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Orry Mevorach Portfolio

This site was built using Next.JS

  1. Start dev server

    Navigate into your new site’s directory and start it up.

    npm run dev
  2. Open the code and start customizing!

    Your site is now running at http://localhost:3000!

  3. Deployments

To deploy code to production, create a PR and merge it into master

Contentful workflow:

  1. Do all development work in the staging branch
  2. Add/edit content models
  3. When you are finished making change, create a new environment called master-<todays data> off of master. For example: master-2023-04-20
  4. Use the "Merge" extension to merge in any content model changes. Set the target branch to staging and the source branch to the new one you just created
  5. Add/edit any content entries that you would like to test
  6. Go to API keys and give your new environment access to the production API key
  7. Change the NEXT_PUBLIC_CONTENTFUL_ENVIRONMENT variable to the name of your new environment
  8. Test your changes
  9. IMPORTANT: Before you deploy, make sure to change all the content entries to the state you want them in when you deploy.
  10. When you are ready to deploy, change the master alias to the new environment you created. (This will not trigger a deployment)
  11. Merge your PR into master. This will trigger a netlify deployment with the latest code and latest content entries

Staging Branch:

  • The staging branch is called "staging"
  • This branch is pointing at the "staging" environment in Contentful
  • To easily create a replica of master in Contentful called staging, run:
npm run createContentfulEnvironment
  • This will delete the existing staging environment, and create a new one off of master
  • To deply the staging git branch:
  1. Make sure you are on the current branch you wish wish to deploy,
  2. make sure all your changes are committed to the branch
  3. Run:
npm run deployStaging
  • This command will delete the current preview-environment branch locally and upstream, create a new branch off of your current branch and push it to a new preview-environment branch

Another staging environment you can use is called preview-environment To deploy code to this environment, either push code to it, or run:

npm run deployPreview


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