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Demos applications for main features in Ubiquity framework


Project Framework part Description Author
auth-project Authentification Adds basic authentification to Admin controller @jcheron
auth-acl-project Authentification and Acls Adds authentification with Acls @jcheron
acl-db-project Authentification and Acls with database Adds authentification with Acls in DB @jcheron
di-project Dependency injection Illustrates di mechanism @jcheron
richclient-project Rich-client Demo for phpMv-UI richclient library usage @jcheron
routes-project Router Manipulates the router @jcheron
translations-project Translations Manipulates translations @jcheron
oauth-project OAuth OAuth client testing @jcheron
sqlite-project Database Database with sqlite @jcheron
fileupload-project Components A file upload sample @jcheron
database-project Database Mysql database sample with obfuscated ids @jcheron
database-uuid-project Database Mysql database sample with ramsey uuids @jcheron

Further Reading / Useful Links