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Chris Fonnesbeck edited this page Apr 12, 2016 · 1 revision

The complete model, including the associated dataset can be downloaded as a single file here.

Exponential survival model for melanoma data, taken from
Bayesian Data Analysis (Ibrahim et al 2000) Example 2.1

from pymc import Normal, Lambda, observed
from melanoma_data import *

# Convert censoring indicators to indicators for failure event
failure = (censored==0).astype(int)

# Intercept for survival rate
beta0 = Normal('beta0', mu=0.0, tau=0.0001, value=0.0)
# Treatment effect
beta1 = Normal('beta1', mu=0.0, tau=0.0001, value=0.0)

# Survival rates
lam = Lambda('lam', lambda b0=beta0, b1=beta1, t=treat: exp(b0 + b1*t))

def survival(value=t, lam=lam, f=failure):
    """Exponential survival likelihood, accounting for censoring"""
    return sum(f*log(lam) - lam*value)

# JAGS model
model {
    for(i in 1:N) {                           
        z[i] ~ dinterval(t[i], t.cen[i])
        t[i] ~ dweib(1,mu[i])

        eta[i] <- beta0 + beta[1]*trt[i] 
        mu[i] <- exp(eta[i])   


     # Priors
     for(j in 1:p) {
         beta[j] ~ dnorm(0,.0001)   

     beta0 ~ dnorm(0,.0001)
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