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Docker deploy

Docker deployment utilities for REDMIC infrastructure.

You can use it to deploy your own services, supporting Docker Compose (both v1 and v2) and Docker Swarm environments.


  • deploy:

    Perform a service deployment at a Docker environment. Contains several stages:

    1. definitions:

      Set initial configuration values, getting environment values and with local defaults as fallback. Also prints the initial banner.

    2. ssh-config:

      Prepare connection to deployment target host environment. Set connection options, add identity and define functions to run commands at target.

    3. check-env:

      Check dependencies, version requirements and available modes at deployment target host environment.

    4. check-mode:

      Check which deploy mode (Swarm or Compose) will be used at deployment target host environment.

    5. prepare-env:

      Prepare environment variables, define directories to use and get names of services to deploy.

    6. check-config:

      Validate deployment configuration at compose files, using environment variables and deployment mode set.

    7. prepare-deploy:

      Prepare directories and copy resources to deployment target host (compose files, service configurations...).

    8. do-deploy:

      Launch service at deployment target host. Both standard (using docker compose) and Swarm (using docker stack deploy) modes are supported (deprecated versions too), but Swarm mode is recommended (even for single-node clusters).

    9. check-deploy:

      Once deployment is done, this stage waits a defined time period for the service to being up and running (or stopped after run successfully). If service status remains stable after several checks, then it is considered successfully deployed. This check can be ommited with OMIT_STATUS_CHECK=1.

  • create-nets:

    Prepare deployment target host environment creating Docker networks which are external to service definition. A network is external when it's not created by service deployment itself, because is defined as external in compose files. Contains several stages:

    1. definitions:

      Set initial configuration values, getting environment values and with local defaults as fallback. Also prints the initial banner.

    2. ssh-config:

      Prepare connection to deployment target host environment. Set connection options, add identity and define functions to run commands at target.

    3. check-env:

      Check dependencies, version requirements and available modes at deployment target host environment.

    4. do-create-nets:

      Prepare networks creation command for supported mode and run it at deployment target host environment.

  • relaunch:

    Force a previously deployed service to update, relaunching it with the same service configuration. Available only for Swarm mode. Contains several stages:

    1. definitions:

      Set initial configuration values, getting environment values and with local defaults as fallback. Also prints the initial banner.

    2. ssh-config:

      Prepare connection to deployment target host environment. Set connection options, add identity and define functions to run commands at target.

    3. check-env:

      Check dependencies, version requirements and available modes at deployment target host environment.

    4. prepare-relaunch:

      Obtain single service name to relaunch, because SERVICE value might be a prefix for several service names. Check if service exists at deployment target host environment.

    5. prepare-registry:

      Only when using USE_IMAGE_DIGEST=1. Perform login to registry when using credentials, to be able to get updated images.

    6. prepare-digest:

      Only when using USE_IMAGE_DIGEST=1. Before relaunching service, get updated image and its current digest data.

    7. do-relaunch:

      Run service relaunch at deployment target host environment.


For REDMIC, we use this image into CI/CD configuration. Deploy jobs are defined into our GitLab CI configuration, but you can run it directly using docker run:

docker run --rm --name docker-deploy \
  -e SSH_REMOTE=ssh-user@host \
  -e DEPLOY_KEY="<your-private-key>" \
  -e STACK=your-stack-name \
  -v $(pwd)/compose.yaml:/compose.yaml \
  -v $(pwd)/.env:/.env \
  redmic/docker-docker-deploy:latest \
  <action> <arg1> <arg2> ...

As you can see, configuration is possible through environment variables and by script (<action>) parameters.

Using environment variables, you can configure:

  • Behaviour of docker-deploy itself.
  • Deployment target host (where you are deploying to) environment, for:
    • service deployment configuration (values used to configure the deployment), but not exposed into the deployed service.
    • deployed service environment variables, only when action is deploy and you are using the ENV_PREFIX (DD_ by default) prefix in your variable names.

Using script parameters you can set:

  • When action is deploy:
    • deployment target host (where you are deploying to) environment, for:
      • service deployment configuration (values used to configure the deployment), but not exposed into the deployed service.
      • deployed service environment variables, using names without prefix. These parameters will overwrite previous environment values, including those defined using the ENV_PREFIX (DD_ by default) prefix.
  • When action is create-nets:
    • the name of external networks to create.


This service

You may define these environment variables (bold are mandatory):

Variable name Default value Description
DEPLOY_KEY - Private key used to authenticate, paired with a public key accepted by remote host.
SSH_REMOTE - SSH user and hostname (DNS or IP) of remote host where you are going to deploy.
STACK - Name of Docker stack (Swarm mode) or project (Compose mode) used to wrap deployed services.
ALLOW_COMPOSE_ENV_FILE_INTERPOLATION 0 Allow passing variable values directly from COMPOSE_ENV_FILE_NAME file (.env by default), to let Compose interpolate variables used into values. By default, values will be single-quoted before checking config and deploying with Compose, to avoid getting unwanted variable resolution. Useful only for Compose mode.
COMPOSE_ENV_FILE_NAME .env Name of variable values definition file.
COMPOSE_FILE compose.yaml Name of service definition file. Multiple files are supported, separated by colon (:).
DEFAULT_DEPLOY_FILES *compose*.y*ml ${COMPOSE_ENV_FILE_NAME} Files needed for deployment. Used only if DEPLOY_DIR_NAME directory does not exist.
DEPLOY_DIR_NAME deploy Name of directory containing files needed for deployment. If directory exists, DEFAULT_DEPLOY_FILES is ignored and all contents are copied to deployment target host.
DEPLOY_PATH ~ Path in deployment target host where deployment directory (used to hold temporary files) will be created.
ENV_PREFIX DD_ Prefix used to identify variables to be defined in deployment target host environment and service, available there without this prefix. Change this if default value collides with the beginning of your variable names.
ENV_SPACE_REPLACEMENT <dd-space> Unique string (change this if that is not true for you) used to replace spaces into variable values while handling them.
FORCE_DOCKER_COMPOSE 0 Use always standard (Compose) mode instead of Docker Swarm, even if it is available at deployment target host.
GREP_BIN grep Path to grep binary in deployment target host.
OMIT_CLEAN_DEPLOY 0 Leave at deployment target host all deployment resources after doing a deploy. Useful when using bind mounts or Compose secrets (pointing to static content in deployment resources) or you want to check sent contents.
OMIT_STATUS_CHECK 0 Bypass status check process after deploying services. Useful when you need to be fast.
OMIT_WAITING_TO_CONVERGE 0 Bypass waiting for relaunched service to converge (when all service tasks are running and healthy, if supported). Useful when you need to be fast. Available only for relaunch action.
REGISTRY_PASS - Docker registry password, corresponding to a user with read permissions. Required for private registry or repository.
REGISTRY_URL - Docker registry address, where Docker must log in to retrieve images. Useful only when using private registry or repository. Default is empty, to use Docker Hub registry.
REGISTRY_USER - Docker registry username, corresponding to a user with read permissions. Required for private registry or repository.
SERVICE - Name of service to relaunch (<stack-name>_<service-name>). Available and required only for relaunch action.
SERVICES_TO_AUTH - Names of services which need authorization to access to private registry, separated by space. Default is empty, to use service names found into compose files with stack prefix (<stack-name>_<service-name>).
SERVICES_TO_CHECK - Names of services to check after deployment, separated by space. Default is empty, to use service names found into compose files with stack prefix (<stack-name>_<service-name>).
SERVICES_TO_DEPLOY - Names of services to deploy, separated by space. Available only for standard (Compose) mode. Default is empty, to deploy all defined services.
SSH_CONTROL_PERSIST 10 Number of seconds while SSH connection to remote host remain open (useful for short but frequent connections).
SSH_PORT 22 Port used for SSH connection to remote host.
STATUS_CHECK_DELAY 120 Seconds to wait before check deployment.
STATUS_CHECK_INTERVAL 20 Seconds to wait between check iterations.
STATUS_CHECK_MIN_HITS 3 Minimum number of successful checks to consider deployment as successful.
STATUS_CHECK_RETRIES 10 Maximum number of checks before considering deployment as failed.
SWARM_RESOLVE_IMAGE always Allows to edit the behaviour of deploy and relaunch actions when querying registry, to resolve image digests and supported platforms or not. Supported values are always, changed or never.
USE_IMAGE_DIGEST 0 Update service image using digest data when relaunching. Useful when using images which receive updates under same tag and want to keep them updated with same version on all nodes. Available only for relaunch action.

Your services

When using deploy action, you can configure your own services through variables.

Note that you must declare them at your compose files too (into environment section, for example).

  • Define any variable whose name is prefixed by ENV_PREFIX prefix:

    1. Set variable docker run ... -e DD_ANY_NAME=value ... deploy.
    2. ANY_NAME will be available into service containers with value value.
  • Pass any variable as deploy script parameter (without ENV_PREFIX prefix):

    1. Set parameter to deploy script: docker run ... deploy ANY_NAME=value.
    2. ANY_NAME will be available into service containers with value value.



$ ls -a deploy
.  ..  compose.yaml  .env

$ export DEPLOY_KEY="

$ docker run --rm --name docker-deploy \
  -e \
  -e STACK=example \
  -e DD_VARIABLE_1="variable 1" \
  -v $(pwd)/deploy:/deploy \
  redmic/docker-docker-deploy \
  deploy VARIABLE_2="variable 2"
  1. You must define the deploy configuration, a valid compose.yaml file at least.
  2. To authenticate, you must use a private key allowed in the remote host.
  3. Start service deployment. In this example:
    • to remote host
    • identified as user
    • authenticated through a RSA-1024 private key
    • into example stack
    • with VARIABLE_1 and VARIABLE_2 available to set in service