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Philip Helger edited this page Dec 29, 2023 · 11 revisions

This project is available both as Java sources as well as in binary form on Maven central.


phoss SMP 7.0 and later require:

  • Java 11 or later
  • As application server Tomcat 10.1.x or Jetty 11.x and later

phoss SMP 5.x and 6.x require:

  • Java 1.8 or later
  • As application server Tomcat 8.5.x/9.x

Source releases

The sources of this project are completely hosted on GitHub. The HEAD revision is directly visible at phoss-smp GitHub page - just clone it and progress. The last released version and old versions are available on the GitHub releases page. See Building page for details on the source building process.

phoss SMP is developed under Windows and run on Linux, Windows and Mac.

Binary releases

Binary releases of the SMP server are available on GitHub releases page as well as on Maven Central:

The WAR file contains all relevant dependencies (JAR files) but requires Configuration!

Docker images

Default Docker images are available. information is available on the Docker page.