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Part 6: collision detection "player vs snowball"
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calculating the collision based on distance between the centre point
player sprite and snowball (not pixel-level collision masking individual
pixels of sprites, just two "virtual circles", when overlap = collision)
  • Loading branch information
ped7g committed Feb 6, 2020
1 parent a391dc1 commit fe6ce5e
Showing 1 changed file with 127 additions and 6 deletions.
133 changes: 127 additions & 6 deletions SpecBong.asm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -125,10 +125,10 @@ UploadSpritePatternsLoop:
dec a
jr nz,UploadSpritePatternsLoop ; do 64 patterns

; init 32 snowballs and one player - the in-memory copy of sprite attributes
; init SNOWBALLS_CNT snowballs and one player - the in-memory copy of sprite attributes
; init them at some debug positions, they just fly around mindlessly
ld ix,SprSnowballs ; IX = address of first snowball sprite
ld b,SNOWBALLS_CNT ; define all of them
ld b,SNOWBALLS_CNT-1 ; define all of them except last one
ld hl,0 ; HL will generate X positions
ld e,32 ; E will generate Y positions
ld d,$80 + 52 ; visible sprite + snowball pattern (52, second is 53)
Expand All @@ -152,6 +152,12 @@ InitBallsLoop:
add ix,de
pop de
djnz InitBallsLoop
; init the last snowball for testing collisions code (will just stand near bottom)
ld (ix+S_SPRITE_4B_ATTR.x),100
ld (ix+S_SPRITE_4B_ATTR.y),192
ld (ix+S_SPRITE_4B_ATTR.mrx8),0
ld (ix+S_SPRITE_4B_ATTR.vpat),d

; init player at debug position
ld ix,SprPlayer
ld (ix+S_SPRITE_4B_ATTR.x),32+16 ; near left of paper area
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -196,10 +202,119 @@ GameLoop:
call ReadInputDevices
call Player1MoveByControls
call SnowballvsPlayerCollision

; do the GameLoop infinitely
jr GameLoop

; Part 6 - writing + testing the collision detection player vs snowball (only player vs balls)
; because only player vs balls is checked, there's no smart optimization like "buckets"
; sorting first sprites into groups which may interact, etc... just simple O(N) loop
; checking every ball against player position
; (BTW I did use +-1px player movement to debug the collision code, if you are wondering)
; green border: to measure the collisions code performance
ld a,5
out (ULA_P_FE),a
; read player position into registers
ld ix,SprPlayer
ld l,(ix+S_SPRITE_4B_ATTR.x)
ld h,(ix+S_SPRITE_4B_ATTR.mrx8)
; "normalize" X coordinate to have coordinate system 0,0 .. 255,191 (PAPER area)
; and to have coordinates of centre of player sprite (+7,+7)
; It's more code (worse performance), but data will fit into 8bit => less registers
add hl,-32+7 ; X normalized, it fits 8bit now (H will be reused)
ld a,(ix+S_SPRITE_4B_ATTR.y)
add a,-32+8
ld h,a ; Y normalized, HL = [x,y] of player for tests
; init IY to point to specialFX dynamic part of sprites displaying collision effect
ld iy,SprCollisionFx
ld ix,SprSnowballs
ld bc,SNOWBALLS_CNT<<8 ; B = snowballs count, C = 0 (collisions counter)
; the collision detection will use circle formula (x*x+y*y=r*r), but we will first reject
; the fine-calculation by box-check, player must be +-15px (cetre vs centre) near ball
; to do the fine centres distance test (16*16=256 => overflow in the simplified MUL logic)
; read and normalize snowball pos X
ld e,(ix+S_SPRITE_4B_ATTR.x)
ld d,(ix+S_SPRITE_4B_ATTR.mrx8)
add de,-32+7 ; DE = normalized X (only E will be used later)
rr d ; check x8
jr c,.skipCollisionCheck ; ignore balls outside of 0..255 positions (half of ball visible at most)
ld a,(ix+S_SPRITE_4B_ATTR.y)
add a,-32+7+3 ; snowball sprites is only in bottom 11px of 16x16 -> +3 shift
jr nc,.skipCollisionCheck ; this ball is too high in the border (just partially visible), ignore it
sub h ; A = dY = ball.Y - player.Y
; reject deltas which are too big
ld d,a
add a,15
cp 31
jr nc,.skipCollisionCheck ; deltaY is more than +-15 pixels, ignore it
ld a,e
sub l ; A = dX = ball.X - player.X
; check also X delta for -16..+15 range
add a,15
cp 31
jr nc,.skipCollisionCheck
sub 15
; both deltas are -16..+15, use the dX*dX + dY*dY to check the distance between sprites
; the 2D distance will in this case work quite well, because snowballs are like circle
; So no need to do pixel-masks collision
ld e,d
mul de ; E = dY * dY (low 8 bits are correct for negative dY)
ld d,a
ld a,e
ld e,d
mul de ; E = dX * dX
add a,e
jr c,.skipCollisionCheck ; dY*dY + dX*dX is 256+ -> no collision
cp (6+5)*(6+5) ; check against radius 6+5px, if less -> collision
; 6px is snowball radius, 5px is the player radius, being a bit benevolent (a lot)
jr nc,.skipCollisionCheck
; collision detected, create new effectFx sprite at the snowbal possition
inc c ; collision counter
ld e,(ix+S_SPRITE_4B_ATTR.x) ; copy the data from snowball sprite
ld a,(ix+S_SPRITE_4B_ATTR.y)
add a,2 ; +2 down
ld d,(ix+S_SPRITE_4B_ATTR.mrx8)
ld (iy+S_SPRITE_4B_ATTR.x),e
ld (iy+S_SPRITE_4B_ATTR.y),a
ld (iy+S_SPRITE_4B_ATTR.mrx8),d
ld (iy+S_SPRITE_4B_ATTR.vpat),$80 + 61 ; pattern 61 + visible
add iy,de ; advance collisionFx sprite ptr
; next snowball, do them all
add ix,de
djnz .snowballLoop
; clear the old collisionFx sprites from previous frame
ld a,(CollisionFxCount)
sub c
jr c,.noFxToRemove
jr z,.noFxToRemove
ld b,a ; fx sprites to make invisible
ld (iy+S_SPRITE_4B_ATTR.vpat),d ; DE = 4 -> D=0
add iy,de
djnz .removeFxLoop
ld a,c
ld (CollisionFxCount),a ; remember new amount of collision FX sprites
; also modify players palette offset by count of collisions (for fun)
and $F0
ld c,a
ld ix,SprPlayer
ld a,(ix+S_SPRITE_4B_ATTR.mrx8)
and $0F
or c
ld (ix+S_SPRITE_4B_ATTR.mrx8),a

; "AI" subroutines

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -290,7 +405,7 @@ Player1MoveByControls:
ld ix,SprSnowballs
ld b,SNOWBALLS_CNT-1 ; move all of them except last
; HL = current X coordinate (9 bit)
ld l,(ix+S_SPRITE_4B_ATTR.x)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -406,6 +521,8 @@ WaitForScanlineUnderUla:

TotalFrames: ; count frames for purposes of slower animations/etc
DD 0
CollisionFxCount: ; count the dynamically created extra FX sprites displaying collision
DB 0

; bits encoding inputs as Kempston/MD:
Expand All @@ -420,11 +537,15 @@ Sprites:
; "S_SPRITE_4B_ATTR" works as "sizeof(STRUCT), in this case it equals to 4

; the later sprites are drawn above the earlier, current allocation:
; 0..31 will be used for snowballs, and sprite 32 for player
; adding symbols to point inside the memory reserved above
; SNOWBALLS_CNT will be used for snowballs
; next sprite for player
; then max SNOWBALLS_CNT are for collision sparks (will render above player) (FX sprite)

; adding symbols to point inside the Sprites memory reserved above
SprSnowballs: EQU Sprites + 0*S_SPRITE_4B_ATTR ; first snowball sprite at this address
SprPlayer: EQU Sprites + SNOWBALLS_CNT*S_SPRITE_4B_ATTR ; player sprite is here
SprCollisionFx: EQU SprPlayer + S_SPRITE_4B_ATTR

; reserve area for stack at $B800..$BFFF region
Expand Down

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