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MDL-20508 - update choice module to fix accessibility issue and elimi…
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rwijaya committed Jul 23, 2010
1 parent 97e5a99 commit 315d497
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Showing 11 changed files with 565 additions and 230 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions mod/choice/index.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
$strchoices = get_string("modulenameplural", "choice");
$strsectionname = get_string('sectionname', 'format_'.$course->format);
echo $OUTPUT->header();

Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions mod/choice/lang/en/choice.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -86,3 +86,6 @@
$string['viewallresponses'] = 'View {$a} responses';
$string['withselected'] = 'With selected';
$string['yourselection'] = 'Your selection';
$string['skipresultgraph'] = 'Skip result graph';
$string['moveselectedusersto'] = 'Move selected users to...';
$string['numberofuser'] = 'The number of user';
257 changes: 59 additions & 198 deletions mod/choice/lib.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,6 +25,10 @@

/** @global int $CHOICE_COLUMN_WIDTH */

define('CHOICE_PUBLISH_NAMES', '1');

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -184,126 +188,50 @@ function choice_update_instance($choice) {
* @global object
* @param object $choice
* @param object $user
* @param object $cm
* @param object $coursemodule
* @param array $allresponses
* @return void output is echo'd
* @return array
function choice_show_form($choice, $user, $cm, $allresponses) {
function choice_prepare_options($choice, $user, $coursemodule, $allresponses) {
global $DB;
//$cdisplay is an array of the display info for a choice $cdisplay[$optionid]->text - text name of option.
// ->maxanswers -maxanswers for this option
// ->full - whether this option is full or not. 0=not full, 1=full
$cdisplay = array();

$aid = 0;
$choicefull = false;
$cdisplay = array();
$cdisplay = array('options'=>array());

if ($choice->limitanswers) { //set choicefull to true by default if limitanswers.
$choicefull = true;

$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
$cdisplay['limitanswers'] = true;
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $coursemodule->id);

foreach ($choice->option as $optionid => $text) {
if (isset($text)) { //make sure there are no dud entries in the db with blank text values.
$cdisplay[$aid]->optionid = $optionid;
$cdisplay[$aid]->text = $text;
$cdisplay[$aid]->maxanswers = $choice->maxanswers[$optionid];
$option = new stdClass;
$option->attributes = new stdClass;
$option->attributes->value = $optionid;
$option->text = $text;
$option->maxanswers = $choice->maxanswers[$optionid];
$option->displaylayout = $choice->display;

if (isset($allresponses[$optionid])) {
$cdisplay[$aid]->countanswers = count($allresponses[$optionid]);
$option->countanswers = count($allresponses[$optionid]);
} else {
$cdisplay[$aid]->countanswers = 0;
$option->countanswers = 0;
if ($current = $DB->get_record('choice_answers', array('choiceid' => $choice->id, 'userid' => $user->id, 'optionid' => $optionid))) {
$cdisplay[$aid]->checked = ' checked="checked" ';
} else {
$cdisplay[$aid]->checked = '';
if ($DB->record_exists('choice_answers', array('choiceid' => $choice->id, 'userid' => $user->id, 'optionid' => $optionid))) {
$option->attributes->checked = true;
if ( $choice->limitanswers &&
($cdisplay[$aid]->countanswers >= $cdisplay[$aid]->maxanswers) &&
(empty($cdisplay[$aid]->checked)) ) {
$cdisplay[$aid]->disabled = ' disabled="disabled" ';
} else {
$cdisplay[$aid]->disabled = '';
if ($choice->limitanswers && ($cdisplay[$aid]->countanswers < $cdisplay[$aid]->maxanswers)) {
$choicefull = false; //set $choicefull to false - as the above condition hasn't been set.
if ( $choice->limitanswers && ($option->countanswers >= $option->maxanswers) && empty($option->attributes->checked)) {
$option->attributes->disabled = true;
$cdisplay['options'][] = $option;

switch ($choice->display) {
echo "<table cellpadding=\"20\" cellspacing=\"20\" class=\"boxaligncenter\"><tr>";
$cdisplay['hascapability'] = is_enrolled($context, NULL, 'mod/choice:choose'); //only enrolled users are allowed to make a choice

foreach ($cdisplay as $cd) {
echo "<td align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">";
echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"answer\" value=\"".$cd->optionid."\" alt=\"".strip_tags(format_text($cd->text))."\"". $cd->checked.$cd->disabled." />";
if (!empty($cd->disabled)) {
echo format_text($cd->text."<br /><strong>".get_string('full', 'choice')."</strong>");
} else {
echo format_text($cd->text);
if ($choice->allowupdate && $DB->record_exists('choice_answers', array('choiceid'=> $choice->id, 'userid'=> $user->id))) {
$cdisplay['allowupdate'] = true;
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";

$displayoptions->para = false;
echo "<table cellpadding=\"10\" cellspacing=\"10\" class=\"boxaligncenter\">";
foreach ($cdisplay as $cd) {
echo "<tr><td align=\"left\">";
echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"answer\" value=\"".$cd->optionid."\" alt=\"".strip_tags(format_text($cd->text))."\"". $cd->checked.$cd->disabled." />";

echo format_text($cd->text. ' ', FORMAT_MOODLE, $displayoptions); //display text for option.

if ($choice->limitanswers && ($choice->showresults==CHOICE_SHOWRESULTS_ALWAYS) ){ //if limit is enabled, and show results always has been selected, display info beside each choice.
echo "</td><td>";

if (!empty($cd->disabled)) {
echo get_string('full', 'choice');
} elseif(!empty($cd->checked)) {
//currently do nothing - maybe some text could be added here to signfy that the choice has been 'selected'
} elseif ($cd->maxanswers-$cd->countanswers==1) {
echo ($cd->maxanswers - $cd->countanswers);
echo " ".get_string('spaceleft', 'choice');
} else {
echo ($cd->maxanswers - $cd->countanswers);
echo " ".get_string('spacesleft', 'choice');
return $cdisplay;
echo "</td>";
} else if ($choice->limitanswers && ($cd->countanswers >= $cd->maxanswers)) { //if limitanswers and answers exceeded, display "full" beside the choice.
echo " <strong>".get_string('full', 'choice')."</strong>";
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
//show save choice button
echo '<div class="button">';
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"$cm->id\" />";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sesskey\" value=\"".sesskey()."\" />";
if (is_enrolled($context, NULL, 'mod/choice:choose')) { //only enrolled users are allowed to make a choice
if ($choicefull) {
print_string('choicefull', 'choice');
echo "</br>";
} else {
echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"".get_string("savemychoice","choice")."\" />";
if ($choice->allowupdate && $aaa = $DB->get_record('choice_answers', array('choiceid'=> $choice->id, 'userid'=> $user->id))) {
echo "<br /><a href='view.php?id=".$cm->id."&amp;action=delchoice&amp;sesskey=".sesskey()."'>".get_string("removemychoice","choice")."</a>";
} else {
print_string('havetologin', 'choice');
echo "</div>";

* @global object
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -398,32 +326,49 @@ function choice_show_reportlink($user, $cm) {

* @global object
* @global int
* @global string
* @global object
* @param object $choice
* @param object $course
* @param object $cm
* @param object $coursemodule
* @param array $allresponses
* @param int $forcepublish
* @return void Output is echo'd
* * @param bool $allresponses
* @return object
function choice_show_results($choice, $course, $cm, $allresponses, $forcepublish='') {
function prepare_choice_show_results($choice, $course, $cm, $allresponses, $forcepublish=false) {

echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string("responses", "choice"));
if (empty($forcepublish)) { //alow the publish setting to be overridden
$forcepublish = $choice->publish;
$display = clone($choice);
$display->coursemoduleid = $cm->id;
$display->courseid = $course->id;

//overwrite options value;
$display->options = array();
$totaluser = 0;
foreach ($choice->option as $optionid => $optiontext) {
$display->options[$optionid] = new stdClass;
$display->options[$optionid]->text = $optiontext;
$display->options[$optionid]->maxanswer = $choice->maxanswers[$optionid];

if (array_key_exists($optionid, $allresponses)) {
$display->options[$optionid]->user = $allresponses[$optionid]; //->user;
$totaluser += count($allresponses[$optionid]);

$display->numberofuser = $totaluser;
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
$display->viewresponsecapability = has_capability('mod/choice:readresponses', $context);
$display->deleterepsonsecapability = has_capability('mod/choice:deleteresponses',$context);
$display->fullnamecapability = has_capability('moodle/site:viewfullnames', $context);

if (empty($allresponses)) {
echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string("nousersyet"));
return false;

$totalresponsecount = 0;
foreach ($allresponses as $optionid => $userlist) {
if ($choice->showunanswered || $optionid) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -559,93 +504,9 @@ function choice_show_results($choice, $course, $cm, $allresponses, $forcepublish
echo "</form></div>";


echo "<table cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"results anonymous\">";
echo "<tr>";
$maxcolumn = 0;
if ($choice->showunanswered) {
echo "<th class=\"col0 header\" scope=\"col\">";
print_string('notanswered', 'choice');
echo "</th>";
$column[0] = 0;
foreach ($allresponses[0] as $user) {
$maxcolumn = $column[0];
return $display;
$count = 1;

foreach ($choice->option as $optionid => $optiontext) {
echo "<th class=\"col$count header\" scope=\"col\">";
echo format_string($optiontext);
echo "</th>";

$column[$optionid] = 0;
if (isset($allresponses[$optionid])) {
$column[$optionid] = count($allresponses[$optionid]);
if ($column[$optionid] > $maxcolumn) {
$maxcolumn = $column[$optionid];
} else {
$column[$optionid] = 0;
echo "</tr><tr>";

$height = 0;

if ($choice->showunanswered) {
if ($maxcolumn) {
$height = $CHOICE_COLUMN_HEIGHT * ((float)$column[0] / (float)$maxcolumn);
echo "<td style=\"vertical-align:bottom\" align=\"center\" class=\"col0 data\">";
echo "<img src=\"column.png\" height=\"$height\" width=\"49\" alt=\"\" />";
echo "</td>";
$count = 1;
foreach ($choice->option as $optionid => $optiontext) {
if ($maxcolumn) {
$height = $CHOICE_COLUMN_HEIGHT * ((float)$column[$optionid] / (float)$maxcolumn);
echo "<td style=\"vertical-align:bottom\" align=\"center\" class=\"col$count data\">";
echo "<img src=\"column.png\" height=\"$height\" width=\"49\" alt=\"\" />";
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr><tr>";

if ($choice->showunanswered) {
echo '<td align="center" class="col0 count">';
if (!$choice->limitanswers) {
echo $column[0];
echo '<br />('.format_float(((float)$column[0]/(float)$totalresponsecount)*100.0,1).'%)';
echo '</td>';
$count = 1;
foreach ($choice->option as $optionid => $optiontext) {
echo "<td align=\"center\" class=\"col$count count\">";
if ($choice->limitanswers) {
echo get_string("taken", "choice").":";
echo $column[$optionid].'<br />';
echo get_string("limit", "choice").":";
echo $choice->maxanswers[$optionid];
} else {
echo $column[$optionid];
echo '<br />('.format_float(((float)$column[$optionid]/(float)$totalresponsecount)*100.0,1).'%)';
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr></table>";


* @global object
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Binary file added mod/choice/pix/column.png
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added mod/choice/pix/row.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.

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