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Module Description

The postsrsd module lets you use Puppet to manage PostSRSd (Postfix Sender Rewriting Scheme daemon).


Beginning with postsrsd

Providing a list of domains to manage is enough to get started:

class { 'postsrsd':
  secrets => [
    Sensitive('Example! Please use a better secret!'),
  domains => [

When using the puppet-postfix module, add the following to your Postfix configuartion to use PostSRSd:

postfix::config {
  'sender_canonical_maps':       value => 'socketmap:unix:srs:forward';
  'sender_canonical_classes':    value => 'envelope_sender';
  'recipient_canonical_maps':    value => 'socketmap:unix:srs:reverse';
  'recipient_canonical_classes': value => 'envelope_recipient,header_recipient';