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Code snippets

Bibo-Joshi edited this page Apr 4, 2022 · 164 revisions

This page can be read on its own to find the code snippet you need right now.

It is also a follow-up to the page Introduction to the API. If you come from there, you can leave your command line open and just try out a few of these snippets.

Table of contents generated with markdown-toc

Pure API

Fetch updates

To fetch messages sent to your Bot, you can use the getUpdates API method.

Note: You don't have to use get_updates if you are writing your bot with the telegram.ext submodule, since telegram.ext.Updater takes care of fetching all updates for you. Read more about that here.

updates = bot.get_updates()
print([u.message.text for u in updates])

Fetch images sent to your Bot

updates = bot.get_updates()
print([ for u in updates if])

Reply to messages

You'll always need the chat_id

chat_id = bot.get_updates()[-1].message.chat_id

General code snippets

These snippets usually apply to both ways of fetching updates. If you're using telegram.ext, you can get the chat_id in your handler callback with update.message.chat_id.

Note: In general, you can send messages to users by passing their user id as the chat_id. If the bot has a chat with the user, it will send the message to that chat.

Post a text message


bot.send_message(chat_id=chat_id, text="I'm sorry Dave I'm afraid I can't do that.")

Note: send_message method (as any of send_* methods of Bot class) returns the instance of Message class, so it can be used in code later.

Reply to a message

This is a shortcut to bot.send_message with same defaults. Read more about it in the docs.

update.message.reply_text("I'm sorry Dave I'm afraid I can't do that.")

Note: There are equivalents of this method for replying with photos, audio etc., and similar shortcuts exist throughout the library.

Send a chat action

ᵀᴱᴸᴱᴳᴿᴬᴹ Use this to tell the user that something is happening on the bot's side:

bot.send_chat_action(chat_id=chat_id, action=telegram.ChatAction.TYPING)

Alternatively, if you have several commands and don't want to repeat the above code snippet inside all commands, you can copy the snippet below and just decorate the callback functions with @send_typing_action.

from functools import wraps

def send_typing_action(func):
    """Sends typing action while processing func command."""

    def command_func(update, context, *args, **kwargs):, action=ChatAction.TYPING)
        return func(update, context,  *args, **kwargs)

    return command_func

def my_handler(update, context):
    pass # Will send 'typing' action while processing the request.

Requesting location and contact from user

location_keyboard = telegram.KeyboardButton(text="send_location", request_location=True)
contact_keyboard = telegram.KeyboardButton(text="send_contact", request_contact=True)
custom_keyboard = [[ location_keyboard, contact_keyboard ]]
reply_markup = telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(custom_keyboard)
...                  text="Would you mind sharing your location and contact with me?", 
...                  reply_markup=reply_markup)

To catch the incoming message with the location/contact, use MessageHandler with Filters.location and, respectively.

Message Formatting (bold, italic, code, ...)

Telegram supports some formatting options for text. All the details about what is supported can be found here. Please keep in mind that you will have to escape the special characters as detailed in the documentation. PTB also offers a helper function for escaping of Markdown text. For escaping of HTML text, you can use html.escape from the standard library.

You can format text with every API method/type that has a parse_mode parameter. In addition to editing your text as described in the link above, pass one of the parse modes available through telegram.ParseMode to the parse_mode parameter. Since th 5.0 update of the Bot API (version 13.1+ of PTB), you can alternatively pass a list of telegram.MessageEntities to the entities parameter.

Note: In the API 4.5 update, Telegram introduced MarkdownV2, which supports nested entities and needs other escaping than v1. Markdown V1 is referred as legacy mode by the official API docs, and you should prefer MarkdownV2. Make sure to also use reply_markdown_v2 instead of reply_markdown etc.

Post a text message with Markdown formatting


                 text="*bold* _italic_ `fixed width font` [link](\.", 

Post a text message with HTML formatting


                 text='<b>bold</b> <i>italic</i> <a href="">link</a>.', 

Message entities

ᵀᴱᴸᴱᴳᴿᴬᴹ To use MessageEntity, extract the entities and their respective text from a Message object using parse_entities.

Note: This method should always be used instead of the entities attribute, since it calculates the correct substring from the message text based on UTF-16 codepoints - that is, it extracts the correct string even on when working with weird characters such as Emojis.

entities = message.parse_entities()

Telegram formatting to BBCode

This is an example how to use entities to convert Telegram formatting to BBCode. In the current version it does not support nested entities.

Define parsing function:

Click to expand

import sys

def parse_bbcode(message_text, entities, urled=False):
    """BBCode parsing function"""
    if message_text is None:
        return None

    if not sys.maxunicode == 0xffff:
        message_text = message_text.encode('utf-16-le')

    bbcode_text = ''
    last_offset = 0

    for entity, text in sorted(entities.items(), key=(lambda item: item[0].offset)):

        if entity.type == 'text_link':
            insert = '[url={}]{}[/url]'.format(entity.url, text)
        elif entity.type == 'mention':
            insert = '[url={0}]{1}[/url]'.format(text.strip('@'),text)
        elif entity.type == 'url' and urled:
            insert = '[url={0}]{0}[/url]'.format(text)
        elif entity.type == 'bold':
            insert = '[b]' + text + '[/b]'
        elif entity.type == 'italic':
            insert = '[i]' + text + '[/i]'
        elif entity.type == 'underline':
            insert = '[u]' + text + '[/u]'
        elif entity.type == 'strikethrough':
            insert = '[s]' + text + '[/s]'
        elif entity.type == 'code':
            insert = '[code]' + text + '[/code]'
        elif entity.type == 'pre':
            insert = '[pre]' + text + '[/pre]'
            insert = text
        if sys.maxunicode == 0xffff:
            bbcode_text += message_text[last_offset:entity.offset] + insert
            bbcode_text += message_text[last_offset * 2:entity.offset * 2].decode('utf-16-le') + insert

        last_offset = entity.offset + entity.length

    if sys.maxunicode == 0xffff:
        bbcode_text += message_text[last_offset:]
        bbcode_text += message_text[last_offset * 2:].decode('utf-16-le')
    return bbcode_text

Call it with:

entities = update.message.parse_entities()
bbcode = parse_bbcode(update.message.text, entities, urled=True)

...or for photo captions:

entities = update.message.parse_caption_entities()
bbcode = parse_bbcode(caption, entities, urled=True)

bbcode will contain message/caption text formatted in BBCode. urled parameter determines if URLs in text are to be processed as links or left as text.

Working with files and media

Posting files

If you want to send a file, e.g. send a photo with the bot, you have three options:

  • Upload the file
  • Send an HTTP-link that leads to the file
  • Send a file_id of a file that has already been sent.

Note that not every method is supported everywhere (e.g. for thumbnails you can't pass a file_id). Make sure to check out the documentation of the corresponding bot method for details.

Please also check out the official docs on sending files.

Let's have a look hat how sending a document can be done.

  1. Uploading a file:

    bot.send_document(chat_id=chat_id, document=open('tests/test.png', 'rb'))
  2. Sending an HTTP-link

    bot.send_document(chat_id=chat_id, document=''))
  3. Sending by file_id:

    bot.send_document(chat_id=chat_id, document=file_id))

    Two further notes on this:

    1. Each bot has its own file_ids, i.e. you can't use a file_id from a different bot to send a photo

    2. How do you get a file_id of a photo you sent? Read it from the return value of bot.send_document (or any other Message object you get your hands on):

      message = bot.send_document(...)
      file_id = message.document.file_id

This pretty much works the same way for all the other send_<media_type> methods like send_photo, send_video etc. There is one exception, though: send_media_group. A call to send_media_group looks like this:

bot.send_media_group(chat_id=chat_id, media=[media_1, media_2, ...])

The items in the media list must be instances of InputMediaAudio, InputMediaDocument, InputMediaPhoto or InputMediaVideo. The media comes into play like so:

media_1 = InputMediaDocument(media=open('tests/test.png', 'rb'), ...)
media_1 = InputMediaDocument(media='', ...)
media_1 = InputMediaDocument(media=file_id, ...)

Please check out the documentation of InputMediaAudio, InputMediaDocument, InputMediaPhoto and InputMediaVideo for the details on required and optional arguments.

Sending files via inline mode

You may want to allow users to send media via your bots inline mode. This works a little bit different than posting media via send_*. Most notable, you can't upload files for inline mode! You must provide either an HTTP-URL or a file_id.

Let's stick to example of sending a document. Then you have to provide an InlineQueryResult to bot.answer_inline_query that represents that document and here are the two options:

  1. HTTP-URL:

    result = InlineQueryResultDocument(document_url='', ...)
  2. file_id:

    result = InlineQueryResultCachedDocument(document_file_id=file_id, ...)

The scheme InlineQueryResult<media_type> vs InlineQueryResultCached<media_type> is similar for the other media types. Again, please check out the docs for details on required and optional arguments.

Editing a file

When you have sent a file, you may want edit it. This works similarly as send_media_group, i.e. the media must be wrapped into a InputMedia<media_type> object. Again, with document as example:

bot.edit_message_media(chat_id=chat_id, message_id=message_id, media=InputMediaDocument(media=open('tests/test.png'), ...))

Please check out the restrictions on editing media in the docs of send_media_group.

Downloading a file

When you receive files from a user, you sometimes want to download and save them. If it's a document, that could look like this:

file_id = message.document.file_id
newFile = bot.get_file(file_id)

For a received video/voice/... change message.document to However, there is one exception: is a list of PhotoSize objects, which represent different sizes of the same photo. Use[-1].file_id to get the largest size.

Moreover, the above snippet can be shortened by using PTBs built-in utility shortcuts:

newFile = message.effective_attachment.get_file()'file_name')

message.effective_attachment automatically contains whichever media attachment the message has - in case of a photo, you'll again have to use e.g. message.effective_attachment[-1].get_file()

Keyboard Menus

Custom Keyboards


custom_keyboard = [['top-left', 'top-right'], 
                   ['bottom-left', 'bottom-right']]
reply_markup = telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(custom_keyboard)
                 text="Custom Keyboard Test", 

See also: Build a menu with Buttons

Remove a custom keyboard

reply_markup = telegram.ReplyKeyboardRemove()
bot.send_message(chat_id=chat_id, text="I'm back.", reply_markup=reply_markup)

Other useful stuff

Generate flag emojis from country codes

The Unicode flag emoji for any country can by definition be calculated from the countries 2 letter country code. The following snippet only works in Python 3.

OFFSET = 127462 - ord('A')

def flag(code):
    code = code.upper()
    return chr(ord(code[0]) + OFFSET) + chr(ord(code[1]) + OFFSET)

>>> flag('un')
>>> flag('eu')

Map a Slot Machine Dice value to the corresponding symbols

The 🎰 dice can take the values 1-64. Here is a dictionary that maps each value to the unique combination of symbols that produce that value:

(Source: This Gist by @Chase22)

Click to expand

slot_machine_value = {
    1: ("bar", "bar", "bar"),
    2: ("grape", "bar", "bar"),
    3: ("lemon", "bar", "bar"),
    4: ("seven", "bar", "bar"),
    5: ("bar", "grape", "bar"),
    6: ("grape", "grape", "bar"),
    7: ("lemon", "grape", "bar"),
    8: ("seven", "grape", "bar"),
    9: ("bar", "lemon", "bar"),
    10: ("grape", "lemon", "bar"),
    11: ("lemon", "lemon", "bar"),
    12: ("seven", "lemon", "bar"),
    13: ("bar", "seven", "bar"),
    14: ("grape", "seven", "bar"),
    15: ("lemon", "seven", "bar"),
    16: ("seven", "seven", "bar"),
    17: ("bar", "bar", "grape"),
    18: ("grape", "bar", "grape"),
    19: ("lemon", "bar", "grape"),
    20: ("seven", "bar", "grape"),
    21: ("bar", "grape", "grape"),
    22: ("grape", "grape", "grape"),
    23: ("lemon", "grape", "grape"),
    24: ("seven", "grape", "grape"),
    25: ("bar", "lemon", "grape"),
    26: ("grape", "lemon", "grape"),
    27: ("lemon", "lemon", "grape"),
    28: ("seven", "lemon", "grape"),
    29: ("bar", "seven", "grape"),
    30: ("grape", "seven", "grape"),
    31: ("lemon", "seven", "grape"),
    32: ("seven", "seven", "grape"),
    33: ("bar", "bar", "lemon"),
    34: ("grape", "bar", "lemon"),
    35: ("lemon", "bar", "lemon"),
    36: ("seven", "bar", "lemon"),
    37: ("bar", "grape", "lemon"),
    38: ("grape", "grape", "lemon"),
    39: ("lemon", "grape", "lemon"),
    40: ("seven", "grape", "lemon"),
    41: ("bar", "lemon", "lemon"),
    42: ("grape", "lemon", "lemon"),
    43: ("lemon", "lemon", "lemon"),
    44: ("seven", "lemon", "lemon"),
    45: ("bar", "seven", "lemon"),
    46: ("grape", "seven", "lemon"),
    47: ("lemon", "seven", "lemon"),
    48: ("seven", "seven", "lemon"),
    49: ("bar", "bar", "seven"),
    50: ("grape", "bar", "seven"),
    51: ("lemon", "bar", "seven"),
    52: ("seven", "bar", "seven"),
    53: ("bar", "grape", "seven"),
    54: ("grape", "grape", "seven"),
    55: ("lemon", "grape", "seven"),
    56: ("seven", "grape", "seven"),
    57: ("bar", "lemon", "seven"),
    58: ("grape", "lemon", "seven"),
    59: ("lemon", "lemon", "seven"),
    60: ("seven", "lemon", "seven"),
    61: ("bar", "seven", "seven"),
    62: ("grape", "seven", "seven"),
    63: ("lemon", "seven", "seven"),
    64: ("seven", "seven", "seven"),

Get the new members message

def add_group(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
    for member in update.message.new_chat_members:
        update.message.reply_text(f"{member.full_name} just joined the group")

add_group_handle = MessageHandler(Filters.status_update.new_chat_members, add_group)

Note that service messages about non-bot users joining the chat are removed from large groups. You can get the new members message by following the example.

Exclude forwarded channel posts in discussion groups from MessageHandlers

If you're using MessageHandlers and do not want them to respond to the channel posts automatically forwarded to the discussion group linked to your channel, you can use this filter in your MessageHandler (requires PTB v13.9+):

~ Filters.is_automatic_forward

Exclude Messages from anonymous Admins

If you're using MessageHandlers and do not want them to respond to messages from anonymous admins, you can use this filter in your MessageHandler:

~ Filters.sender_chat.super_group

Advanced snippets

Register a function as a command handler (decorator)

This decorator allows you to register a function as a command handler in a Flask like manner.

def command_handler(command):
    def decorator(func):
        handler = CommandHandler(command, func)
        return func
    return decorator

Add the @command_handler(command) decorator on top of your handler function:

def hello(update, context):, text="Hello world!")

Note: You can modify this decorator in order to register any type of handler (see Types Of Handlers). Please also note that PTB deliberately does not provide such functionality out of the box due to the reasons mentioned in #899.

Restrict access to a handler (decorator)

This decorator allows you to restrict the access of a handler to only the user_ids specified in LIST_OF_ADMINS.

from functools import wraps

LIST_OF_ADMINS = [12345678, 87654321]

def restricted(func):
    def wrapped(update, context, *args, **kwargs):
        user_id =
        if user_id not in LIST_OF_ADMINS:
            print("Unauthorized access denied for {}.".format(user_id))
        return func(update, context, *args, **kwargs)
    return wrapped

Add a @restricted decorator on top of your handler declaration:

def my_handler(update, context):
    pass  # only accessible if `user_id` is in `LIST_OF_ADMINS`.

Send action while handling command (decorator)

This parametrized decorator allows you to signal different actions depending on the type of response of your bot. This way users will have similar feedback from your bot as they would from a real human.

from functools import wraps

def send_action(action):
    """Sends `action` while processing func command."""

    def decorator(func):
        def command_func(update, context, *args, **kwargs):
  , action=action)
            return func(update, context,  *args, **kwargs)
        return command_func
    return decorator


You can decorate handler callbacks directly with @send_action(ChatAction.<Action>) or create aliases and decorate with them (more readable) .

send_typing_action = send_action(ChatAction.TYPING)
send_upload_video_action = send_action(ChatAction.UPLOAD_VIDEO)
send_upload_photo_action = send_action(ChatAction.UPLOAD_PHOTO)

With the above aliases, the following decorators are equivalent

def my_handler(update, context):
    pass  # user will see 'typing' while your bot is handling the request.
def my_handler(update, context):
    pass  # user will see 'typing' while your bot is handling the request.

All possible actions are documented here.

Build a menu with Buttons

Often times you will find yourself in need for a menu with dynamic content. Use the following build_menu method to create a button layout with n_cols columns out of a list of buttons.

from typing import Union, List
from telegram import InlineKeyboardButton

def build_menu(
    buttons: List[InlineKeyboardButton],
    n_cols: int,
    header_buttons: Union[InlineKeyboardButton, List[InlineKeyboardButton]]=None,
    footer_buttons: Union[InlineKeyboardButton, List[InlineKeyboardButton]]=None
) -> List[List[InlineKeyboardButton]]:
    menu = [buttons[i:i + n_cols] for i in range(0, len(buttons), n_cols)]
    if header_buttons:
        menu.insert(0, header_buttons if isinstance(header_buttons, list) else [header_buttons])
    if footer_buttons:
        menu.append(footer_buttons if isinstance(footer_buttons, list) else [footer_buttons])
    return menu

You can use the header_buttons and footer_buttons lists to put buttons in the first or last row respectively.



Replace the ... in below snippet by an appropriate argument, as indicated in the InlineKeyboardButton documentation. If you want to use KeyboardButtons, use ReplyKeyboardMarkup instead of InlineKeyboardMarkup.

button_list = [
    InlineKeyboardButton("col1", callback_data=...),
    InlineKeyboardButton("col2", callback_data=...),
    InlineKeyboardButton("row 2", callback_data=...)
reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(util.build_menu(button_list, n_cols=2))
bot.send_message(..., "A two-column menu", reply_markup=reply_markup)

Or, if you need a dynamic version, use list comprehension to generate your button_list dynamically from a list of strings:

some_strings = ["col1", "col2", "row2"]
button_list = [[KeyboardButton(s)] for s in some_strings]

This is especially useful if put inside a helper method like get_data_buttons to work on dynamic data and updating the menu according to user input.

To handle the callback_data, you need to set a CallbackQueryHandler.

Cached Telegram group administrator check

If you want to limit certain bot functions to group administrators, you have to test if a user is an administrator in the group in question. This however requires an extra API request, which is why it can make sense to cache this information for a certain time, especially if your bot is very busy.

This snippet requires this timeout-based cache decorator. (gist mirror)

Save the decorator to a new file named and add this line to your imports:

from mwt import MWT

Then, add the following decorated function to your script. You can change the timeout as required.

def get_admin_ids(bot, chat_id):
    """Returns a list of admin IDs for a given chat. Results are cached for 1 hour."""
    return [ for admin in bot.get_chat_administrators(chat_id)]

You can then use the function like this:

if in get_admin_ids(, update.message.chat_id):
    # admin only

Note: Private chats and groups with all_members_are_administrator flag, are not covered by this snippet. Make sure you handle them.

Simple way of restarting the bot

The following example allows you to restart the bot from within a handler. It goes without saying that you should protect this method from access by unauthorized users, which is why we are using a Filters.user filter. If you want multiple users to have access the restart command, you can pass a list of usernames as well. You can also filter by user IDs which is arguably a bit safer since they can't change. See the docs for more information.

This example is using closures so it has access to the updater variable. Alternatively, you could make it global.

Click to expand

import os
import sys
from threading import Thread

# Other code

def main():
    updater = Updater("TOKEN", use_context=True)
    dp = updater.dispatcher

    # Add your other handlers here...

    def stop_and_restart():
        """Gracefully stop the Updater and replace the current process with a new one"""
        os.execl(sys.executable, sys.executable, *sys.argv)

    def restart(update, context):
        update.message.reply_text('Bot is restarting...')

    # ...or here...

    dp.add_handler(CommandHandler('r', restart, filters=Filters.user(username='@jh0ker')))

    # ...or here, depending on your preference :)


if __name__ == '__main__':

Store ConversationHandler States

Version 12 and up includes tools for making your bot persistent.

Save and load jobs using pickle

WARNING: This snippet was written for v12.x and can't be used with v13+.

The following snippet pickles the jobs in the job queue periodically and on bot shutdown, and unpickles and queues them again on startup. Since pickle doesn't support threading primitives, therefore their values and states are extracted (this information may change in the future, always check the Job documentation).

Note: Job is not yet safe for threads so eventually some special condition may occur. In a previous example, the content of Job was modified which resulted in some asynchronous processing errors; now the content of Job is extracted without modifying it which is much more safe.

Click to expand

import pickle
from time import time
from datetime import timedelta

from telegram.ext import Updater, Job

JOBS_PICKLE = 'job_tuples.pickle'

# WARNING: This information may change in future versions (changes are planned)
JOB_DATA = ('callback', 'interval', 'repeat', 'context', 'days', 'name', 'tzinfo')
JOB_STATE = ('_remove', '_enabled')

def load_jobs(jq):
    with open(JOBS_PICKLE, 'rb') as fp:
        while True:
                next_t, data, state = pickle.load(fp)
            except EOFError:
                break  # loaded all jobs

            # New object with the same data
            job = Job(**{var: val for var, val in zip(JOB_DATA, data)})

            # Restore the state it had
            for var, val in zip(JOB_STATE, state):
                attribute = getattr(job, var)
                getattr(attribute, 'set' if val else 'clear')()

            job.job_queue = jq

            next_t -= time()  # convert from absolute to relative time

            jq._put(job, next_t)

def save_jobs(jq):
    with jq._queue.mutex:  # in case job_queue makes a change

        if jq:
            job_tuples = jq._queue.queue
            job_tuples = []

        with open(JOBS_PICKLE, 'wb') as fp:
            for next_t, job in job_tuples:

                # This job is always created at the start
                if == 'save_jobs_job':

                # Threading primitives are not pickleable
                data = tuple(getattr(job, var) for var in JOB_DATA)
                state = tuple(getattr(job, var).is_set() for var in JOB_STATE)

                # Pickle the job
                pickle.dump((next_t, data, state), fp)

def save_jobs_job(context):

def main():
    # updater = Updater(...)

    job_queue = updater.job_queue

    # Periodically save jobs
    job_queue.run_repeating(save_jobs_job, timedelta(minutes=1))


    except FileNotFoundError:
        # First run

    # updater.start_[polling|webhook]()
    # updater.idle()

    # Run again after bot has been properly shutdown

if __name__ == '__main__':

Verify data from Telegram Web Login Widget.

When using a LoginUrl in an InlineKeyboardButton to authorize a user on your website via Telegram, you'll have to to check the hash of the received data to verify the data of the integrity as described here

The data JSON data will have the following form:

    "id": XXXXXXXXX
    "first_name": "XXX"
    "last_name": "XXX"
    "username": "XXXXX"
    "photo_url": "https://t.meXXXXXX.jpg"
    "auth_date": XXXXXXXXXX

The following is an example implementation in Python:

Click to expand

import hashlib
import hmac


def verify(request_data):
    request_data = request_data.copy()
    tg_hash = request_data['hash']
    request_data.pop('hash', None)
    request_data_alphabetical_order = sorted(request_data.items(), key=lambda x: x[0])

    data_check_string = []
    for data_pair in request_data_alphabetical_order:
        key, value = data_pair[0], data_pair[1]
    data_check_string = '\n'.join(data_check_string)

    secret_key = hashlib.sha256(BOT_TOKEN.encode()).digest()
    received_hash =, msg=data_check_string.encode(), digestmod=hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

    if received_hash == tg_hash:
        # The user clicked to the Auth Button and data is verified.
        print('User Logged in.')
        return True
        # The data is not valid
        print('User data mis-matched.')
        return False

    # Optionally use another if-else block to check the auth_date in order to prevent outdated data from being verified.

A sample of Flask app can be found here.

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