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OAuth2-Module for PAM. Implemented with respect to RFC 6749, RFC 7009 and RFC 7662, propietary stuff like Google and Facebook are left out.

Authentication (RFC 6749) may be done by using a grant-code that is transformed into a token, a token itself and finally - of course - with a username/password-pair employed to password- and client-authentication.

Token-Introspection (RFC 7662) offers capabilties to check the validity of a token and allows to override the username used for authentication at the calling application.

For applications that make use of pam_setcred(3) or pam-sessions tokens may be revoked at end of the session by using an RFC 7009 revocation-endpoint.



The project contains a Makefile that should be suitable for most linux-environments as long as all required libraries may be found at standard-locations. For our own environment there is some propietary stuff that should not bother you.

Just run

make pam

to build the PAM-Module. If there are no errors, you'll find a file called in the project-directory that may be copied to a better location like /lib/security (or the one prefered by you distribution).

There are two other targets on the Makefile:

Target Purpose
test Build a testing-application called pam_test that acts as PAM-Application trying to gain authentication
cli Build a testing-application called pam_oauth2 that directly interfaces pam_oauth2 without using PAM at all


The module may be used as authentication-, account- and/or session-module. If used as account- or session-module, make sure to use it as authentication-module as well as this is always required.

Example /etc/pam.conf:

pam_test	auth		required	token-url={url} introspection-url={url} revoke-url={url} client-username={name} client-password={pass} username-path=/jcard/1/*/0=username/../3 auth-password
pam_test	account		required	introspection-url={url} client-username={name} client-password={pass} username-path=/jcard/1/*/0=username/../3
pam_test	session		required	revoke-url={url} client-username={name} client-password={pass}


pam_oauth2 is aware of these parameters:

Parameter Description
token-url={url} URL of Token-Endpoint (RFC 6749)
revoke-url={url} URL of Revocation-Endpoint (RFC 7009)
introspection-url={url} URL of Introspection-Endpoint (RFC 7662)
client-username={user} Username of the authentication-client
client-password={path} Password of the authentication-client
auth-code Try to perform authentication using a grant-code
auth-token Try to perform authentication using an already established token
auth-password Try to perform authentication using password-authentication
auth-client Try to perform client-authentication (not using client-credentials from above)
username-path={path} Try to extract actual username from introspection-response using this path
scope={scope} Compare granted scopes on introspection-response with this scope. Fails if not present.