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Strongly typed, asynchronous, object-oriented .NET adapter for Shopify's REST API


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Type-safe, asynchronous, object-oriented .NET adapter for the Shopify API, derived from Colin McDonald's original lightweight dynamic adapter.


Copyright (c) 2012 Andrew Clunis <>

Copyright (c) 2012 Colin McDonald

Licensed under the MIT license.


  • Mono 3.0 or .NET 4.5 or greater
    • MVC3 is required to build and run the Sample Web app (I haven't tried this with Mono yet)


I do not yet offer a NuGet package. For now, the easiest and only method is download the source code and add the project to your solution. I recommend using a git submodule, with something like this:

git submodule add git:// dependencies/Sharpify

Both MonoDevelop and Visual Studio 2012 happily consume the sln and csproj without problems, and are apparently well-behaved these days in that they don't seem to squish one another's settings.

For now, I added all of the dependencies as binaries for the purpose of convenience into the repository because NuGet isn't usable on Mono, so no additional step for installing the secondary deps is necessary.

If, on Mono, you get "Web Security" crypto exceptions, try importing Mozilla's trusted CA list into Mono's CA list by running:

mozroots --import

(alternatively, you could try manually importing the certificate of the CA shopify uses by using Mono's certmgr tool)

NB. For all that, a bug in Mono 3.0 currently breaks Sharpify, preventing use on Linux and Mac OS X. A fix has already been committed to upstream Mono's master branch, so it should presumably start working in the next release. Sorry about that.

Design Principles

This adapter is type-safe, with the intention of being locally discoverable with the help of your IDE's code completion feature, and that your usage is largely verifiable at compile time. Regardless, it is recommended that you review the Shopify API documentation.

After obtaining your authorization token (detailed below), you can create a ShopifyApiContext from which in turn you can get access to the RestResource objects, which can fetch and push individual model objects (an Order, Customer, and so on).

However, unlike ActiveRecord and ActiveResource, the model instances themselves do not offer any identity guarantee. That is, when you ask a RestResource object to save one of these or fetch the same ID, it always will pass you a new instance. The only state in the resource models themselves aside from the actual data is tracking of field dirtiness.

In the Rails tradition of modelling associations, "has one" and "has many"-style relationships are such that they are trivially traversable from the model objects. However, here they are implemented with explicit containers (identifiable by IHasOne<T> and IHasMany<T>) instead of implicit proxies.


Get Authorized

In order to understand how Shopify authorizes your app to make API calls for a certain Shopify customer, I recommend reading this document: Shopify API Authentication.

You'll need to repeat this procedure for any store owner that desires to offer you access to their store.

Instantiate ShopifyAPIAuthorizer with your customer's store you wish to authorize against (generally the subdomain from https://[:store_name] You'll need your app's API key and API shared secret, as provided by your account on Shopify Partners interface.

var sa = new ShopifyAPIAuthorizer ("TARGET STORE NAME",
                                   "APP API KEY",
                                   "APP SHARED SECRET");

Then, ask the Authorizer to give you an authorization URL to send your app's user to, specifying the REST interface portions you want permission for (the full list of permissions).

You also need to pass it a redirect URI to which the temporary authorization code will be returned to (as a query parameter, ?code=). Note that the Shopify authorization service redirects the app user's browser to this URI. This URI needs to be nested within the URI you provided when creating the app in the partners interface. Note that the Shopify service itself never attempts to fetch this URL.

If your app already has authorization for this store with the same permissions list, the service will immediately redirect the user's browser to your redirect URI (that is, Shopify will not display the authorization UI).

var authUrl = sa.GetAuthorizationURL (new string[] { "write_content",
                                                     "write_orders" },

Sharpify can't really provide you with any means of receiving the temporary auth code. You're own your own.

If you're developing a webapp that consumes the Shopify API, it's likely a simple matter of adding an HTTP endpoint to your app that will check the user's browser session and grab the temporary auth code from the query parameters.

If you're developing a desktop app, it's a bit trickier. One approach is to find some way of instrumenting the webview you've necessarily embedded in your app (needed for displaying the Shopify App authorization UI to the shop owner) with a signal handler for noticing navigation. With this method, no HTTP server running at the other end of the URI is necessary. Alternatively, you could run a local HTTP server with the sole purpose of grabbing the code, which is the method the live integration test suite for Sharpify uses (I did it this way in order to avoid a complicated dependency on a specific browser engine).

Then, there's one final task: take that temporary authorization code and request the service to provide you with a permanent access token for your app to that shop.

var authState = await sa.AuthorizeClient(receivedCode);

That's just a flat POCO with the shop name and the access token. You can save these at your leisure for future use of the API for that shop.

Create an API Context

Create an instance of ShopifyAPIContext for accessing a specific shop (you can create the ShopifyAuthorizationState on your own with your saved access token for that shop).

var shopify = new ShopifyAPIContext(authState, new JsonDataTranslator());

(for now, always give it the JsonDataTranslator)

RestResource objects, as provided by ShopifyAPIContext#GetResource<T>() where T is the type of the resource model you want to interact with.

For brevity in the following examples, let:

RestResource<Product> Products = shopify.GetResource<Product>();
RestResource<Customer> Customers = shopify.GetResource<Customer>();
RestResource<Order> Orders = shopify.GetResource<Order>();

Fetch a Model instance

Product engine = await Products.Find(1083);

Update a Model instance

// update a field
engine.Title = "Trent 1000";
var updatedEngine = await Products.Save<Product>(engine);

NB. It's necessary for you to pass the resource type again into the Save(), and Create() methods in order for Sharpify to ensure that only saveable resources can be passed to these methods. The compiler won't let you get it wrong.

If the Shopify API modifies your model on save, it'll show up in the returned object. The original object will not be mutated.

Create a Model instance

var airplane = new Product() { Name = "Boeing 787-8" };
var savedAirplane = await Products.Save<Product>(airplane);

The same guarantees regarding object immutability apply here.

(The day I can buy the above product on Shopify my life will be complete)

Special Per-Model Actions

Some resource models, such as Order, have special actions you can perform. For instance, Order has Cancel, Close, and Open.

var order = await Orders.Find(77);
Orders.CallAction(order, () => order.Cancel);

Alternatively, the action can be named by string:

var order = await Orders.Find(77);
Orders.CallAction(order, "cancel");

Fetch all Models in a Resource

This takes care of the API pagination for you (that is, it will make all the potentially multiple requests necessarily to retrieve all of the models). Asynchronously iterate over all of the models:

await Products.Each((product) => {

Or buffer them all up as a List:

var products = await Products.AsList();

Filter by Criteria

Discrimate the resource by adding some equality criteria by field (by means of the Shopify API's acceptance of per-field query parameters):

IRestResourceView<Product> cultProducts = Products.Where(
    (p) => p.ProductType, "Cult Products");

You can also specify the property name with a string (as it would be underscorized for the API) rather than as the MemberExpression.

The only permissible test permitted by the the REST API is equality, hence why Where() only accepts a field and a value to compare against.

Linked Models ("has one")

Many resource models sometimes contain or refer to another resource, such as an Order referring to the Customer that made it. Here's how to deal with those:

Get a Has One

Get the resource model instance from the server pointed to by a IHasOne<T> on another model.

// Get the customer
var customer = await Customers.Find(99);

// For illustration, let a local variable equal the IHasOne<T> itself
IHasOne<Order> lastOrder = customer.LastOrder;

// Retrieve the customer's last order
Order gotOrder = await lastOrder.Get();

Set a Has One

This API is slightly convoluted, but it allows for Sharpify to handle setting up what kind of has one (inlined or not, an implementation detail) a given IHasOne<T> property on a model should contain.

Customers.Has<Order>(customer, (c) => c.LastOrder);


Nested Model Lists ("has many", "subresources")

// Get the order
var order = await Orders.Find(66);

// For illustration, let a local variable equal the IHasMany<T> itself
IHasMany<Fulfillment> fulfillments = order.Fulfillments;

// fulfillments is basically a full rest resource (which can be
// filtered, added to (with `Save()` or `Create()`), and so on).

// get a list of fulfillments
var fulfillmentsList = fulfillments.AsList();


There's a few inlined complex types on a few of the resources, but they're not full REST resources, such as the list of DiscountCodes on Order. Just treat them as the simply serialized POCO objects, as the types will indicate.


Shopify tracks events of note on a number of important resources. They're IHasMany lists. Look for them on Order and Product.


Shopify allows you to add arbitrarily typed name/value pairs to various resources. They too are treated as a full IHasMany subresource.

Late-bindable Dynamic API

Alternatively, the original late-bound API from Colin McDonald's is still here, albeit now async. Use this, and you will not be hidden from the URLs of the API or the ways in which the API will require the data to be passed. Note that this approach does not handle pagination or any other higher-level details.

It may prove a useful and quick alternative for any operations that turn out to be be buggy or be otherwise deficient in the fancy type-safe API.

Get a Model with the Dynamic API

Get all Products (on a single page) from the API as a string.

ShopifyAPIClient api = new ShopifyAPIClient(authState);

// by default JSON string is returned
object data = await api.Get("/admin/products.json");

// use your favorite JSON library to decode the string into a C# object

Alternatively, get all Products (on the first page) from the API as a JObject from, suitable for use with dynamic:

// pass the supplied JSON Data Translator
var api = new ShopifyAPIClient(authState, new JsonDataTranslator());

// The JSON Data Translator will automatically decode the JSON for you
dynamic data = await api.Get("/admin/products.json");

// the dynamic object will have all the fields just like in the API Docs
foreach(var product in data.products)

Create a Product, using raw JSON in a string:

ShopifyAPIClient api = new ShopifyAPIClient(authState);

// Manually construct a JSON string or in some other way
// Ugly
string dataToUpdate =
"{" +
    "\"product\": {" +
        "\"title\": \"Burton Custom Freestlye 151\"," +
        "\"body_html\": \"<strong>Good snowboard!</strong>\"" +
    "}" +

string createProductResponse = await api.Post("/admin/products.json");

Create a product, using an anonymous class:

// pass the supplied JSON Data Translator
var api = new ShopifyAPIClient(authState, new JsonDataTranslator());

// use dynamics to create the object
// a lot nicer that the previous way
dynamic newProduct = new
    products = new {
        title		= "Burton Custom Freestlye 151",
        body_html	= "<strong>Good snowboard!</strong>"
dynamic createProductResponse = await api.Post("/admin/products.json", newProduct);

Delete a Product:

// id of the product you wish to delete
int id = 123;
var api = new ShopifyAPIClient(authState, new JsonDataTranslator());
await api.Delete(String.Format("/admin/products/{0}.json", id));

Test Suite

Included is a test suite, include both unit and integration tests. You'll need a NUnit harness to run them.

To run the live integration tests (ie., test the Adapter against the actual upstream service:

(note that the live integration tests can't test with great coverage because they can't guarantee what fixture data is in your test store, and what data is there will likely differ from mine and produce different results. Still, this harness is convenient to have in development, if nothing else)

  1. Sign up for a Shopify Partner account;

  2. Via the Partner UI, create a Test store;

  3. Via the Partner UI, create a new Application for your local test suite instance. Make up a fake domain for "Application URL", as nothing on their end needs to talk to it;

  4. Modify the ShopifyAPIAdapterLibrary.Tests/App.config file to reflect the app and shop you just created, along with your API keys and so on;

  5. Modify your local /etc/hosts to add the fake domain you made for the Application URL as an alias for localhost. This is needed because a local web browser will be redirected to it in order to deliver the received authentication token;

  6. From the Shopify Partners interface, select the "Login" button on the list item for your test store. If you try to skip this step don't have an active session on the test store, you will be prompted for a username and password in the next step. As that prompt expects a full Shopify account (and cannot be used for Partners UI-created stores), nothing you type will succeed.

  7. Run all the tests using your NUnit harness (either in MD or Visual Studio .net 2012, there's a VSIX NUnit plugin for it).

  8. A local web browser will be opened in order to obtain OAuth authorization. The first time you run the test suite, Shopify will prompt you to add the Test App you created to your test store.

Testing protip: if a unit test (ie., not an integration) test hangs, the problem may be that a null Task being returned by a mock receiving an unexpected call. Temporarily add some sane length of delay to the blocking Wait() statements used in the test, and see if you get an error from the mock that displays a list of unexpected calls.

Sample Web Application

The sample MVC3 webapp is meant to demonstrate basic use of the Adapter. It's pretty simple and naiive, but it should give you very basic CRUD access to Blogs and Products.

Setup procedure:

  1. Follow steps 1 through 6 of the Test Suite procedure above, but modify SampleWebApp/Web.config rather than the test suite's App.config. Make sure you set the Shopify.AppUrl value to the same value as you provided to the Shopify Partners UI, with no trailing slash.

  2. Start the webapp (use the built-in development server and not IIS Express, as IIS Express expects the incoming Host: header to be http://localhost...) and enter your shop name.

Happy Trading!


Strongly typed, asynchronous, object-oriented .NET adapter for Shopify's REST API







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