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A bioinformatics pipeline for double digest RAD-seq analysis with support for running pipeline stages on a distributed compute cluster.

radpipe is based on the Ruffus pipeline library and predominantly uses the Stacks software suite for the RAD-seq processing steps.



It is recommended you install radpipe in a virtual environment. For example,

cd /place/to/install
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 radpipe_venv
source radpipe_venv/bin/activate
pip install -U git+
pip install -U git+


Set DRMAA path

If you're using the pipeline on a cluster with a job scheduling system, you'll need to tell the cluster where your DRMAA library is with DRMAA_LIBRARY_PATH.


Configuration file

Running the pipeline requires a configuration file. You can find an example config file in example/pipeline.config.

Dry run

Print out steps the pipeline will run with -n. Specify the target task the pipeline will complete with --target_tasks. Valid target tasks are listed in the Stages section below.

radpipe \
    --config pipeline.config \
    --verbose 3 \
    --target_tasks multiqc_fastqc \

Running the pipeline

Run the pipeline, allowing multiple jobs to be submitted to the queue with --jobs and --use_threads.

radpipe \
    --config pipeline.config \
    --verbose 3 \
    --log_file radpipe.log \
    --target_tasks multiqc_fastqc \
    --jobs 4 \

Help message

$ radpipe --help
usage: radpipe [-h] [--verbose [VERBOSE]] [-L FILE] [-T JOBNAME] [-j N]
               [--use_threads] [-n] [--touch_files_only] [--recreate_database]
               [--checksum_file_name FILE] [--flowchart FILE]
               [--key_legend_in_graph] [--draw_graph_horizontally]
               [--flowchart_format FORMAT] [--forced_tasks JOBNAME]
               [--config CONFIG] [--jobscripts JOBSCRIPTS] [--version]

RAD-Seq pipeline

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --config CONFIG       Pipeline configuration file in YAML format, defaults
                        to pipeline.config
  --jobscripts JOBSCRIPTS
                        Directory to store cluster job scripts created by the
                        pipeline, defaults to jobscripts
  --version             show program's version number and exit

Common options:
  --verbose [VERBOSE], -v [VERBOSE]
                        Print more verbose messages for each additional
                        verbose level.
  -L FILE, --log_file FILE
                        Name and path of log file

pipeline arguments:
  -T JOBNAME, --target_tasks JOBNAME
                        Target task(s) of pipeline.
  -j N, --jobs N        Allow N jobs (commands) to run simultaneously.
  --use_threads         Use multiple threads rather than processes. Needs
                        --jobs N with N > 1
  -n, --just_print      Don't actually run any commands; just print the
  --touch_files_only    Don't actually run any commands; just 'touch' the
                        output for each task to make them appear up to date.
  --recreate_database   Don't actually run any commands; just recreate the
                        checksum database.
  --checksum_file_name FILE
                        Path of the checksum file.
  --flowchart FILE      Don't run any commands; just print pipeline as a
                        Print out legend and key for dependency graph.
                        Draw horizontal dependency graph.
  --flowchart_format FORMAT
                        format of dependency graph file. Can be 'svg', 'svgz',
                        'png', 'jpg', 'psd', 'tif', 'eps', 'pdf', or 'dot'.
                        Defaults to the file name extension of --flowchart
  --forced_tasks JOBNAME
                        Task(s) which will be included even if they are up to

How to kill a running pipeline

If you want to kill a running pipeline that is running in cluster mode, and ^C isn't killing the pipeline process, you will need to cancel all individual pipeline jobs in the system. On SLURM, you can cancel your jobs with scancel <job_id>. If all your jobs are from radpipe, you can cancel all jobs submitted with scancel --user=<your_username>.


  • fastqc: Runs FastQC on raw sequencing files and outputs to results/qc/fastqc/.
  • multiqc_fastqc: Runs MultiQC on FastQC outputs and outputs to results/qc/.
  • process_radtags: Runs Stacks process_radtags to demux samples and outputs to results/sample_radtags/.
  • build_index: Builds index for the reference FASTA file for either bwa or bowtie and stores indices in results/ref/.
  • alignment: Aligns FASTQ files with either bwa or bowtie and outputs BAMs to results/alignments/.
  • sort_bam: Sorts BAM files by coordinate and generates indices. Outputs to results/alignments/.
  • filter_bam: Optional step to filter BAM files using Samtools view. Outputs to results/alignments/.
  • flagstat: Runs Samtools flagstat on the final BAM files and outputs to results/qc/flagstat/.
  • multiqc_flagstat: Runs MultiQC on the flagstat outputs and outputs to results/qc/.
  • gstacks: Runs Stacks gstacks on sorted BAMs and outputs to results/gstacks/.
  • populations: Runs Stacks populations and outputs to results/populations/.

You can also generate a flowchart image with the --flowchart option.

radpipe \
    --config pipeline.config \
    --target_tasks populations,multiqc_fastqc,multiqc_flagstat \
    --flowchart_format png \
    --flowchart radpipe.png


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