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This is a theoretical project. If someone would want to download movies and tv shows using torrents through a VPN connection to avoid being observed by the Watchers, this bash script and instructions would come in handy.

This is a work in progress. The current version works but is under heavy development, so expect many changes and/or bugs.


There are some other bash or python scripts out there but this one is mine. I was never happy with other scripts or programs like couchpotato or sickbeard or similars, so I just put together (stole) some great tools and ideas and made them work to my liking.

This was programmed and tested using FreeNAS 9.10. There are plans to containerize everything with Docker and make it even easier to deploy (provided that your platform supports Docker).

This project tries to address the following problems:

  • Add torrents on the go
  • Check status on the go
  • Receive some kind of notification when download is available
  • Automatically separate movies and tvshows and clean names
  • Automatically remove torrent from list when finished
  • Keep seeding until ratio is achieved BUT make it available as soon as it is 100% downloaded

Why bash?

Bash is my hammer and everything seems to be a nail waiting to be hammered with my bash-hammer. The polite excuse here could be that I wanted it to work on as many systems as possible without too many installation hassle i.e. Python and its versions/modules/packages, C libraries and compiling problems or PHP/Perl modules for example.

What it does

It relies on transmission as a torrent client, rclone and your preferred cloud service to add torrents on the go, filebot for renaming and classifying, telegram-bash-bot for notifications and of course bash.

This is how the data flows:

  • Out of a sudden someone talks to you about this great movie: "Braineaters Olympics" You go to your or wherever you look for torrents
  • And there it is, a nice pristine sparks, evo or whatever 1080p release in 4,6 or 9GB size, you name it. You click on limetorrents, kat or any torrent indexer and download the torrent file to a specific Dropbox folder.
  • That folder is configured to be monitorized for changes by the torrentwatcher.
  • Torrentwatcher detects the new file and adds it to transmission notifying you per Telegram.
  • As soon as the movie is downloaded, filebot processes and copies it to the movies folder, also notifying you.
  • Transmission keeps seeding until ratio is achieved.
  • When the torrent reaches the configured ratio, torrentwatcher removes the torrent from the list deleting also the data on disk.
  • There is also an alternative Dropbox folder for "other" stuff: programs, games, Ubuntu ISOs or whatever the people download these days (not me!). That folder will not be processed by filebot and the torrent must be deleted manually.


There is no installation. Just run it!! ... I'm kidding, of course there is no installation as this is a bash script, but there are some (many) requirements.


I'm giving up with this docker-everything nonsense. I mean, it's just a bash script. Granted there are some dependencies, but I can't justify to maintain a docker version. Also, this is intended for Raspis and the like where every inch of performance and disk space counts. The docker files are still there for historical reasons and reference but I will eventually delete them. Also, I found dramatic decrease in the download speed for transmission when using docker and openvpn. I tried some different configs with --privileged and --cap-add but ended giving up for lack of time.


Install following packages:

  • bash version 4.2+
  • transmission
  • rclone
  • openvpn
  • geoip
  • openjdk (version 8 at the time of writing)
  • bind-tools
  • wget
  • tmux (for telegram-bot)
  • libmediainfo
  • mediainfo


You need to configure the folders where the torrents will be downloaded to, copied to after download, etc.


Manages a torrent client making sure vpn is up








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