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With the AWS CDK, developers or administrators can define their cloud infrastructure by using a supported programming language.

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AWS Client Development Kit CDK TypeScript sample project

AWS TypeScript Jest

This is a blank project for CDK development with TypeScript.

The cdk.json file tells the CDK Toolkit how to execute your app.

Useful commands

  • npm run build compile typescript to js
  • npm run watch watch for changes and compile
  • npm run test perform the jest unit tests
  • cdk deploy deploy this stack to your default AWS account/region
  • cdk diff compare deployed stack with current state
  • cdk synth emits the synthesized CloudFormation template

Required Resources

AWS Client AWS CDK Node.js Typescript

AWS Cli installation

curl "" -o ""
sudo ./aws/install

Configure AWS Client

aws configure

AWS CDK installation

npm i -g aws-cdk

Typescript installation

npm i -g typescript

Check versions

aws --version
node --version
cdk --version
npm --version

Best practices for developing and deploying cloud infrastructure with the AWS CDK

With the AWS CDK, developers or administrators can define their cloud infrastructure by using a supported programming language. CDK applications should be organized into logical units, such as API, database, and monitoring resources, and optionally have a pipeline for automated deployments. The logical units should be implemented as constructs including the following:

  • Infrastructure (such as Amazon S3 buckets, Amazon RDS databases, or an Amazon VPC network)
  • Runtime code (such as AWS Lambda functions)
  • Configuration code

CDK Toolkit commands

The AWS CDK Toolkit, the CLI command cdk, is the primary tool for interacting with your AWS CDK app. It executes your app, interrogates the application model you defined, and produces and deploys the AWS CloudFormation templates generated by the AWS CDK. It also provides other features useful for creating and working with AWS CDK projects. This topic contains information about common use cases of the CDK Toolkit.

Command Function
cdk list (ls) Lists the stacks in the app
cdk synthesize (synth) Synthesizes and prints the CloudFormation template for one or more specified stacks
cdk bootstrap Deploys the CDK Toolkit staging stack; see Bootstrapping
cdk deploy Deploys one or more specified stacks
cdk destroy Destroys one or more specified stacks
cdk diff Compares the specified stack and its dependencies with the deployed stacks or a local CloudFormation template
cdk metadata Displays metadata about the specified stack
cdk init Creates a new CDK project in the current directory from a specified template
cdk context Manages cached context values
cdk docs (doc) Opens the CDK API Reference in your browser
cdk doctor Checks your CDK project for potential problems

AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code

The AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code is an open source plug-in for the Visual Studio Code that makes it easier to create, debug, and deploy applications on Amazon Web Services. With the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code, you will be able to get started faster and be more productive when building applications with Visual Studio Code on AWS. The toolkit provides an integrated experience for developing serverless applications, including assistance for getting started, ML-powered code recommendations, step-through debugging, and deploying from the IDE.

Bootstrapping your AWS environment

Bootstrapping is the process of provisioning resources for the AWS CDK before you can deploy AWS CDK apps into an AWS environment. (An AWS environment is a combination of an AWS account and Region).

Deploying stacks with the CDK requires special dedicated AWS CDK resources to be provisioned. The cdk bootstrap command creates the necessary resources for you. You only need to bootstrap if you are deploying a stack that requires these dedicated resources.

cdk bootstrap

If issued with no arguments, as shown here, the cdk bootstrap command synthesizes the current app and bootstraps the environments its stacks will be deployed to. If the app contains environment-agnostic stacks, which don't explicitly specify an environment, the default account and Region are bootstrapped, or the environment specified using --profile.

Deploying stacks

The cdk deploy subcommand deploys one or more specified stacks to your AWS account.

cdk deploy        # if app contains only one stack
cdk deploy MyStack
cdk deploy Stack1 Stack2
cdk deploy "*"    # all stacks in app

Clean up resources

"Turn of the lights before leaving the room" Werner Vogels Amazon CTO

The AWS CDK attempts to keep you from losing data by defaulting to policies that retain everything you create. For example, the default removal policy on resources that contain data (such as Amazon S3 buckets and database tables) is not to delete the resource when it is removed from the stack. Instead, the resource is orphaned from the stack. Similarly, the CDK's default is to retain all logs forever. In production environments, these defaults can quickly result in the storage of large amounts of data that you don't actually need, and a corresponding AWS bill.

Consider carefully what you want these policies to be for each production resource and specify them accordingly. Use Aspects to validate the removal and logging policies in your stack.

cdk destroy

CDK Patterns

show available templates with:

cdk init --list

init a template (be carefull because it will create a new project simmilar to this one):

cdk init sample-app --language=typescript


With the AWS CDK, developers or administrators can define their cloud infrastructure by using a supported programming language.







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