym/toolbox] Add dedicated gym toolbox for rllib (duburcqa#350)

* [python/viewer] Refactor panda3d backend screen refresh to avoid edge cases. Refactor Qt widget to factorize code.
* [python/simulator] Replay extra logs/trajectories with current simulation.
* [gym/toolbox/rllib] Add dedicated rllib toolbox. Add PPO CAPS implementation.
* [gym/toolbox/rllib] Do not provide default log dir since it is error prone

Co-authored-by: Alexis Duburcq <>


Toggle 1.6.20's commit message


This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
[gym/toolbox] Add dedicated gym toolbox for rllib (duburcqa#350)

* [python/viewer] Refactor panda3d backend screen refresh to avoid edge cases. Refactor Qt widget to factorize code.
* [python/simulator] Replay extra logs/trajectories with current simulation.
* [gym/toolbox/rllib] Add dedicated rllib toolbox. Add PPO CAPS implementation.
* [gym/toolbox/rllib] Do not provide default log dir since it is error prone

Co-authored-by: Alexis Duburcq <>


Toggle 1.6.19's commit message


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[gym/common/envs] Enhanced interactive mode. (duburcqa#348)

* [python/robot] Fix external forces not properly shared with viewer. 
* [python/viewer] Display freeflyer external forces by default.
* [python/viewer] Add getter for camera pose.
* [python/viewer] Mix busy loop and timer sleep in precise sleep to release the GIL.
* [python/viewer] Add option to not lock camera pose when travelling is enabled using Panda3d.
* [python/viewer] Fix interactive loop CPU throttle by adding short sleep in deamon reading stdin.
* [python/viewer] Improve viewer refresh efficientcy by only forcing display update whenever necessary.
* [python/viewer] Add support of frame index to define relative lookup and camera pose.
* [python/viewer] Add repeat capability to 'jiminy_replay' entrypoint.
* [gym/common/envs] More versatile interactive loop helper.
* [gym/common/envs] Add support of gym.wrappers to 'play_interactive'. Fix simulation not stopped after playing ends.
* [gym/common/envs] Add 'pause' key by default to play interactive mode.
* [gym/examples/rllib] Provide helper to wrap policy as callable[[observation, reward], action].

Co-authored-by: Alexis Duburcq <>


Toggle 1.6.18's commit message


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[misc] Jiminy release 1.6.18 (duburcqa#345)

* [core] Provide robust initial guess to 'impulse' contact solver.
* [python] Various minor improvements.
* [python/viewer] Fix clicking on node for panda3d Qt widget.
* [python/viewer] Fix seldom lock issues when displaying many robots simultaneously.
* [gym/common] 'sample' now supports providing both 'shape' and vector 'low'/'high'/'mean'/'scale' if broadcastable.
* [gym/examples/rllib] More robust obs flattening.
* [gym/examples/rllib] Do not replay if recording is disable during training.
* [gym/examples/rllib] Add option to use custom logger. Interrupt learning gracefully in case of ray task exception.
* [gym/examples/rllib] Add option to save checkpoint every given number of training iterations.
* [gym/examples/rllib] Start ray backend in local mode in debug.
* [misc] Fix easy-install script.

Co-authored-by: Alexis Duburcq <>


Toggle 1.6.17's commit message


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[core] 'EngineMultiRobot.Start' no longer reset the engine automatica…

…lly. (duburcqa#342)

* [core] 'EngineMultiRobot.Start' no longer reset the engine automatically.
* [core] Biases for random model generation are now relative instead of absolute.
* [core] Fix computation of center of mass positions and velocities.
* [python/viewer] Fix log replay without velocity and external forces data available.
* [python/viewer] Log replay now support overwriting mesh package dir.
* [gym/example] Add option to specify log subdirectory name interactively.
* [misc] Fix CI numpy version issues.

Co-authored-by: Alexis Duburcq <>


Toggle 1.6.16's commit message


This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
[python/viewer] Add options to display Capture Point and external for…

…ces. (duburcqa#341)

* [core] Compute velocity of the center of mass of each subtree systematically.
* [core] Fix internal update period computation when defined control and sensor update period of the engine without robot.
* [core] Add option to register external forces to the telemetry.
* [python/robot] Add fallback if 'dynamics' fields 'damping'/'friction' are partially defined in URDF file.
* [python/processing] Add efficient convex hull tools. Improve efficiency and versatility of 'interpolate_zoh'.
* [python/log] Extract external forces from log if recorded.
* [python/viewer] Add option to display DCM in viewer.
* [python/viewer] Fix default display marker value if backend is not Panda3d.
* [python/viewer] Add option to display external linear forces at joint level in viewer. Improve efficiency of markers update.
* [python/viewer] 'jiminy_replay' entrypoint can now be used to record video.
* [gym/examples] Improve RLlib utilities to be more flexible. 
* [gym/examples] Fix logging performance issues of RLlib.
* [gym/examples] Improve documentation of RLlib tools.
* [gym/examples] Add monitoring of actually episode duration.

Co-authored-by: Alexis Duburcq <>


Toggle 1.6.15's commit message


This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
[python/viewer] Add support of CoM and contact forces display. (dubur…


* [core] Add public setter 'AbstractSensorBase.set' for sensor data.
* [core] Make sensor setter 'AbstractSensorBase.setAll' private.
* [core/python] 'result_converter' now supports Eigen::Ref. 
* [core/python] Expose setter of ''.
* [python/viewer] Fix error when using exotic matplotlib backends.
* [python/viewer] Fix 'Viewer.add_marker' and 'Panda3dApp.move_node' node placement.
* [python/viewer] Fix 'append_group' when 'remove_if_exits=False'.
* [python/viewer] Do not add legend if replay of the single log.
* [python/viewer] Hide node if scale is too small.
* [python/viewer] Add option to place cylinder anchor at bottom in Panda3d.
* [python/viewer] Add option to always display node at foreground in Panda3d, and use it for markers. 
* [python/viewer] Add method to show/hide a single node in Panda3d. 
* [python/viewer] Custom 'update_hook' can be provided to 'display' and 'replay' methods.
* [python/viewer] 'add_marker' now supports passing callables.
* [python/viewer] Make objects clickable in Panda3d.
* [python/viewer] Add helper to emulate sensor update from log, and use it in 'play_log_data' method.
* [python/viewer] Add top-level options to enable/disable display of com/contacts.

Co-authored-by: Alexis Duburcq <>


Toggle 1.6.14's commit message


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[python] Add CLI to replay log files. (duburcqa#334)

* [core/python] Fix 'buildGeomFromUrdf' module interoperability.
* [python/simulator] 'simulate' now supports writing log in any available format.
* [python/log] Add generic utility to reconstruct robot from log.
* [python/viewer] Fix default legend when replaying multiple trajectories at once.
* [python/viewer] Add method to replay log file, only requiring the original meshes to be available.
* [python/viewer] Add 'jiminy_replay' CLI entrypoint to replay Jiminy log files.
* [python/viewer] Add option to not remove widgets after replaying trajectories. 
* [python/viewer] Reorder default colors cycle.
* [python/viewer] Switch device notifications from 'error' to 'fatal' for Panda3d.
* [python/viewer] Fix colors of Panda3d legend. 
* [python/viewer] Fix legend in panda3d when using identical labels. 
* [misc] Remove dual ABI support for Python bindings since it is unstable and may cause segfault.
* [misc] Provide cmake config version file in wheel.

Co-authored-by: Alexis Duburcq <>


Toggle 1.6.13's commit message


This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
[core/python] Custom return policy to avoid conflits with external mo…

…dules. (duburcqa#332)

* [core] Fix bug at Robot initialization when defining default flexible joints in the model.
* [core/python] Fix wrong keyword arguments for 'EngineMultiRobot.reset' method.
* [core/python] Add new Boost.Python return policy that can be used to by-pass converter registry if 'convertToPython' has been specified.
* [python] Add some missing typing return types.

Co-authored-by: Alexis Duburcq <>


Toggle 1.6.12's commit message


This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
[core] Improve code quality.

* [core] Allow arbitrary larger controller update period.
* [core] Fix deprecation and unused variable warnings.
* [core] Improve error reporting by printing fully qualified function name without arguments.
* [core] Remove irrelevant virtual keywords.
* [core] Use randomPermutationPeriod=0 to disable random permutation of 'PGSSolver' iterative solver, instead of 'isfinite', which is ill-defined for integers.
* [core] Do NOT shuffle first iteration cycle of 'PGSolver', and initialize indices in reverse order to make convergence (hopefully) faster.
* [core] Enable implicit conversion warnings.
* [core] More consistent coding style.
* [core] Avoid static_cast if possible and use safer conversion if possible.
* [core] Remove all C-style cast and enable warning to disallow them.
* [core] Replace (u)int32_t by std::size_t/ptrdiff_t when appropriate for clarity and portability.
* [core] Fix visco-elastic coupling forces.
* [core] Remove all dependencies to jsoncpp in core headers.
* [core/python] Add fallback to completary unsigned/signed type for integers for 'convertFromPython'.
* [gym/common/envs] Refresh action space before observation space since action could be part of observation but not conversely.
* [gym/common/wrappers] Relax argument type of 'FilteredFrameStack' for convenience.
* [gym/common/wrappers] Rename 'FilterFrameStack' in 'FilteredFrameStack' for clarity.
* [gym/examples] Automatically monitor env step 'info' on Tensorboard's histograms when using RLlib backend.
* [gym/examples] Only log data in Tensorboard format when RLlib is used, to dramatically reduce log folder size.
* [misc] Minor update of easy install dependencies.
* [misc] RLlib 'evaluate' helper method now returns agregated info over episode.
* [misc] Relax Ubuntu version check for easy install script since it should work on any release in practice.
* [misc] Do NOT install robotpkg-urdfdom binaries since 'liburdom-dev' is already installed by other easy-install dependencies.
* [misc] More robust Python library finding in provided CMake configuration file.
* [misc] Check compatibility with required jiminy version if any in provided CMake configuration file.
* [misc] Detect Numpy headers in provided CMake configuration file.
* [misc] Add missing boost definitions in CMake configuration file.