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High performance resource pool written with TypeScript


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High performance resource pool written with TypeScript.

  • The fastest Resource Pool implementation for JavaScript ever! Check out benchmark results
  • Advanced configuration options, suits for enterprise level applications
  • Configuration can be changed while pool running
  • Promise based factory supported
  • Supports validation and resource reset
  • Fully tested. (%100 coverage)


  • npm install lightning-pool --save


import {Pool} from 'lightning-pool';
import dbDriver from 'some-db-driver';

 * Step 1 - Create a factory object
const factory = {
    create: async function(opts) {
        const client = await DbDriver.createClient();
        return client;
    destroy: async function(client) {  
       await client.close();       
    reset: async function(client){   
       await client.rollback();       
    validate: async function(client) {
       await client.query('select 1');       

 * Step 2 - Create a the pool object
const pool = new Pool(factory, {  
    max: 10,    // maximum size of the pool
    min: 2,     // minimum size of the pool
    minIdle: 2  // minimum idle resources

 * Step 3 - Use pool in your code to acquire/release resources
// acquire connection - Promise is resolved
const client = await pool.acquire();
// once a resource becomes available
// Use resource
await client.query("select * from foo");
// return object back to pool
await pool.release(client);

 * Step 4 - Shutdown pool (optional)
 * Call close(force) when you need to shutdown the pool

// Wait for active resource for 5 sec than force shutdown
await pool.close(5000);


Creating a Pool instance

lightning-pool module exports createPool() method and Pool class. Both can be used to instantiate a Pool.

import {createPool} from 'lightning-pool';
const pool = createPool(factory, options);
import {Pool} from 'lightning-pool';
const pool = new Pool(factory, options);


Can be any object/instance with the following properties:

  • create : The function that the Pool will call when it needs a new resource. It should return a Promise<resouce>.
  • destroy : The function that the Pool will call when it wants to destroy a resource. It should accept first argument as resource, where resource is whatever factory.create made. It should return a Promise<>.
  • reset (optional) : The function that the Pool will call before any resource back to the Pool. It should accept first argument as resource, where resource is whatever factory.create made. It should return a Promise<>. Pool will destroy and remove the resource from the Pool on any error.
  • validate (optional) : The function that the Pool will call when any resource needs to be validated. It should accept first argument as resource, where resource is whatever factory.create made. It should return a Promise<>. Pool will destroy and remove the resource from the Pool on any error.


  • acquireMaxRetries: Maximum number that Pool will try to create a resource before returning the error. (Default 0)
  • acquireRetryWait: Time in millis that Pool will wait after each tries. (Default 2000)
  • acquireTimeoutMillis: Time in millis an acquire call will wait for a resource before timing out. (Default 0 - no limit)
  • fifo: If true resources will be allocated first-in-first-out order. resources will be allocated last-in-first-out order. (Default true)
  • idleTimeoutMillis: The minimum amount of time in millis that an resource may sit idle in the Pool. (Default 30000)
  • houseKeepInterval: Time period in millis that Pool will make a cleanup. (Default 1000)
  • min: Minimum number of resources that Pool will keep. (Default 0)
  • minIdle: Minimum number of resources that Pool will keep in idle state. (Default 0)
  • max: Maximum number of resources that Pool will create. (Default 10)
  • maxQueue: Maximum number of request that Pool will accept. (Default 1000)
  • resetOnReturn: If true Pool will call reset() function of factory before moving it idle state. (Default true)
  • validation: If true Pool will call validation() function of factory when it needs it. If false, validation() never been called. (Default true)



Acquires a resource from the Pool or create a new one.


pool.acquire(): Promise<any>

pool.acquire(factoryCreateOptions: any): Promise<any>

pool.acquire(callback:Callback): Promise<any>

pool.acquire(factoryCreateOptions?: any, callback:Callback): Promise<any>

  • Returns: A Promise
var promise = pool.acquire();
promise.then(resource => {
  // Do what ever you want with resource
}).catch(err =>{
  // Handle Error  


Returns if a resource has been acquired from the Pool and not yet released or destroyed.



  • resource: A previously acquired resource
  • Returns: True if the resource is acquired, else False
if (pool.isAcquired(resource)) {
  // Do any thing


Returns if the Pool contains a resource



  • resource: A resource object
  • Returns: True if the resource is in the Pool, else False
if (pool.includes(resource)) {
  // Do any thing


Releases an allocated resource and let it back to pool.



  • resource: A previously acquired resource
  • Returns: undefined


Releases, destroys and removes any resource from Pool.



  • resource: A previously acquired resource
  • Returns: undefined


Starts the Pool and begins creating of resources, starts house keeping and any other internal logic.

Note: This method is not need to be called. Pool instance will automatically be started when acquire() method is called



  • Returns: undefined


Shuts down the Pool and destroys all resources.


close(callback: Callback): void; close(terminateWait: number, callback?: Callback): Promise<void>; close(force: boolean, callback?: Callback): void;

  • force: If true, Pool will immediately destroy resources instead of waiting to be released
  • terminateWait: If specified, Pool will wait for active resources to release
  • callback: If specified, callback will be called after close. If not specified a promise returns.
var promise = pool.close();
promise.then(() => {
  console.log('Pool has been shut down') 
}).catch(err => {


  • acquired (Number): Returns number of acquired resources.
  • available (Number): Returns number of idle resources.
  • creating (Number): Returns number of resources currently been created.
  • pending (Number): Returns number of acquire request waits in the Pool queue.
  • size (Number): Returns number of total resources.
  • state (PoolState): Returns current state of the Pool.
  • options (PoolOptions): Returns object instance that holds configuration properties
    • acquireMaxRetries (Get/Set): Maximum number that Pool will try to create a resource before returning the error. (Default 0)
    • acquireRetryWait (Get/Set): Time in millis that Pool will wait after each tries. (Default 2000)
    • acquireTimeoutMillis (Get/Set): Time in millis an acquire call will wait for a resource before timing out. (Default 0 - no limit)
    • fifo (Get/Set): If true resources will be allocated first-in-first-out order. resources will be allocated last-in-first-out order. (Default true)
    • idleTimeoutMillis (Get/Set): The minimum amount of time in millis that an resource may sit idle in the Pool. (Default 30000)
    • houseKeepInterval (Get/Set): Time period in millis that Pool will make a cleanup. (Default 1000)
    • min (Get/Set): Minimum number of resources that Pool will keep. (Default 0)
    • minIdle (Get/Set): Minimum number of resources that Pool will keep in idle state. (Default 0)
    • max (Get/Set): Maximum number of resources that Pool will create. (Default 10)
    • maxQueue (Get/Set): Maximum number of request that Pool will acceps. (Default 1000)
    • resetOnReturn (Get/Set): If true Pool will call reset() function of factory before moving it idle state. (Default true)
    • validation (Get/Set): If true Pool will call validation() function of factory when it needs it. If false, validation() never been called. (Default true)


Pool derives from EventEmitter and produce the following events:

  • acquire: Emitted when a resource acquired.
pool.on('acquire', function(resource){
  • create: Emitted when a new resource is added to the Pool.
pool.on('create', function(resource){
  • create-error: Emitted when a factory.create informs any error.
pool.on('create-error', function(error){
  //Log stuff maybe
  • destroy: Emitted when a resource is destroyed and removed from the Pool.
  • destroy-error: Emitted when a factory.destroy informs any error.
pool.on('destroy-error', function(error, resource){
  //Log stuff maybe
  • return: Emitted when an acquired resource returns to the Pool.
pool.on('start', function(resource){
  • start: Emitted when the Pool started.
pool.on('start', function(){
  • closing: Emitted when before closing the Pool.
pool.on('closing', function(){
  • close: Emitted when after closing the Pool.
pool.on('close', function(){
  • validate-error: Emitted when a factory.validate informs any error.
pool.on('validate-error', function(error, resource){
  //Log stuff maybe

PoolState enum

Pool.PoolState (Number):

  • IDLE: 0, // Pool has not been started

  • STARTED: 1, // Pool has been started

  • CLOSING: 2, // Pool shutdown in progress

  • CLOSED: 3 // Pool has been shut down

Node Compatibility

  • node >= 16.0;
