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Command line 2D png texture atlas generator. Uses MaxRects algorithm code borrowed from Use libvips for image processing as it's crazy fast



atlasbuilder --output=myoutputname input1.png input2.png

--help output

  atlasbuilder.exe [input-files...] {OPTIONS}



      -h, --help                        Display this help menu
      --output=[output]                 set output name
      -v, --version                     Output version number
      --output-width=[output-width]     set maximum output image width
      --output-height=[output-height]   set maximum output image height
      Enable or disable rotation:
        --rotation-enabled                Enable sub image rotation
        --rotation-disabled               Disable sub image rotation
      --rotation-anticlockwise          Rotate the sub images anti-clockwise
                                        instead of clockwise
      Enable or disable trim:
        --trim-enabled                    Enable sub image trimming
        --trim-disabled                   Disable sub image trimming
      Enable or disable scaling
      manifest values (defaults to
        --scale-manifest-enabled          if using a resolution other than 1,
                                          use scaled x,y,w,h values in the
        --scale-manifest-disabled         if using a resolution other than 1,
                                          use original x,y,w,h values in
      --fail-if-too-big                 fail build if the output-width and
                                        output-height will be exceeded
      --padding=[padding]               padding to insert between each sub image
                                        in atlas
                                        boundary-alignment to align each sub
                                        image in atlas
                                        boundary-alignment to align when
      --resolution=[resolution]         resolution to output (default is 1.0)
                                        format to output the JSON manifest,
                                        either 'hash', 'array' or 'legacy'
      --no-output-image                 Do not output the final image
      --no-output-json                  Do not output the final json manifest
      --resize-kernel=[resize-kernel]   Algorithm to use when resizing images.
                                        Either 'nearest', 'linear', 'cubic',
                                        'lanczos2' or 'lanczos3'
      --recursive                       When a directory is specified on the
                                        command line, traverse recursively
      input-files...                    Input files to process
      "--" can be used to terminate flag options and force all following
      arguments to be treated as positional options


building on windows

Download mingw-w64 (Get version 4.0.6:

During install: Architecture: x86_64 threads: posix exceptions: seh

Run "mingw32 Installation Manager"

mingw32-gcc-g++ mingw32-gmp mingw32-pthreads-w32

Installation -> Apply changes

Add C:\Program Files\mingw-w64\x86_64-6.2.0-posix-seh-rt_v5-rev1\mingw64\bin to PATH reboot run build-mingw-release.cmd or ming32-make win32-release

building on Mac

Make sure you have XCode installed and updated. If you don't, after the installation is completed, you'll need to open XCode once, accept the Terms & Conditions and then the building packages will be installed

After getting everything installed, just run

make mac-release

building on linux

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dhor/myway
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libvips-dev
sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev

make linux-release

running tests

make linux-test
ming32-make win32-test

build .deb file

sudo apt-get install checkinstall
make deb