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A small cli tool that stores encrypted goods.

It uses symmetric cryptography with the cipher AES-256-CBC. The file database of secrets is ascii based so feel free to commit it.


gem install can


$ can set test ok       # Stores a secret
Key test was stored.
$ can get test          # Copy that secret to the clipboard
Key test was copied to the clipboard.


$ can
    can decrypt DATA         # Decrypts data
    can encrypt DATA         # Encrypts data
    can get KEY              # Copies a KEY to the clipboard
    can help [COMMAND]       # Describe available commands or one specific command
    can ls [TAG]             # Lists all keys (filter optionally by TAG)
    can password             # Change the can password
    can random [LENGTH]      # Generates a random password
    can rename KEY NEW_NAME  # Renames a secret
    can rm KEY               # Removes a key
    can set KEY [VALUE]      # Stores a value (empty VALUE show the prompt; use '@rando...
    can tag KEY TAG          # Tags a key
    can tags [KEY]           # Show all tags (filter for a key)
    can untag KEY TAG        # Untags a tag from a key
    can version              # Show the current version

    -p, [--password=PASSWORD]
    -v, [--verbose], [--no-verbose]
    -f, [--file=FILE]

Using another can file

Use the CAN_FILE environment variable or pass the --file FILE (or -f FILE) param option to use another can file:

$ export CAN_FILE="$HOME/secrets/main.can"
$ can ls

$ can ls --file $HOME/secrets/main.can

Lookup chain

If you don't pass an explicit --file or -f or set the CAN_FILE the code will check some locations in order. The first one to exist is used.

The code checks first these files first:

`~/.can` # Legacy

The second file is legacy. By new default one is ~/.config/can/main.can.

If you pass the --name NAME (or -n NAME) argument, the code will try to find the first file that exists with a <NAME>.can name in these directories:


The first one to exist is used. You can also set the CAN_NAME environment variable instead too. As usual, cli arguments override environment variables.

Avoid the password prompt

Use the CAN_PASSWORD environment variable to avoid the password prompt:

$ export CAN_PASSWORD="secret"
$ can ls

Passing the password as an arg option (--password PASSWORD or -p PASSWORD) is now disabled. This prevents the password from being recorded in the shell history.