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The following vignette complements this page: Recommendations for Using summarytools With Rmarkdown

What is summarytools?

summarytools is an R package providing tools to neatly and quickly summarize data. It can also make R a little easier to learn and use. Four functions are at the core of the package:

  • freq() : frequency tables with proportions, cumulative proportions and missing data information.
  • ctable() : cross-tabulations between two factors or any discrete data, with total, rows or columns proportions, as well as marginal totals.
  • descr() : descriptive (univariate) statistics for numerical vectors.
  • dfSummary() : Extensive data frame summaries that facilitate data cleaning and firsthand evaluation.

An emphasis has been put on both what and how results are presented, so that the package can serve both as a data exploration and reporting tool, which can be used either on its own for minimal reports, or along with larger sets of tools such as RStudio’s for rmarkdown, and knitr.

Building on the strengths of pander and htmltools, the outputs produced by summarytools can be:

  • Displayed in plain text in the R console (default behaviour)
  • Used in Rmardown documents and knitted along with other text and R output
  • Written to html files that fire up in RStudio’s Viewer pane or in your system’s default browser
  • Written to plain text files / Rmarkdown text files

Some people have successfully included some of the package’s functions in shiny apps, too!

Latest News

summarytools' dataframe summaries are now part of radiant, an outstanding Shiny App for Business analytics that I highly recommend.

How to install

To benefit from all the latests fixes, install it from GitHub:


To install the most recent version on the R-CRAN repository:


For enthusiastic users willig to contribute to summarytools’ development, I encourage you to go for the development version, which is the most up-to-date, but also a work-in-progress. Bugs may show up, but if you report them I can generally fix them quickly.

install_github('dcomtois/summarytools', ref='dev-current')

You can see the source code and documentation on the official R site here.

Four Core Functions

1 - freq() : Frequency Tables

The freq() function generates a table of frequencies with counts and proportions. Since this page use markdown rendering, we’ll set style = 'rmarkdown' to take advantage of it.

freq(iris$Species, style = "rmarkdown")


Variable: iris$Species
Type: Factor (unordered)

Freq % Valid % Valid Cum. % Total % Total Cum.
setosa 50 33.33 33.33 33.33 33.33
versicolor 50 33.33 66.67 33.33 66.67
virginica 50 33.33 100.00 33.33 100.00
<NA> 0 0.00 100.00
Total 150 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

If we do not worry about missing data, we can set report.nas = FALSE:

freq(iris$Species, report.nas = FALSE, style = "rmarkdown", omit.headings = TRUE)
Freq % % Cum.
setosa 50 33.33 33.33
versicolor 50 33.33 66.67
virginica 50 33.33 100.00
Total 150 100.00 100.00

We could furthermore omit the Totals row by setting totals = FALSE.

2 - ctable() : Cross-Tabulations

We’ll now use a sample data frame called tobacco, which is included in the package. We want to cross-tabulate the two categorical variables smoker and diseased. By default, ctable() gives row proportions, but we’ll include the full syntax anyway.

Since markdown has not support (yet) for multi-line headings, we’ll show an image of the resulting html table.

with(tobacco, view(ctable(smoker, diseased)))

Example of ctable() output

Notice that instead of ctable(tobacco$smoker, tobacco$diseased, ...), we used the with() function, making the syntax less redundant.

It is possible to display column, total, or no proportions at all. We can also omit the marginal totals to have a simple 2 x 2 table.

     print(ctable(smoker, diseased, prop = 'n', totals = FALSE),
           omit.headings = TRUE, method = 'render'))











3 - descr() : Descriptive Univariate Stats

The descr() function generates common central tendency statistics and measures of dispersion for numerical data. It can handle single vectors as well as data frames, in which case it just ignores non-numerical columns (and displays a message to that effect).

descr(iris, style = "rmarkdown")
## Non-numerical variable(s) ignored: Species

Descriptive Statistics

Data Frame: iris
N: 150

Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width
Mean 5.84 3.06 3.76 1.20
Std.Dev 0.83 0.44 1.77 0.76
Min 4.30 2.00 1.00 0.10
Q1 5.10 2.80 1.60 0.30
Median 5.80 3.00 4.35 1.30
Q3 6.40 3.30 5.10 1.80
Max 7.90 4.40 6.90 2.50
MAD 1.04 0.44 1.85 1.04
IQR 1.30 0.50 3.50 1.50
CV 0.14 0.14 0.47 0.64
Skewness 0.31 0.31 -0.27 -0.10
SE.Skewness 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20
Kurtosis -0.61 0.14 -1.42 -1.36
N.Valid 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00
Pct.Valid 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Transposing and selecting only the stats you need

If your eyes/brain prefer seeing things the other way around, just use transpose = TRUE. Here, we also select only the statistics we wish to see, and specify omit.headings = TRUE to avoid reprinting the same information as above.

descr(iris, stats = c("mean", "sd", "min", "med", "max"), transpose = TRUE, 
      omit.headings = TRUE, style = "rmarkdown")
## Non-numerical variable(s) ignored: Species
Mean Std.Dev Min Median Max
Sepal.Length 5.84 0.83 4.30 5.80 7.90
Sepal.Width 3.06 0.44 2.00 3.00 4.40
Petal.Length 3.76 1.77 1.00 4.35 6.90
Petal.Width 1.20 0.76 0.10 1.30 2.50

4 - dfSummary() : Data Frame Summaries

dfSummary() collects information about all variables in a data frame and displays it in a singe, legible table.


With the following tiny bit of code, we’ll generate a summary report for the iris data frame and have it displayed in RStudio’s Viewer pane:

# Load the package

# Generate the summary

Example of dfSummary Output displayed in RStudio’s viewer

It is also possible to use dfSummary() in Rmarkdown documents. In this next example, note that due to rmarkdown compatibility issues, histograms are not shown. We’re working on this. Further down, we’ll see how tu use html rendering to go around this problem.

dfSummary(tobacco, plain.ascii = FALSE, style = "grid")

Data Frame Summary

N: 1000

No Variable Stats / Values Freqs (% of Valid) Text Graph Valid Missing
1 gender
1. F
2. M
489 (50.0%)
489 (50.0%)
2 age
mean (sd) : 49.6 (18.29)
min < med < max :
18 < 50 < 80
IQR (CV) : 32 (0.37)
63 distinct values 975
1. 18-34
2. 35-50
3. 51-70
4. 71 +
258 (26.5%)
241 (24.7%)
317 (32.5%)
159 (16.3%)
mean (sd) : 25.73 (4.49)
min < med < max :
8.83 < 25.62 < 39.44
IQR (CV) : 5.72 (0.17)
974 distinct values 974
5 smoker
1. Yes
2. No
298 (29.8%)
702 (70.2%)
mean (sd) : 6.78 (11.88)
min < med < max :
0 < 0 < 40
IQR (CV) : 11 (1.75)
37 distinct values 965
7 diseased
1. Yes
2. No
224 (22.4%)
776 (77.6%)
8 disease
1. Hypertension
2. Cancer
3. Cholesterol
4. Heart
5. Pulmonary
6. Musculoskeletal
7. Diabetes
8. Hearing
9. Digestive
10. Hypotension
[ 3 others ]
36 (16.2%)
34 (15.3%)
21 ( 9.5%)
20 ( 9.0%)
20 ( 9.0%)
19 ( 8.6%)
14 ( 6.3%)
14 ( 6.3%)
12 ( 5.4%)
11 ( 5.0%)
21 ( 9.4%)
9 samp.wgts
mean (sd) : 1 (0.08)
min < med < max :
0.86 < 1.04 < 1.06
IQR (CV) : 0.19 (0.08)
0.86!: 267 (26.7%)
1.04!: 249 (24.9%)
1.05!: 324 (32.4%)
1.06!: 160 (16.0%)
! rounded


The print() and view() Functions

summarytools has a generic print method, print.summarytools(). By default, its method argument is set to 'pander'. One of the ways in which view() is useful is that we can use it to easily display html outputs in RStudio’s Viewer. In this case, the view() function simply acts as a wrapper around the generic print() function, specifying the method = 'viewer' for us. When used outside RStudio, the method falls back on 'browser' and the report is fired up in the system’s default browser.

Using by() to Show Results By Groups

With freq() and descr(), you can use R’s base function by() to show statistics split by a ventilation / categorical variable. R’s by() function returns a list containing as many summarytools objects as there are categories in our ventilation variable.

To propertly display the content present in that list, we use the view() function. Using print(), while technically possible, will not give as much satisfactory results.


Using the iris data frame, we will display descriptive statistics broken down by Species.

# First save the results
iris_stats_by_species <- by(data = iris, 
                            INDICES = iris$Species, 
                            FUN = descr, stats = c("mean", "sd", "min", "med", "max"), 
                            transpose = TRUE)
# Then use view(), like so:
view(iris_stats_by_species, method = "pander", style = "rmarkdown")

Descriptive Statistics

Data Frame: iris
Group: Species = setosa
N: 50

Mean Std.Dev Min Median Max
Sepal.Length 5.01 0.35 4.30 5.00 5.80
Sepal.Width 3.43 0.38 2.30 3.40 4.40
Petal.Length 1.46 0.17 1.00 1.50 1.90
Petal.Width 0.25 0.11 0.10 0.20 0.60

Group: Species = versicolor
N: 50

Mean Std.Dev Min Median Max
Sepal.Length 5.94 0.52 4.90 5.90 7.00
Sepal.Width 2.77 0.31 2.00 2.80 3.40
Petal.Length 4.26 0.47 3.00 4.35 5.10
Petal.Width 1.33 0.20 1.00 1.30 1.80

Group: Species = virginica
N: 50

Mean Std.Dev Min Median Max
Sepal.Length 6.59 0.64 4.90 6.50 7.90
Sepal.Width 2.97 0.32 2.20 3.00 3.80
Petal.Length 5.55 0.55 4.50 5.55 6.90
Petal.Width 2.03 0.27 1.40 2.00 2.50

To see an html version of these results, we’d simply do this (results not shown):


Special Case - Using descr() With by() For A Single Variable

Instead of showing several tables having only one column each, the view() function will assemble the results into a single table:

BMI_by_age <- with(tobacco, 
                   by(BMI,, descr, 
                      stats = c("mean", "sd", "min", "med", "max")))
view(BMI_by_age, "pander", style = "rmarkdown")

Descriptive Statistics

Variable: tobacco$BMI by

18-34 35-50 51-70 71 +
Mean 23.84 25.11 26.91 27.45
Std.Dev 4.23 4.34 4.26 4.37
Min 8.83 10.35 9.01 16.36
Median 24.04 25.11 26.77 27.52
Max 34.84 39.44 39.21 38.37

The transposed version looks like this:

BMI_by_age <- with(tobacco, 
                   by(BMI,, descr,  transpose = TRUE,
                      stats = c("mean", "sd", "min", "med", "max")))
view(BMI_by_age, "pander", style = "rmarkdown", omit.headings = TRUE)
Mean Std.Dev Min Median Max
18-34 23.84 4.23 8.83 24.04 34.84
35-50 25.11 4.34 10.35 25.11 39.44
51-70 26.91 4.26 9.01 26.77 39.21
71 + 27.45 4.37 16.36 27.52 38.37

Using lapply() to Show Several freq() tables at once

As is the case for by(), the view() function is essential for making results nice and tidy.

tobacco_subset <- tobacco[ ,c("gender", "", "smoker")]
freq_tables <- lapply(tobacco_subset, freq)
view(freq_tables, footnote = NA, file = 'freq-tables.html')

Using summarytools in Rmarkdown documents

As we have seen, summarytools can generate both text (including rmarkdown) and html results. Both can be used in Rmarkdown, according to your preferences. The vignette mentionned at the top of this page is dedicated to showing examples, but if you’re in a hurry, here are a few tips to get started:

  • Always set the knitr chunk option results = 'asis'. You can do this on a chunk-by-chunk basis, but here is how to do it globally:
    knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, results = 'asis')

        Refer to this page for more on knitr’s options.

  • To get better results when using html (with method = 'render'), set up your .Rmd document so it includes summarytool’s css.


# ---
# title: "RMarkdown using summarytools"
# output: 
#   html_document: 
#     css: C:/R/win-library/3.4/summarytools/includes/stylesheets/summarytools.css
# ---

# ```{r, results='asis'}
# library(summarytools)  
# freq(tobacco$smoker, style='rmarkdown')  
# print(dfSummary(tobacco, style = 'grid', plain.ascii = FALSE, graph.magnif = 0.85), 
#       method = 'render', omit.headings = TRUE)
# ```

Example of rendered output

Writing Output to Files

The console will always tell you the location of the temporary html file that is created in the process. However, you can specify the name and location of that file explicitly if you need to reuse it later on:

view(iris_stats_by_species, file = "~/iris_stats_by_species.html")

Based on the file extension you provide (.html vs others), summarytools will use the appropriate method; there is no need to specify the method argument.

Appending output files

There is also an append = logical argument for adding content to existing reports, both text/Rmarkdown and html. This is useful if you want to quickly include several statistical tables in a single file. It is fast alternative to creating an .Rmd document if you don’t need the extra content that the latter allows.

Global options

Version 0.8.3 introduced the following set of global options:

  • round.digits = 2
  • plain.ascii = TRUE
  • omit.headings = FALSE (if using in a markdown document or a shiny app, setting this to TRUE might be preferable
  • footnote = 'default' (set to empty string or NA to omit footnote)
  • display.labels = TRUE
  • freq.totals = TRUE
  • freq.display.nas = TRUE
  • ctable.totals = TRUE
  • ctable.prop = 'r' (display row proportions by default)
  • descr.stats = 'all'
  • descr.transpose = FALSE
  • bootstrap.css = TRUE (if using in a markdown document or a shiny app, setting this to FALSE might be preferable
  • custom.css = NA
  • escape.pipe = FALSE


st_options()                      # display all global options' values
st_options('round.digits')        # display only one option
st_options('omit.headings', TRUE) # change an option's value
st_options('footnote', NA)        # Turn off the footnote on all outputs.
                                  # This option was used prior to generating
                                  # the present document.

Overriding formatting attributes

When a summarytools object is stored, its formatting attributes are stored with it. However, you can override most of them when using the print() and view() functions.


age_stats <- freq(tobacco$  # age_stats contains a regular output for freq 
                                   # including headings, NA counts, and Totals
print(age_stats, style = "rmarkdown", report.nas = FALSE, 
                 totals = FALSE, omit.headings = TRUE)
Freq % % Cum.
18-34 258 26.46 26.46
35-50 241 24.72 51.18
51-70 317 32.51 83.69
71 + 159 16.31 100.00

Note that the omitted attributes are stil part of the age_stats object.

Order of Priority for Options / Parameters

  1. Options over-ridden explicitly with print() or view() have precendence
  2. options specified as explicit arguments to freq() / ctable() / descr() / dfSummary() come second
  3. Global options, which can be set with st_options, come third

Customizing looks with CSS

Version 0.8 of summarytools uses RStudio’s htmltools package and version 4 of Bootstrap’s cascading stylesheets.

It is possible to include your own css if you wish to customize the look of the output tables. See the documentation for the package’s print.summarytools() function for details, but here is a quick example to give you the gist of it.


Say you need to make the font size really, really small. For this, you
create a CSS file - let’s call it “custom.css” - containing the following class:

.table-condensed {
  font-size: 8px;

Then, to apply it to a summarytools object and display it in your browser:

view(dfSummary(tobacco), custom.css = 'path/to/custom.css', 
     table.classes = 'table-condensed')

To display a smaller table that is not that smaller, you can use the provided css class st-small.

Working with shiny apps

To include summarytools functions into shiny apps, it is recommended that you:

  • set bootstrap.css to FALSE to avoid interacting with the app’s layout
  • adjust the size of the graphs in dfSummary()
  • omit headings


print(dfSummary(somedata, graph.magnif = 0.8), 
      method = 'render',
      omit.headings = TRUE,
      bootstrap.css = FALSE)

Final notes

The package comes with no guarantees. It is a work in progress and feedback / feature requests are welcome. Just send me an email (dominic.comtois (at), or open an Issue if you find a bug.

Also, the package grew significantly larger, and maintaining it all by myself is time consuming. If you would like to contribute, please get in touch, I’d greatly appreciate the help.


R Package for quickly and neatly summarizing vectors and dataframes







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  • R 98.0%
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