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Hosting a Flask Application on EC2 with Gunicorn and Nginx

This guide will walk you through the process of setting up a Flask application on an EC2 instance, using Gunicorn as the WSGI server and Nginx as a reverse proxy.

Certainly! Let's delve into each step with a bit more detail:

Step 1: Install Python Virtualenv

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3-venv

This step ensures that your EC2 instance has the necessary tools to create and manage virtual environments for Python.

Step 2: Set up the Virtual Environment

mkdir project
cd project
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Here, you create a project directory and set up a virtual environment within it. Activating the virtual environment isolates your project's dependencies, preventing conflicts with other Python projects on the same machine.

Step 3: Install Flask

pip install flask

This installs the Flask framework within your virtual environment, allowing you to develop web applications using Python.

Step 4: Create a Simple Flask API (Clone Github repo)

git clone <link>

You clone your Flask application's code from a GitHub repository. This step assumes you have your Flask application hosted on a Git repository.


Verifying that the application works ensures that your Flask API is set up correctly.

Step 5: Install Gunicorn

pip install gunicorn

Gunicorn, or Green Unicorn, is a WSGI server for running Flask applications. Installing it is a crucial step in deploying a production-ready Flask app.

gunicorn -b app:app

You run Gunicorn, binding it to address, and specifying the entry point to your Flask application (app:app).

Step 6: Use systemd to Manage Gunicorn

You create a systemd unit file to manage the Gunicorn process as a service.

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/project.service

The unit file specifies the user, working directory, and command to start Gunicorn as a service.

Description=Gunicorn instance for a de-project

ExecStart=/home/ubuntu/project/venv/bin/gunicorn -b localhost:8000 app:app


After creating the unit file, you enable and start the Gunicorn service.

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start project
sudo systemctl enable project

Step 7: Run Nginx Webserver

sudo apt-get install nginx

Nginx is a web server that will act as a reverse proxy for your Flask application, forwarding requests to Gunicorn.

sudo systemctl start nginx
sudo systemctl enable nginx

Starting and enabling Nginx ensures that it runs automatically after a system reboot.

sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/default

You configure Nginx by editing its default configuration file, specifying the upstream server (Gunicorn) and the location for proxying requests.

upstream flask_project {

location / {
    proxy_pass http://flask_project;

After editing the configuration, you restart Nginx to apply the changes.

sudo systemctl restart nginx

Visiting your EC2 instance's public IP address in a browser confirms that your Flask application is now accessible through Nginx, completing the deployment process.

Create Lambda Layers

To create layers for your Lambda handler, you need to package the required dependencies and libraries into a zip file and then upload it as a layer in the AWS Lambda console or through the AWS CLI. Here are the steps to create layers for your Lambda handler:

  1. Create a Directory for the Layer: Create a directory to organize the files that will be included in your layer.

    mkdir lambda_layer
    cd lambda_layer
  2. Install Dependencies: Install the required dependencies (e.g., pandas, boto3, etc.) into the directory. You can use a virtual environment to avoid conflicts with your system's libraries.

    pip install pandas -t .
    pip install boto3 -t .

    The -t . flag tells pip to install the packages in the current directory.

  3. Remove Unnecessary Files: Remove any unnecessary files, such as test files or documentation, to keep the layer size smaller.

  4. Create a Zip File: Create a zip file containing the contents of the directory.

    zip -r .
  5. Upload as a Layer: Open the AWS Lambda Console, navigate to the Layers section, and click "Create Layer." Provide a name, description, and upload the zip file.

  6. Attach the Layer to Your Lambda Function: Open your Lambda function in the AWS Lambda Console. In the "Designer" section, click "Layers" and then "Add a layer." Select the layer you created.

  7. Test Your Lambda Function: After attaching the layer, test your Lambda function to ensure that it can access the libraries from the layer.

By following these steps, you can create and attach layers to your Lambda function, allowing you to manage dependencies separately and keep your Lambda deployment package smaller.


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