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Unrevealed Api specs.

Authentication Header:

You can read the authentication header from the headers of the request

Authorization: Token


Considerations for your backend with CORS

If the backend is about to run on a different host/port than the frontend, make sure to handle OPTIONS too and return correct Access-Control-Allow-Origin and Access-Control-Allow-Headers (e.g. Content-Type).

Error Handling

Errors and Status Codes

If a request fails any validations, expect a 422 and errors in the following format:

{ “status” : “Failure”,

“message” : “reason why it failed” }

Other status codes:

401 for Unauthorized requests, when a request requires authentication but it isn't provided

403 for Forbidden requests, when a request may be valid but the user doesn't have permissions to perform the action

404 for Not found requests, when a resource can't be found to fulfill the request

500 for server side error, etc...

  1. Sign up.

POST:: /auth/signup

Example request body:

{ "user":{ "username": "Jacob",

"gender": "male", "avatar": "male/male.png", "password": "jakejake",

“d_token”: “fcm generated device token for push notification” } }

No authentication required, returns a response

Required fields: username, password, avatar, gender.

Optional field : d_token

Example response body:


"status": "Success",

"message": "Auth successful",

"avatar": "male.male1.png",

"user_id": "62da50c7907f0e450b12eaa8",

"token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJfaWQiOiI2MmRhNTBjNzkwN2YwZTQ1MGIxMmVhYTgiLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Im5ld3VzZXJfMSIsInBhc3N3b3JkIjoibmV3dXNlcl8xIiwiZ2VuZGVyIjoiTWFsZSIsImlhdCI6MTY1ODQ3NDcwOX0.6UaKf9jStTKwRzCxvw-bFxZDHQ-DrbtBVmSIj8IAEpk",

"username": "newuser_1",

"gender": "Male"


  1. Login.

POST:: /auth/login

Example request body:




"d_token":"device token for push notification"


No authentication required, returns a response body

Required fields: username, password,

Optional field : d_token


"status": "Success",

"message": "Auth successful",

"avatar": "male.male1.png",

"user_id": "62da50c7907f0e450b12eaa8",

"token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJfaWQiOiI2MmRhNTBjNzkwN2YwZTQ1MGIxMmVhYTgiLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Im5ld3VzZXJfMSIsInBhc3N3b3JkIjoibmV3dXNlcl8xIiwiZ2VuZGVyIjoiTWFsZSIsImlhdCI6MTY1ODQ3NDcwOX0.6UaKf9jStTKwRzCxvw-bFxZDHQ-DrbtBVmSIj8IAEpk",

"username": "newuser_1",

"gender": "Male"


  1. Get Male Avatars.

GET:: /avatars/male

No authentication required, returns a response

Example response body:


"avatarList": [














"count": 12,

"status": "Success",

"message": "map them and add baseUrl as a prefix"


  1. Get Male Avatars.

GET:: /avatars/female

No authentication required, returns a response

Example response body:


"avatarList": [














"count": 12,

"status": "Success",

"message": "map them and add baseUrl as a prefix"


  1. Deactivate Account.

DELETE:: /avatars/male

Authentication required, returns a response

No additional parameters required


"status": "Suceess",

"message": "Account deleted Successfully !!"


  1. Get Secrets

GET:: /secrets

Returns most recent secrets and stories globally by default, provide tag, author_id, offset & limit query** parameter to filter results

Query Parameters:

Filter by tag:


Filter by author:


Favorited by user:


Limit number of articles (default is 20):


Offset/skip number of articles (default is 0):


Authentication required.

Response Body:


"status": "Success",

"total_count": 3,

"skip": 0,

"limit": 0,

"tag": "All",

"present_count": 3,

"secrets": [


"_id": "62dad81c4bfa019c6a26b806",

"author": {

"username": "newuser_1",

"avatar": "male/male1.png",

"_id": "62da50c7907f0e450b12eaa8",

"gender": "Male"


"tag": "Life",

"content": "this is another secret, that now i'm going to reaveal annoymounsly",

"timestamp": "2022-07-22T17:02:20.804Z",

"views_count": 0,

"comments_count": 0



"_id": "62dad2c42cd8f8858ee482ff",

"author": {

"username": "newuser_1",

"avatar": " male/male1.png ",

"_id": "62da50c7907f0e450b12eaa8",

"gender": "Male"


"tag": "Life",

"content": "this is my secret, that now i'm going to reaveal annoymounsly",

"timestamp": "2022-07-22T16:39:32.456Z",

"views_count": 0,

"comments_count": 0



"_id": "62dad2a02cd8f8858ee482f9",

"author": {

"username": "newuser_1",

"avatar": " male/male1.png ",

"_id": "62da50c7907f0e450b12eaa8",

"gender": "Male"


"tag": "Relationship",

"content": "this is my secret, that now i'm going to reaveal annoymounsly",

"timestamp": "2022-07-22T16:38:56.870Z",

"views_count": 0,

"comments_count": 0




  1. Reveal Secrets.

POST:: /secrets

Example request body:


"content": "this is another secret, that now I'm going to reaveal annoymounsly",

"tag": "life"


Authentication required, will return a response Body

Required fields: content, tag

Response body:


"_id": "62dad81c4bfa019c6a26b806",

"author": {

"username": "newuser_1",

"avatar": "",

"_id": "62da50c7907f0e450b12eaa8",

"gender": "Male"


"tag": "Life",

"content": "this is another secret, that now i'm going to reaveal annoymounsly",

"timestamp": "2022-07-22T17:02:20.804Z",

"views_count": 0,

"comments_count": 0


  1. Update Secret.

PUT:: /secrets

Example request body:


"content":"update the content of the secret my revealing right now with all the user annoymouslanonymously",

"secret_id": "62dad81c4bfa019c6a26b806",



Authentication required, will return a response Body

Required fields: content, tag, secret_id

Response Body:


"_id": "62dad81c4bfa019c6a26b806",

"author": {

"username": "newuser_1",

"avatar": "",

"_id": "62da50c7907f0e450b12eaa8",

"gender": "Male"


"tag": "somthing",

"content": "update the content of the secret my revealing right now with all the user annoymouslanonymously",

"timestamp": "2022-07-22T17:02:20.804Z",

"views_count": 0,

"comments_count": 0


  1. Delete Secret

DELETE:: /secrets/:secret_id

Required Param : secret_id

Authentication required, will return a response Body

Response Body :


"status": "Success",

"message": "Secret Deleted!"


  1. Read full Secret By Id

GET:: /secrets/:secret_id

Read or view complete secrets, and this view would be count.

Authentication required, will return a response Body

Response Body:


"_id": "62dad2c42cd8f8858ee482ff",

"author": {

"username": "newuser_1",

"avatar": "",

"_id": "62da50c7907f0e450b12eaa8",

"gender": "Male"


"tag": "life",

"content": "love encompasses a range of strong and positive emotional and mental states, from the most sublime virtue or good habit, the deepest interpersonal affection, to the simplest pleasure.[1][2] An example of this range of meanings is that the love of a mother differs from the love of a spouse, which differs from the love for food. Most commonly, love refers to a feeling of a strong attraction and emotional attachment",

"timestamp": "2022-07-22T16:39:32.456Z",

"views_count": 1,

"comments_count": 0


  1. Get My Secrets.

GET:: /secrets/my_secrets

Returns most recent secrets and stories return by you, provide skip & limit query** parameter to filter results

Query Parameters:

Filter by tag:


Offset/skip number of comments (default is 0):


Authentication required.

Response Body:


"status": "Success",

"count": 2,

"secrets": [


"_id": "62dad2c42cd8f8858ee482ff",

"author": {

"username": "newuser_1",

"avatar": "",

"_id": "62da50c7907f0e450b12eaa8",

"gender": "Male"


"tag": "Life",

"content": "this is my secret, that now i'm going to reaveal annoymounsly",

"timestamp": "2022-07-22T16:39:32.456Z",

"views_count": 1,

"comments_count": 2



"_id": "62dad2a02cd8f8858ee482f9",

"author": {

"username": "newuser_1",

"avatar": "",

"_id": "62da50c7907f0e450b12eaa8",

"gender": "Male"


"tag": "Relationship",

"content": "this is my secret, that now i'm going to reaveal annoymounsly",

"timestamp": "2022-07-22T16:38:56.870Z",

"views_count": 0,

"comments_count": 0




  1. Get Comments by Secret By Id

GET:: /comments/secrets/:secret_id

Returns most recent comments by default, provide skip & limit query** parameter to filter results

Query Parameters:

Filter by tag:


Offset/skip number of comments (default is 0):


Authentication required.

Response Body:


"status": "Success",

"total_count": 2,

"skip": 0,

"limit": 20,

"present_count": 2,

"comments": [


"_id": "62daf5f6fd0c70d2eba56ef0",

"content": "this is comment 1 ",

"secret_id": "62dad2c42cd8f8858ee482ff",

"commenter": {

"username": "newuser_1",

"_id": "62da50c7907f0e450b12eaa8",

"avatar": "",

"gender": "Male"


"timestamp": "2022-07-22T19:09:42.053Z",

"like_count": 0,

"is_liked_by_me": false,

"reply_count": 0



"_id": "62daf5ebfd0c70d2eba56ee9",

"content": "this is comment 0 ",

"secret_id": "62dad2c42cd8f8858ee482ff",

"commenter": {

"username": "newuser_1",

"_id": "62da50c7907f0e450b12eaa8",

"avatar": "",

"gender": "Male"


"timestamp": "2022-07-22T19:09:31.267Z",

"like_count": 0,

"is_liked_by_me": false,

"reply_count": 0




  1. Post Comment.

POST:: /comments

Example request body:


"comment" : "this is comment 2 ",

"secret_id" : "62dad2c42cd8f8858ee482ff"


Authentication required, will return a response Body

Required fields: content, tag

Response body:


"_id": "62daf5fbfd0c70d2eba56ef7",

"content": "this is comment 2 ",

"secret_id": "62dad2c42cd8f8858ee482ff",

"commenter": {

"username": "newuser_1",

"_id": "62da50c7907f0e450b12eaa8",

"avatar": "",

"gender": "Male"


"timestamp": "2022-07-22T19:09:47.723Z",

"like_count": 0,

"is_liked_by_me": false,

"reply_count": 0


  1. Post Replies.

POST:: /comments/replies

Example request body:


"parent_reply_id" : "",

"parent_comment_id" : "62daf5f6fd0c70d2eba56ef0",

"mention_uid" : "",

"secret_id" : "62dad2c42cd8f8858ee482ff",

"reply" : "this is reply "


Authentication required, will return a response Body

Required fields: reply, parent_comment_id, secret_id

optional fields: parent_reply_id (*in case if we are replying to a reply), mention_uid (*mention user_id in case if u want to send Push notification).

Response body:


"parent_comment_id": "62daf5f6fd0c70d2eba56ef0",

"parent_reply_id": "62daf5f6fd0c70d2eba56ef0",

"_id": "62db10ba9949921400b2a8cb",

"content": "this is reply ",

"secret_id": "62dad2c42cd8f8858ee482ff",

"commenter": {

"username": "newuser_1",

"_id": "62da50c7907f0e450b12eaa8",

"avatar": "",

"gender": "Male"


"timestamp": "2022-07-22T21:03:54.838Z",

"like_count": 0,

"is_liked_by_me": false


  1. Get Replies by comment_id.

GET:: /comments/replies/:parent_comment_id

Authentication required, Returns most recent replies by default

Response body:


"replies": [


"parent_comment_id": "62daf5f6fd0c70d2eba56ef0",

"parent_reply_id": "62daf5f6fd0c70d2eba56ef0",

"_id": "62db034c35665cfb68877ea2",

"content": "this is reply 1",

"secret_id": "62dad2c42cd8f8858ee482ff",

"commenter": {

"username": "newuser_1",

"_id": "62da50c7907f0e450b12eaa8",

"avatar": "",

"gender": "Male"


"timestamp": "2022-07-22T20:06:36.592Z",

"like_count": 0,

"is_liked_by_me": false



"parent_comment_id": "62daf5f6fd0c70d2eba56ef0",

"parent_reply_id": "62daf5f6fd0c70d2eba56ef0",

"_id": "62db0477f704daf6b11ea458",

"content": "this is reply 2",

"secret_id": "62dad2c42cd8f8858ee482ff",

"commenter": {

"username": "newuser_1",

"_id": "62da50c7907f0e450b12eaa8",

"avatar": "",

"gender": "Male"


"timestamp": "2022-07-22T20:11:35.751Z",

"like_count": 0,

"is_liked_by_me": false


{ "parent_comment_id": "62daf5f6fd0c70d2eba56ef0",

"parent_reply_id": "62daf5f6fd0c70d2eba56ef0",

"_id": "62db0499f704daf6b11ea461",

"content": "this is reply 3",

"secret_id": "62dad2c42cd8f8858ee482ff",

"commenter": {

"username": "newuser_1",

"_id": "62da50c7907f0e450b12eaa8",

"avatar": "",

"gender": "Male”},

"timestamp": "2022-07-22T20:12:09.057Z",

"like_count": 0,

"is_liked_by_me": false }



  1. Like Comment or Reply.

PUT:: /comments/like/:compliment_id

*vai this endpoint you like both comments as well as replies.

Authentication required, It will return a response body of update reply or comment (whichever u just liked).

Response Body:


"parent_comment_id": "62daf5f6fd0c70d2eba56ef0",

"parent_reply_id": "62daf5f6fd0c70d2eba56ef0",

"_id": "62db0fdde1bb4758f52a6063",

"content": "this is reply ",

"secret_id": "62dad2c42cd8f8858ee482ff",

"commenter": {

"username": "newuser_1",

"_id": "62da50c7907f0e450b12eaa8",

"avatar": "",

"gender": "Male"


"timestamp": "2022-07-22T21:00:13.933Z",

"like_count": 1,

"is_liked_by_me": true


  1. Dislike Comment or Reply.

DELETE:: /comments/dislike/:compliment_id

*vai this endpoint you dislike both comments as well as replies

Authentication required, It will return a response body of update reply or comment (whichever u just disliked).

Response Body:


"parent_comment_id": "62daf5f6fd0c70d2eba56ef0",

"parent_reply_id": "62daf5f6fd0c70d2eba56ef0",

"_id": "62db0fdde1bb4758f52a6063",

"content": "this is reply ",

"secret_id": "62dad2c42cd8f8858ee482ff",

"commenter": {

"username": "newuser_1",

"_id": "62da50c7907f0e450b12eaa8",

"avatar": "",

"gender": "Male"


"timestamp": "2022-07-22T21:00:13.933Z",

"like_count": 1,

"is_liked_by_me": false


  1. Update Comment or Reply.

PUT:: /comments

Example Request Body:


"content" : "updating compliment!!",

"_id" : "62db0fdde1bb4758f52a6063"


Authentication required, it will return a updated response body

Required fields : content ( updated content with changes you want),_id (id of comment or reply)

Response Body :


"parent_comment_id": "62daf5f6fd0c70d2eba56ef0",

"parent_reply_id": "62daf5f6fd0c70d2eba56ef0",

"_id": "62db0fdde1bb4758f52a6063",

"content": "updating compliment!!",

"secret_id": "62dad2c42cd8f8858ee482ff",

"commenter": {

"username": "newuser_1",

"_id": "62da50c7907f0e450b12eaa8",

"avatar": "",

"gender": "Male"


"timestamp": "2022-07-22T21:00:13.933Z",

"like_count": 0,

"is_liked_by_me": false


  1. Delete Comment by Id

DELETE:: /comments/:comment_id

With comment all its associated replies would also be deleted.

Required Param : comment**_id**

Authentication required, will return a response Body

Response Body :


"status": "Success",

"message": "Comment Deleted!"


  1. Get My Profile.

GET:: /users

Authentication required, Returns a response body.

Response Body:


"_id": "62da50c7907f0e450b12eaa8",

"username": "newuser_1",

"avatar": "",

"gender": "Male",

  "d\_token": "12344token"


  1. Get User Profile by id.

GET:: /users/:user_id

Authentication required, Returns a response body

Required param : user_id

Response Body:


"_id": "62da50c7907f0e450b12eaa8",

"username": "newuser_1",

"avatar": "",

"gender": "Male"


  1. Update Device token.

PUT:: /users/devicetoken?d_token

Register Device token for push notification.

Authentication required, Returns a response body

Required field : d_token

Response Body:


"status": "Success",

"msg": "Device token registered !!"
