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My first react-app Weather 🚀


The weather app shows the weather forecast for 7 days

Displays: day of the week, date, month, temperature, humidity, 
chance of rain and the type of day (sunny, cloudy, rainy)

By default, the weather for today is selected, but the user has the ability to switch 
the day by clicking on another day at the bottom of the page

The application can filter days according to specified criteria.
(Day type: cloudy or rainy, minimum temperature, maximum temperature)

Using MobX, React Query(for api), date-fns (for date) 

1.To install dependencies, run:

# or
npm i

2. To start the project, run:

yarn dev
# or
npm run dev

3. To build the project run:

yarn build
# or
npm run build

4. To run the project in production mode, run:

yarn build && yarn start  
# or
npm run build && npm run start