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Semantic Map for Indoor Positioning System


This project builds upon the Semantic SLAM repository by Xuan Zhang. It implements ROS nodes to match the semantic octomap frame to the floorplan frame, which can be found in the map_localiser package. The system will attempt to match coordinates in a supplied bitmap floorplan to coordinates in a semantic cloud. Addtional nodes for testing visualisation are also included. Nodes to calculate the transform and visualise the semantic map are not implemented.


See Semantic SLAM for all Semantic SLAM dependencies. Apart from the ZED ROS package, this project does not depend on any additional dependencies.

This project was built using catkin_make with ROS Melodic on Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS.


See Semantic SLAM to build Semantic SLAM and its dependencies.

Trained Models

See Semantic SLAM for models available.

Getting Started

  1. Prepare floorplan (See Floorplan)
  2. Edit floorplan_file_path in matcher.yaml to point to bitmap file
  3. Launch Semantic SLAM nodes
    roslaunch semantic_slam sem_slam.launch
  4. Launch landmark extractor
    //without visualiser
    roslaunch map_localiser extractor.launch
    //with visulaiser
    roslaunch map_localiser extractor.launch visualiser:=true
  5. Launch coordinate matcher
    //without visualiser
    roslaunch map_localiser matcher.launch
    //with visulaiser
    roslaunch map_localiser matcher.launch visualiser:=true
  6. (Optional) Run the plotter node
    roslaunch map_localiser plotter.launch

Project Structure

Functional Nodes

These nodes implement the core functionality of the semantic map.

  • LandmarkExtractorNode.cpp
  • CoordinatesMatcherNode.cpp

LandmarkExtractorNode.cpp subscribes to semantic octomap messages in /octomap_full to extract a pattern of landmarks. Extracted patterns are published to /landmarks. CoordinatesMatcherNode.cpp subscibes to landmark pattern messages in /landmarks and reads in a bitmap floorplan to find matching coordinates in in the floorplan for the pattern. The possible matches are published to /match_results.

Development Nodes

These nodes aid in the development and testing by visualing the outputs of the functional nodes, as well as providing simulated inputs.

  • LandmarkExtractorVisualiser.cpp
  • CoordinatesMatcherVisualiser.cpp

Camera Setup

This project uses the ZED Camera by StereoLabs instead of the original ASUS Xtion. Since Semantic SLAM is monocular, the left image feed for the ZED Camera was used. Relevant parameters files (semantic_slam package) used in this project are:

  • octomap_generator.yaml
  • semantic_cloud_zed.yaml
  • zed.yaml

Ensure that resolutions and aspect ratios of the image feed used is consistent in both semantic_cloud.yaml and zed.yaml.

Modifications were also done to the ZED ROS wrapper parameters (zed-ros-wrapper package) to achieve downsampling of the image feed. semantic_cloud_zed.yaml and zed.yaml is adjusted to account for the downsampled resolution and aspect ratio.


The coordinate matcher node CoordinatesMatcherNode.cpp reads in the floorplan as a bitmap. It identifies different classes of landmarks by reading their RGB values in the floorplan. By default, each pixel, when appropriately coloured, is identified a unique landmark. The coordinates of that landmark are its pixel coordinates in the bitmap.

For reference, the RGB values of each class can be found in this file.

For larger sized floorplans, CoordinatesMatcherNode.cpp may also aggregate adjacent pixels of the same class to identify them as a single landmark by taking their "centre of mass". To do this, change value of floorplan_landmark_aggregation in matcher.yaml from false to true.

Simulating Landmarks

The coordinates matcher node CoordinatesMatcherNode.cpp can be run independent of other ROS nodes in the system for testing purposes. The nodes launched are:

  • CoordinatesMatcherNode.cpp
  • CoordinatesMatcherVisualiser.cpp

The constellation of nodes will read in a bitmap floorplan and simulate the extraction process. The extracted landmarks are visualised in yellow, and the matched landmarks in cyan. A scatter plot of inter-landmark distances in the extracted pattern against inter-landmark distances in the matched pattern will also be displayed.

  1. Prepare floorplan to simulate (See Floorplan)
  2. Edit floorplan_file_path in matcher.yaml to point to bitmap file
  3. Run simulation
    roslaunch map_localiser matcher_test.launch


Parameters for octomap_generator node and semantic_cloud node

See Semantic SLAM for details

Parameters for Landmark Extractor Node


namespace extractor

  • camera_frame_id: frame id of camera
  • octomap_topic: topic of published semantic octomaps
  • octomap_frame_id: frame id of octomap
  • landmarks_topic: topic of published landmark patterns
  • buffer_size: maximum number of landmarks for each pattern
  • search_radius: raycast distance in cells (arbitrary) to search for landmarks
  • strategy
    • 0 (NEAREST): nearest landmarks to camera
    • 1 (UNIQUE): nearest landmarks to camera, but all landmarks in pattern are of a unique class (default and recommended)

namespace extractor/visualiser

  • point_scale: scale of red box markers in visualiser
  • text_scale: scale of text markers in visualiser
  • namespace: namespace for markers published by the visualiser
  • marker_array_topic: topic where markers are published to by the visualiser

Parameters for Coordinate Matcher Node


namespace matcher.yaml

  • top: maximum number of matches to return
  • strategy: matching strategy (unimplemented)
  • min_correlation_threshold: minimum correlation of chain required, below which will be discarded
  • min_chain_length: mimimum length of chain to begin matching. Cannot be less than 3.
  • max_buffer_size: maximum no. of chains to compute per pass
  • landmarks_topic: topic of published landmark patterns
  • match_result_topic: topic of published matched results
  • floorplan_file_path: absolute path to floorplan bitmap
  • floorplan_landmark_aggregation: aggregate contiguous pixels to find CoM to use as landmark coordinate

namespace matcher/visualiser

  • image_topic: topic of marked floorplan image feed (matches of highest correlation chain are visualised on the floorplan bitmap as cyan pixels)


Below are some common issues that might be encountered when setting up the repository


  • for ptssemseg may not install properly, look under its requirements.text to manually install missing dependencies
  • pytorch may generate "module not found" errors due to compatibility issues, manually install torch 0.4.0 ###CUDA / Nvidia (for Ubuntu)
  • In case nvidia drivers are not compatible, a manual reinstall is required
    • Purge all nvidia drivers: sudo apt-get remove --purge '^nvidia'
    • Check for recommended driver installs: ubuntu-drivers devices
    • Install recommended drivers: sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall
    • check driver installation: nvidia-smi
    • install nvcc: sudo install nvcc


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