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raylib-matte (raymatte)

Raylib bindings as a standalone Matte executable, adding the full base and math libraries for raylib while also tayloring each function for use within a high-level language.


  • High-level environment for making games and other tools with raylib, adding built-in support for strings, functions as first class objects, and other useful features.
  • Bindings for raylib.h, rcamera.h, and rmath.h
  • Extra extension library for making game organization easier, adding hierarchy, event systems, and more
  • Raylib examples rewritten in Matte
  • Additional examples with the game extension library

Not familiar with Matte? Check out the language Quick Guide to get a feel for it!


raymatte is compiled using Make. Run make in the base directory with the makefile of your choosing.


raymatte can be used in a few different modes. The default is to look for a in the running directory. always acts as the first script in the program and is run immediately.

Optionally, you can specify a path to start within:

raymatte ./examples/raylib/core_2d_camera_platformer

Which will change the current directory of raymatte, affecting import(), LoadFile* calls as well.


raymatte also is built-in with a stdio, GDB-based debugger. It is accessible by using the debug command:

raymatte debug ./examples/raylib/core_2d_camera_platformer

The debugger will pause execution when the breakpoint() function is called, or when an error is thrown.

The currently-understood commands are as follows:

  • p / print : prints an expression, which can include a variable name in scope.
  • s / step : evaluates the next instruction in the VM, which may "step into" a function call.
  • n / next : evaluates the next instruction in the VM, automatically running any instruction that would generate further function scopes. This essentially lets you step to the next instruction in the same scope or higher.
  • bt / backtrace : prints the entire callstack.


It is possible to bundle scripts and assets in a single file. Using the package command, raymatte will create this file for you.

raymatte package ./path/to/project/

In the directory pointed to, there must be a file, which is a script that returns an array of strings denoting all asset files that are part of the project. For example, might look like:

return [

Once packaged, the project will exist within a file. When this file is in the running directory of raymatte, this will be loaded instead of, and all import(), LoadFileData, and LoadFileText calls will pull from this data file with each file corresponding to the name output in the original array.


Once is created, it is possible to create a new version of the raymatte binary with embedded within it. This removes the need for any file to be bundled with your binary, simplifying the process of having people run your game.

This can be done using the embed command, which will take a directory containing the and combine it with the running raymatte instance.

raymatte embed ./path/to/packagedata/

This process produces a raymatte_embedded which can be used in a standalone manner.

Game Extension (

Along with the functions for raylib being implemented, raymatte also contains a "game extension" library that brings higher-level constructs similar to game engine tools, such as a transform hierarchy, state machine controller, and event systems.

In the spirit of raylib, the usage of these is dictated by examples and the function declarations in code.

Examples can be found in examples/game, and the source file for the library, with notes on each function, are within src/api/

raymatte ./examples/game/timer/

Differences vs. the C API

A number of strict changes exist between the original C/C++ API and the Matte bindings. Many of the changes are to leverage the higher-level nature of the environment, such as replacing C-string inputs with Matte strings, replacing "pointer + length" input sets with Matte arrays, replacing "byte pointer + length" with Matte MemoryBuffer objects, and avoiding use of direct pointers.

These changes are listed here:

  • ALL symbols are part of a module object (referred to as a namespace) rather than in scope references

  • Enums are layed out flat within the raylib namespace

  • Enum values were added for UpdateMeshBuffer: MESH_BUFFER_ID_* which contain values for each buffer index.

  • Some functions are not implemented.

    Functions which are currently NOT implemented, but may be in the future:

    • BeginVrStereoMode
    • EndVrStereoMode
    • LoadVrStereoConfig
    • UnloadVrStereoConfig
    • SetAudioStreamCallback
    • AttachAudioStreamProcessor
    • DetachAudioStreamProcessor
    • AttachAudioMixedProcessor
    • DetachAudioMixedProcessor

    Functions which do NOT have bindings:

    Function Reason
    GetWindowHandle No access to lower-level windowing functions to utilize
    MemAlloc Not needed. Can just use MemoryBuffer
    MemRealloc Not needed. Can just use MemoryBuffer
    MemFree Not needed. Can just use MemoryBuffer
    SetTraceLogCallback Used by the raylib-matte implementation
    SetLoadFileDataCallback Used by the raylib-matte implementation, unavailable
    SetSaveFileDataCallback Used by the raylib-matte implementation, unavailable
    SetLoadTextDataCallback Used by the raylib-matte implementation, unavailable
    SetSaveTextDataCallback Used by the raylib-matte implementation, unavailable
    UnloadFileData Not needed. MemoryBuffer can either be freed manually or will auto-free on GC
    UnloadTextData Not needed.
    UnloadDirectoryFiles Not needed.
    UnloadDroppedFiles Not needed.
    UnloadImageColors Not needed.
    UnloadImagePalette Not needed.
    UnloadFontData Not needed.
    DrawTextCodepoint Not especially needed with Matte string access.
    DrawTextCodepoints Not especially needed with Matte strings access.
    All Text*, UTF8, and Codepoint functions Not needed. Can be handled at the Matte level with the Matte string type, functions, and querries
    UnloadModelAnimations Not needed.
    Vector3toFloatV Not needed.
    MatrixToFloatV Not needed.
    UnloadWaveSamples Not needed.
  • Instances of output/input that call for char * (C-Strings) are replaced with Matte strings.

  • Some structs contain members which point to managed references or arrays. These members have specialized getter functions that generate copies of results that can be worked with.

    The following functions were added to facilitate these changes:

    Function Effect
    ImageGetData(Image) Returns a MemoryBuffer copy of the "data" of the image.
    FontGetRecs(Font) Returns an array copy of "recs" as Rectangle objects
    FontGetGlyphs(Font) Returns an array copy of "glyphs" as GlyphInfo objects
    MeshGetVertices(Mesh) Returns a MemoryBuffer copy of "vertices"
    MeshGetTexCoords(Mesh) Returns a MemoryBuffer copy of "texcoords"
    MeshGetTexCoords2(Mesh) Returns a MemoryBuffer copy of "texcoords2"
    MeshGetNormals(Mesh) Returns a MemoryBuffer copy of "normals"
    MeshGetTangents(Mesh) Returns a MemoryBuffer copy of "tangents"
    MeshGetColors(Mesh) Returns a MemoryBuffer copy of "colors"
    MeshGetIndices(Mesh) Returns a MemoryBuffer copy of "vertices"
    MeshGetAnimVertices(Mesh) Returns a MemoryBuffer copy of "animVertices"
    MeshGetAnimNormals(Mesh) Returns a MemoryBuffer copy of "animNormals"
    MeshGetBoneIDs(Mesh) Returns a MemoryBuffer copy of "boneIds"
    MeshGetBoneWeights(Mesh) Returns a MemoryBuffer copy of "boneIds"
    ModelGetMeshes(Model) Returns an array of Mesh, a copy of "meshes"
    ModelGetMaterials(Model) Returns an array of Material, a copy of "materials"
    ModelGetMaterialNumbers(Model) Returns an array of numbers, a copy of "meshMaterial"
    ModelGetBones(Model) Returns an array of BoneInfo, a copy of "bones"
    ModelGetBindPoses(Model) Returns an array of Transform, a copy of "bindPose"
    ModelAnimationGetBones(ModelAnimation) Returns an array of BoneInfo, a copy of "bones"
    ModelAnimationGetFramePoses(ModelAnimation) Returns an array of array of Transforms, a deep copy "framePoses", which is indexed by frame, then by bone
    WaveGetData(Wave) Returns a MemoryBuffer copy of "data"

    Such objects are NOT able to be produced "by hand" and need to be sourced from raylib functions on some level. Many of these objects also contain OpenGL primitives or other external primitives. The getters to these are inaccessible.

  • The Material struct replaces accessible "params[4]" with serially defined "param0" "param1", "param2", and "param3". Similarly, "maps" is serially defined with "map0", "map1", etc.

  • Members of structs that point to native objects, such as OpenGL texture IDs are not made available.

  • SetShaderValue / SetShaderValueV takes a pointer argument in C for the data to be uploaded. This has been replaced with SetShaderValueFloat / SetShaderValueFloatV and SetShaderValueInt / SetShaderValueIntV for each uniform type available. Sampler2D has a separate SetShaderValueSampler2D / SetShaderValueSampler2DV

    For The V variants, a "numComponents" argument is provided, consisting of the number of values per item. I.e. for a Vector3, "numComponents" would be 3. The "value" argument is replaced with a "values" array input consisting of a (flat) array of numbers to pack into the shader.
    Thus, "numComponents" denotes the groupings of these values within the "values" array.

    I.e. uploading 2 Vector3s to a shader would look like:

        shader:   myShader,
        locIndex: myLocationIndex,
        numComponents: 3
        values:   [
                        1, 0, 0, //<- Vector 1,
                        0, 1, 0, //<- Vector 2

    For non-V variants, the values array denotes how many components the value has based on its length. For example, uploading a single int would look like:

        shader:   myShader,
        locIndex: myLocationIndex,
        value: [10]
  • Any inputs / outputs that consist of "pointer + size" array are converted to array objects in Matte. The exception to this rule are "pointer + size" of single byte quantities, which are implied to be byte arrays. They follow the rule below.

  • Functions that return byte arrays and require byte arrays as arguments are represented as MemoryBuffer objects (import(module:"Matte.Core.MemoryBuffer")). Inputs will always be called "bytes"

  • TraceLog only takes logLevel and text, since built-in string operations for Matte cover the text utilities provided.

  • CompressData and DecompressData returns a MemoryBuffer and takes a MemoryBuffer ("bytes").

  • DrawLineStrip, DrawTriangleFan, DrawTriangleStrip, and CheckCollisionPointPoly all take an input array of "flat values", that is, an array of number values in a single array, rather than an array of xy objects.


      points: [1, 2   3, 4   5, 6],
      color: raylib.GREEN
  • LoadImageAnim will return an image object with an extra public member called "frames", which contains the output frame count

  • UpdateTexture and UpdateTextureRec do not take a raw buffer of pixels to update the texture, instead they take an image. They behave as follows:

          Texture2D texture,
          Image image
          Texture2D texture,
          Vector2 position, // the top-left to place the Image
          Image image
  • GetPixelColor and SetPixelColor use a MemoryBuffer object to facilitate byte access.

  • LoadFontEx and LoadFontData take an array of single-character strings into "fontChars" argument, removing the "glyphCount" argument.

  • LoadFontData takes "bytes" (a MemoryBuffer), "fontSize", "fontChars" (an array of single-character strings), and type.

  • GenImageFontAtlas has the "recs" argument removed. Instead, the return value is changed: an Object is returned with 2 members, "image" containing the output Image, and "recs" containing an array of Rectangle that would have been output. In addition, "chars" input will be an array of GlyphInfo, removing the need for "glyphCount".

  • DrawTriangleStrip3D takes an array of points and a color.

  • DrawMeshInstanced takes 3 arguments, the last of which is an array of Matrix. The size of the array determines the instance count

  • LoadMaterials returns an array of Material instances and removes the "materialCount" argument

  • Vector2Equals returns a boolean instead of an int.

  • Vector3Equals returns a boolean instead of an int.

  • QuaternionEquals returns a boolean instead of an int.

  • QuaternionToAxisAngle only takes the Quaternion argument and, instead, returns an object containing an "axis" and "angle" member, representing the output of the function.

  • UpdateSound takes a MemoryBuffer as input ("bytes")

  • LoadWaveFromMemory takes a MemoryBuffer as input ("bytes")

  • LoadWaveSamples returns a MemoryBuffer.

  • LoadMusicStreamFromMemory takes a MemoryBuffer as input ("bytes")

Additional Notes

When cloning, use git clone --recursive (url to this repo) to ensure copying the submodules matte and raylib.


Raylib bindings for Matte







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