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The dotfiles

First time setup

Generate ssh key

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""

Add ssh key to your github account (

cat ~/.ssh/

clone dotfiles repo in your machine

git clone

Configure Shell

Create a .bashrc or .zshrc file in your home directory with following content.

# ---------------------------------- Setup ---------------------------------- #

# If not running in interactive mode; just return.
[ ! "echo $- | grep -q 'i'" ] && return

# Path to the configs directory.
export DOTFILES=$HOME/dotfiles

# Source global bash configuration.
source $DOTFILES/sh/

# ------------ Add custom ad-hoc configuration below this line. ------------- #

Restart your terminal.

Configure tmux

  • Install tmux
ln -s $DOTFILES/tmux/tmux.conf ~/.tmux.conf && ln -s $DOTFILES/tmux/tmux.conf.local ~/.tmux.conf.local


If you see a problem using clear command related to terminfo. Please install the tmux terminfo database.

tic -x $DOTFILES/resources/tmux.terminfo

Configure i3 window manager

mkdir -p $HOME/.config/i3
mkdir -p $HOME/.config/polybar
ln -s $DOTFILES/i3/config $HOME/.config/i3/config
ln -s $DOTFILES/i3/compton.conf $HOME/.config/compton.conf
ln -s $DOTFILES/i3/polybar_config $HOME/.config/polybar/config

Kitty terminal

Kitty sets your terminal type to xterm-kitty. This may not be available in your terminfo database. This might cause your terminal to behave in weird way. You can install terminfo as a separate package in Linux.

sudo apt install kitty-terminfo