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NLP-Paper | Still work


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Contents | 内容

Summarize | 综述

  1. A Survey on Dialogue Systems:Recent Advances and New Frontiers:对话系统的最新研究和方向 | Chen et al,2017

  2. Recent Advances and Challenges in Task-oriented Dialog Systems | 阅读笔记:面向任务型对话系统的最新研究和方向 | Zhang et al,2020

  3. Pre-trained Models for Natural Language Processing: A Survey | 阅读笔记:超详细的NLP预训练语言模型总结清单 | Xipeng Qiu et al,2020

Pretraining | 预训练

  1. Pretraining Methods for Dialog Context Representation Learning | 阅读笔记:作者列举了四种针对对话上下文表示的预训练方法,其中两种是作者新提出的 | Shikib et al,2019

  2. Neural Machine Translation of Rare Words with Subword Units:就是我们所熟知的Byte Pair Encoding,是一种使用一些出现频率高的byte pair来组成新的byte的方法 | Sennrich et al,2015

  3. Google’s Neural Machine Translation System: Bridging the Gap between Human and Machine Translation:wordpiece作为BERT使用的分词方式,其生成词表的方式和BPE非常相近,区别在于BPE选择频率最高的相邻字符对进行合并,而wordpiece是基于概率生成的。 | Yonghui et al,2016

  4. Subword Regularization: Improving Neural Network Translation Models with Multiple Subword Candidates:unigram在给定词表及对应概率值下,直接以最大化句子的likelihood为目标来直接构建整个词表 | Kudo et al,2018

  5. Fully Character-Level Neural Machine Translation without Explicit Segmentation:比较经典的Character-Level的Subword算法模型 | Jason et al,2016

  6. Learning Character-level Representations for Part-of-Speech Tagging:Character-level去构建word-level,该网络结构主要是对字符进行卷积以生成单词嵌入,同时使用固定窗口对PoS标记的字嵌入进行操作。 | Jason et al,2016

  7. Character-Aware Neural Language Models:提供一种功能强大,功能强大的语言模型,其可编码子词相关性,同时解决先前模型的罕见字问题,使用更少的参数获得可比较的表现力。 | Yoon et al,2015

  8. Achieving Open Vocabulary Neural Machine Translation with Hybrid Word-Character Models:一个非常出色的框架,主要是在word-level进行翻译,但是在有需要的时候可以很方便的使用Character-level的输入。 | Luong et al,2016

  9. A Joint Model for Word Embedding and Word Morphology:该模型的目标与word2vec相同,但是使用的是Character-level的输入,它使用了双向的LSTM结构尝试捕获形态并且能够推断出词根。 | Kris et al,2016

  10. Enriching Word Vectors with Subword Information:word2vec的升级版,对于具有大量形态学的稀有词和语言有更好的表征,它也可以说是带有字符n-gram的w2v skip-gram模型的扩展。 | Piotr et al,2016

  11. Pre-trained Models for Natural Language Processing: A Survey | 阅读笔记:超详细的NLP预训练语言模型总结清单 | Xipeng Qiu et al,2020

Model | 模型

  1. Attention Is All You Need | 阅读笔记:Transformer的开山之作,值得精读 | Ashish et al,2017

  2. A Neural Conversational Model:Seq2Seq结构的对话模型 | Oriol et al,2015

  3. Context Sensitive Spoken Language Understanding Using Role Dependent LSTM Layers:使用LSTM在SLU方面做的工作,通过agent和client角色划分,能够解决多轮对话中的歧义问题 | Hori et al,2015

  4. An End-to-End Trainable Neural Network Model with Belief Tracking for Task-Oriented Dialog | 阅读笔记:面向任务的对话系统的新型端到端可训练神经网络模型 | Liu et al,2017

  5. A Network-based End-to-End Trainable Task-oriented Dialogue System | 阅读笔记:非常值得一读的任务型对话模型架构 | Wen et al,2016

  6. BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding | 阅读笔记:BERT的顶顶大名,使用Transformer的Encoder双向架构 | Devlin et al,2018

  7. Multi-Cast Attention Networks for Retrieval-based Question Answering and Response Prediction | 阅读笔记:一种用于通用序列对建模的整体架构,结合多种注意力机制进行特征增强 | Yi Tay et al,2018

  8. Informer: Beyond Efficient Transformer for Long Sequence Time-Series Forecasting | 阅读笔记:一种效果远超Transformer的长序列预测模型,针对LSTF问题上的研究改进 | Haoyi Zhou et al,2020

Dialogue | 对话系统

  1. The Hidden Information State model: A practical framework for POMDP-based spoken dialogue management:关于对话状态管理的文章,可以用来补充相关背景知识 | Young et al,2010

  2. Neural Belief Tracker: Data-Driven Dialogue State Tracking | 阅读笔记:NBT框架,理解Belief state和tracking的好文 | Young et al,2017

  3. Latent Intention Dialogue Models | 阅读笔记:离散潜在变量模型学习对话意图的框架 | Wen et al,2017

  4. Global-Locally Self-Attentive Dialogue State Tracker | 阅读笔记:全局-局部自注意力状态跟踪 | Zhong et al,2018

  5. Sequential Matching Network: A New Architecture for Multi-turn Response Selection in Retrieval-Based Chatbots | 阅读笔记:SMN检索式对话模型,多层多粒度提取信息 | Devlin et al,2018

  6. Multi-Turn Response Selection for Chatbots with Deep Attention Matching Network | 阅读笔记:DAM检索式对话模型,完全基于注意力机制的多层多粒度提取信息 | Xiangyang et al,2018

Speech | 语音系统

  1. A Comparative Study on Transformer vs RNN in Speech Applications | 阅读笔记:Transformer应用在语音领域上与RNN对比的论文,并在ESPnet上面开源了模型代码 | Nanxin et al,2019

  2. Neural Speech Synthesis with Transformer Network | 阅读笔记:本文受Transformer启发,使用多头自注意力机制取代Tacotron2中的RNN结构和原始注意力机制。 | Naihan et al,2018

  3. Tacotron: A Fully End-To-End Text-To-Speech Synthesis Model | 阅读笔记:Tacotron,端到端的语音合成系统 | Yuxuan et al,2017

  4. Natural TTS Synthesis By Conditioning Wavenet On Mel Spectrogram Predictions | 阅读笔记:Tacotron2,相较于Tacotron有着更好的性能,使用WaveNet作为Vocoder | Jonathan et al,2017

  5. Attention-Based Models for Speech Recognition:Tacotron2使用的Location Sensitive Attention | Chorowski et al,2015

  6. Syllable-Based Sequence-to-Sequence Speech Recognition with the Transformer in Mandarin Chinese:使用Transformer应用在普通话语音识别,数据集是HKUST datasets | Shiyu et al,2018

Dataset | 数据集

  1. CrossWOZ: A Large-Scale Chinese Cross-Domain Task-Oriented Dialogue Dataset | 阅读笔记:第一个大规模的中文跨域任务导向对话数据集 | Qi Zhu et al,2020

  2. MultiWOZ 2.2: A Dialogue Dataset with Additional Annotation Corrections and State Tracking Baselines | 阅读笔记:MultiWOZ是一个著名的面向任务的对话数据集,被广泛用作对话状态跟踪的基准,MultiWOZ 2.2是目前最新版本 | Zang et al,2020

  3. The Second Dialog State Tracking Challenge:DSTC系列语料是专门用于对话状态跟踪的,非常经典,不过它的官网貌似无用了 | Henderson et al,2014

  4. MuTual: A Dataset for Multi-Turn Dialogue Reasoning | 阅读笔记:MuTual 数据集,用于针对性地评测模型在多轮对话中的推理能力 | L Cui et al,2020

  5. The Ubuntu Dialogue Corpus: A Large Dataset for Research in Unstructured Multi-Turn Dialogue Systems:Ubuntu 非结构化多轮对话数据集 | Ryan Lowe et al,2015

Evaluate | 评估


Deep Learning | 深度学习

  1. Layer Normalization | 阅读笔记:层归一化方法,针对Batch Normalization的改进 | Jimmy et al,2016

  2. Scheduled Sampling for Transformers | 阅读笔记:在Transformer应用Scheduled Sampling | Mihaylova et al,2019

  3. Self-Attention with Relative Position Representations | 阅读笔记:对Transformer里面用到的位置编码进行讨论,对自注意力进行改造,从而使用相对位置编码代替硬位置编码 | Mihaylova et al,2019

  4. ProjectionNet: Learning Efficient On-Device Deep Networks Using Neural Projections | 阅读笔记:一种叫ProjectionNet的联合框架,可以为不同机器学习模型架构训练轻量的设备端模型。 | Google et al,2017

  5. Massive Exploration of Neural Machine Translation Architectures | 阅读笔记:展示了以NMT架构超参数为例的首次大规模分析,实验为构建和扩展NMT体系结构带来了新颖的见解和实用建议。 | Denny et al,2017


  7. Effective Approaches to Attention-based Neural Machine Translation:Luong Attention的原文 | Luong et al,2015

  8. Batch Normalization: Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing Internal Covariate Shift | 阅读笔记:经典的Batch Normalization原论文 | Sergey et al,2015

  9. How Does Batch Normalization Help Optimization?:讨论Batch Normalization是如何帮助优化器工作的,主要结论是BN层能够让损失函数更加平滑 | Shibani et al,2018

  10. An empirical analysis of the optimization of deep network loss surfaces:论文中得出一个结论,即Batch Normalization更有利于梯度下降 | Shibani et al,2018

  11. Weight Normalization: A Simple Reparameterization to Accelerate Training of Deep Neural Networks:Weight Normalization是一种在权值维度上进行归一化的方法 | Tim Salimans et al,2016

  12. Cosine Normalization: Using Cosine Similarity Instead of Dot Product in Neural Networks:Cosine Normalization是一种将unbounded的向量点积换成夹角余弦操作,从而进行归一化的方法 | Luo Chunjie et al, 2017

  13. Group Normalization:Group Normalization是将输入的通道分成较小的子组,并根据其均值和方差归一化这些值 | Yuxin Wu et al,2018

  14. Instance Normalization:The Missing Ingredient for Fast Stylization:Instance Normalization是一种不受限于批量大小的算法专门用于Texture Network中的生成器网络 | Dmitry Ulyanov et al,2016

  15. Convolutional Neural Networks at Constrained Time Cost:针对卷积网络很好地概述了计算成本以及深度,过滤器尺寸之间的权衡 | Kaiming He et al,2014

  16. Learning both Weights and Connections for Efficient Neural Networks:有一张表格,其中列出了计算与内存访问的相对成本,除此之外还讨论了怎么精简神经网络 | Song Han et al,2015

  17. Consistency of a Recurrent Language Model With Respect to Incomplete Decoding | 阅读笔记:讨论Seq2Seq模型解码停不下来的原因 | Sean Welleck et al,2020

  18. A Theoretical Analysis of the Repetition Problem in Text Generation | 阅读笔记:讨论Seq2Seq模型解码重复生成的原因 | Zihao Fu et al,2020

Machine Learning | 机器学习

  1. Optimal Whitening and Decorrelation:提供五种白化方法的数学证明 | Agnan Kessy et al,2015

  2. Covariate Shift: A Review and Analysis on Classifiers | 阅读笔记:通过几种分类算法,在四种不同的数据集下验证几种方法处理Covariate Shift问题后的性能分析 | Geeta et al,2019

  3. An overview of gradient descent optimization algorithms | 阅读笔记:对当前主流的梯度下降算法进行概述 | Sebastian Ruder et al,2016









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