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Common build environment used by gpuCI for building RAPIDS


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This repo contains Docker images used by gpuCI and release images for RAPIDS. Additional gpuCI users also have custom images in this repo.

Below is a flow diagram of how the major gpuCI images relate to each other. Arrows between images imply that the source image is the FROM image for the destination image.

Image Flow Diagram

gpuCI images and relations

Public Images

The gpuci/miniforge-cuda image is the base layer that all gpuCI testing and RAPIDS release containers are built off of. This image also serves as a public image for those who want a one-to-one compatible nvidia/cuda image with miniforge installed. In addition gpuci/miniforge-cuda-driver is provided for ubuntu18.04 and centos7 only with a minimum set of conda build utilities and the NVIDIA driver installed to allow for CPU-only conda builds of most CUDA code.

Build Status gpuci/miniforge-cuda

  • Repo location
  • Dockerfile
  • Build arguments
    • Depends on upstream nvidia/cuda combinations
      • CUDA_VER - 9.0, 9.2, 10.0, 10.1, 10.2, 11.0, 11.1, 11.2
      • IMAGE_TYPE - base, runtime, devel
      • LINUX_VER - ubuntu18.04, ubuntu20.04, centos7, rockylinux8
    • Other arguments
      • FROM_IMAGE - nvidia/cuda
  • Base image
      • Default - nvidia/cuda:10.2-devel-ubuntu18.04
  • Purpose
    • Contains CUDA + miniforge installed
    • Replaces nvidia/cuda and enables conda environment
    • Activates the base conda environment on launch
    • Serves as a base image for community using conda and gpuCI users to build their own custom image
  • Tag format - ${CUDA_VER}-${IMAGE_TYPE}-${LINUX_VER}
    • Supports the same options as defined in Build arguments
    • Current tags

Build Status gpuci/miniforge-cuda-driver

  • Repo location
  • Dockerfile
  • Build arguments
    • Depends on upstream nvidia/cuda combinations
      • CUDA_VER - 11.0, 11.1, 11.2
      • IMAGE_TYPE - devel
      • LINUX_VER - ubuntu18.04, centos7
    • Other arguments
      • FROM_IMAGE - gpuci/miniforge-cuda
  • Base image
      • Default - gpuci/miniforge-cuda:11.0-devel-ubuntu18.04
  • Purpose
    • Adds tools needed for conda builds and uploads
    • Installs the NVIDIA driver for CPU-only builds of most CUDA code
    • Activates the base conda environment on launch
  • Tag format - ${CUDA_VER}-devel-${LINUX_VER}
    • Supports the same options as defined in Build arguments
    • Current tags

gpuCI Images

The images below are used for conda builds and GPU tests in gpuCI, see the diagram above for more context. They are ordered by their dependencies.

GPU Test Images

The gpuci/rapidsai images serve different purposes based on their IMAGE_TYPE and their RAPIDS_VER version:

Build Status gpuci/rapidsai

  • Image types - IMAGE_TYPE
    • devel - image types are used in gpuCI on nodes with NVIDIA Container Toolkit installed for running tests with GPUs. They are also used by the RAPIDS devel release images and as the base for gpuci/rapidsai-driver and gpuci/rapidsai-driver-nightly.
    • runtime - image types are used by RAPIDS base and runtime release. RAPIDS base images do not use the base type from gpuci/miniforge-cuda or nvidia/cuda as they do not have all the required files to run RAPIDS.
  • Versioning - RAPIDS_VER
    • gpuci/rapidsai uses the same versioning as the RAPIDS project
    • The current stable version of RAPIDS tracks the release/stable integration env packages
    • The current nightly version of RAPIDS tracks the nightly integration env packages
  • Dockerfiles
  • Build arguments
    • RAPIDS_VER - Major and minor version to use for packages (e.g. 21.06)
  • Base image
    • FROM gpuci/miniforge-cuda:${CUDA_VER}-${IMAGE_TYPE}-${LINUX_VER}
  • Purpose
    • Provide a common testing base that can be reused by the RAPIDS release images
    • Use the integration env packages to pull consistent versioning information for all of RAPIDS
      • NOTE: These images install the env packages to get their dependencies, but are removed after install in this container. This allows the same packages to be installed again later updating the image. It also allows PR jobs to use the devel image and override dependencies for testing purposes. With the env packages still installed there would be a conda solve conflict.
    • Supports these options
      • ${RAPIDS_VER} - Major and minor version of RAPIDS (e.g. 21.06)
      • ${CUDA_VER} - 11.0, 11.2
      • ${IMAGE_TYPE} - base, runtime, devel
      • ${LINUX_VER} - ubuntu18.04, ubuntu20.04, centos7, rockylinux8
      • ${PYTHON_VER} - 3.7, 3.8, 3.9

conda Build Images

The gpuci/rapidsai-driver and images are used to build conda packages on CPU-only machines. They are from the devel images of gpuci/rapidsai. To enable some of the RAPIDS builds on CPU-only machines we leverage this container by force installing the NVIDIA drivers. This allows us to have the necessary files for linking during the build steps.

Build Status gpuci/rapidsai-driver

  • Versioning - RAPIDS_VER
    • Similar to gpuci/rapidsai these images use the RAPIDS versioning
    • gpuci/rapidsai-driver - similar to gpuci/rapidsai use the same versioning as the RAPIDS project
    • The current stable version of RAPIDS tracks the release/stable integration env packages
    • The current nightly version of RAPIDS tracks the nightly integration env packages
  • Dockerfile
  • Build arguments
    • FROM_IMAGE - Specifies the repo location; stable/nightly is determined by the value of RAPIDS_VER
    • DRIVER_VER - NVIDIA driver version to install (i.e. 440)
    • CUDA_VER and PYTHON_VER - Take the same arguments as defined in Tags below
    • RAPIDS_VER - This is used to select the FROM_IMAGE
  • Base image
    • FROM gpuci/rapidsai:${RAPIDS_VER}-cuda${CUDA_VER}-devel-ubuntu16.04-py${PYTHON_VERSION}
  • Purpose
    • Installs the NVIDIA driver/libcuda to enable conda builds on CPU-only machines
    • Built for conda builds and only contains the driver install command
    • Maintained as a way to remove the apt-get install overhead that can slow the testing/build process
  • Tags - ${RAPIDS_VER}-cuda${CUDA_VER}-devel-centos7-py${PYTHON_VER}
    • Supports these options
      • ${RAPIDS_VER} - Major and minor version of RAPIDS (e.g. 21.06)
      • ${CUDA_VER} - 11.0, 11.2
      • ${PYTHON_VER} - 3.7, 3.8


The RAPIDS release images are based off of the gpuci/rapidsai images for stable/release images and based off of the gpuci/rapidsai-nightly images for nightly images. Scripts and templates for these images are maintained in the build repo.

For a list of available images see the RAPIDS build README.