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Terraform Lambda Typescript Starter 🏗λ

This is a basic Hello World starter template that utilises terraform for provisioning cloud resources. It is an opionanted starter which uses TypeScript, ESlint, Prettier and Husky.

Usage 🔬

Currently being consumed by these project(s) of mine, will try and keep this list updated

Tech 🧰

  • Terraform
  • Typescript
  • ESLint
  • Prettier
  • Husky

What gets provisioned? 🔍

  • API Gateway
  • Lambda
  • KMS Setup

Deployment 🚀

  • Run yarn lint to lint TS code using both ESLint and Prettier working together
  • Run yarn script:build-dependency-layer this will run a bash script to zip up production dependencies and add them to the lamba as a layer
  • Run yarn build to run TSC to compile TS code to plain JS
  • Run yarn cleanup to remove generated files after deployment steps
  • Run yarn tf:init to get aws provider plugin downloaded
  • Run yarn tf:plan to see changes that will be made
  • Run yarn tf:apply to actually make those changes to your provider
  • Visit AWS and see all your services provisioned via terraform
  • Run yarn tf:destroy to destroy all the services that were built

You can also simply call yarn deploy:all to both zip up an archive and provision the resources together. Similarly you could run yarn update:all to destroy all resources and re-provision them.