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Serial Communication

zjn0505 edited this page Sep 11, 2023 · 6 revisions

temi GO series as a new member in the temi robot family, is temi's next exploration and innovation in the robotics industry.

It inherts temi's featured design language and derives from the same technologies and algorithms that powered all the temi robots.

temi GO robot as a new species, has evolved with more hardware level controllable and configurable components, like the rotation compartment door for delivery, tray with sensors and LEDs. We also aimed to provide customizable hardware to fit various of needs in practice.

Like temi robot, with the same sets of SDK interfaces, developers can migrate their apps from temi robot to temi GO with zero efforts to achieve the same capabilities of mapping, navigation, and automation. To deal with the new dynamical and controllable hardware in temi GO, in temi SDK, the solution is to use unified interface to send commands and read status and responses.

In temi SDK sample -> Resources -> Serial, you can try this unified serial communication interface.

API Overview

Return Method Description
int sendSerialCommand(int command, byte[] data) Send command to serial interface
Interface Description
OnSerialRawDataListener Serial raw data listener



All the control and query commands are sent from this interface.

The latest serial commands can be found at this class com.robotemi.sdk.Serial

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    command int Command id, will be represeted in hex format
    data byte[] Data content of command
  • Return

    Type Description
    int 0 success
    -1 fail
  • Prototype

    int sendSerialCommand(int command, byte[] data);
  • Required permissions


  • Support from

    1.129.2 (17009 temi Launcher)



All the serial responses and status will be returned from this listener in raw data format.


package com.robotemi.sdk.listeners;

interface OnSerialRawDataListener {}

Abstract methods

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    data byte[] Serial raw data
  • Prototype

    void onSerialRawData(byte[] data)

Method for adding listener

  • Prototype

    void addOnSerialRawDataListener(OnSerialRawDataListener listener);

Method for removing listener

  • Prototype

    void removeOnSerialRawDataListener(OnSerialRawDataListener listener);
  • Support from


Commands list

To use command, send it like this.

// Examples of send

// Calibrate temi Tray
Robot.getInstance().sendSerialCommand(Serial.CMD_TRAY_CALIBRATE, byteArrayOf())

// Open door 1.
Robot.getInstance().sendSerialCommand(Serial.CMD_DOOR_OPEN, byteArrayOf(1))

// Set tray 1 LED to red
Robot.getInstance().sendSerialCommand(Serial.CMD_TRAY_LIGHT, byteArrayOf(0x00, 0xff.toByte(), 0x00, 0x00))

// Set LCD text
Robot.getInstance().sendSerialCommand(Serial.CMD_LCD_TEXT, Serial.getLcdBytes("Hello"))

// Set LCD text or background color
  getLcdColorBytes(byteArrayOf(0x00, 0xff.toByte(), 0x00, 0x00), target = Serial.LCD.TEXT_0_COLOR)

  getLcdColorBytes(byteArrayOf(0x00, 0xff.toByte(), 0x00, 0x00), target = Serial.LCD.TEXT_0_BACKGROUND)

// Set Strip light to breathing red/green
    mode = 2,
    primaryColor = byteArrayOf(0xff.toByte(), 0x00, 0x00),
    secondaryColor = byteArrayOf(0x00, 0xff.toByte(), 0x00),
    interval = 20
Command id Id in hex Data Description
CMD_DOOR_CALIBRATE 0x01 - Calibrate temi Go delivery compartment door
CMD_DOOR_OPEN 0x02 1/2/3 Open target door, data is target door number
CMD_DOOR_CLOSE 0x03 1/2/3 Close target door, data is target door number
CMD_DOOR_MOTOR 0x08 0/1 Turn ON/OFF door motor
CMD_STRIP_LIGHT 0x04 See Serial.getStripBytes() Control light strip pattern and color
CMD_TRAY_CALIBRATE 0x1007 - Calibrate tray sensor to reset it as empty
CMD_TRAY_SENSOR 0x1008 0/1/2 Query if tray 1/2/3 is occupied
CMD_TRAY_LIGHT 0x1009 [0/1/2, R, G, B] Set tray 1/2/3 LED RGB color
CMD_LCD_TEXT 0x100B See Serial.getLcdBytes() Change text of the LCD on the back of tray robot
CMD_SYSTEM_START_OTA 0x1005 - Hidden API to start OTA, cannot used by SDK

Responses list

The serial response raw data is sent back from OnSerialRawDataListener in the format of byte array.

// Examples of read

override fun onSerialRawData(data: ByteArray) {
    // Command id of response
    val cmd = data.cmd

    // Data frame of response
    val dataFrame = data.dataFrame

    // To see the hex array of raw data
    Log.d("Serial", "cmd $cmd raw data ${data.dataHex}")

    when (cmd) {
        Serial.RESP_TRAY_SENSOR -> {

            // The first place in data frame stands for tray number, starts from 0
            val trayIndex = dataFrame[0].toInt()
            val trayNum = trayIndex + 1

            // The second place in data frame stands for tray occupied(1) or empty(0). 
            val loaded = dataFrame[1].toInt() == 1

            // Weight on the tray, supported since MCU 1.8 firmware
            val weight = dataFrame.weight

            val speech = if (loaded) {
                "Tray $trayNum is loaded"
            } else {
                "Tray $trayNum is empty"

            if (trayStatus[trayNum] != loaded) { // Broadcast when the loaded status is changed.
              // Speak it out load
                      isShowOnConversationLayer = false,
                      cached = true

              if (loaded) {

                  // Set tray light to red when it is occupied
                      byteArrayOf(trayIndex, 0xFF.toByte(), 0x00, 0x00)
              } else {

                  // Set tray light to green when it is empty
                      byteArrayOf(trayIndex, 0x20, 0xD1.toByte(), 0x99.toByte())
            trayStatus[trayNum] = loaded
        Serial.RESP_TRAY_BACK_BUTTON -> {

            // Just in case it doesn't exist
            val event = dataFrame.firstOrNull() ?: return

            Log.d("Serial", "Button data frame $event")

            val speech = when (event.toInt()) {
                0 -> "touch"
                1 -> "press"
                2 -> "" // release after press
                else -> ""

                    isShowOnConversationLayer = false,
                    cached = true
        Serial.RESP_SYSTEM_VERSION -> {
            val decode = dataFrame.decodeToString()
            Log.d("Serial", "decode $decode")
            btnVersion.text = "Version:${dataFrame.decodeToString()}"
Command id Id in hex Description
RESP_TRAY_SENSOR 0x100B A tray is loaded or emptied
RESP_TRAY_BACK_BUTTON 0x06 The touch button on the back of tray robot is touched (0) or pressed (1)
RESP_SYSTEM_VERSION 0x1003 System version in hex string


Every command and response is composed with such format.

| 0x5A, 0x01, CMD%256, CMD/256, LEN%256, LEN/256, DATA1, DATA2, ... , DATAn, CHECKSUM |

0x5A and 0x01 is a placeholder

CMD is the command or response id.

LEN is the length of DATA frame coming next to it.

CHECKSUM is used for validation.

SDK user doesn't construct the raw data directly when sending commands and only needs to care about CMD and DATA section when reading responses.

As shown above, sending command is wrapped into sendSerialCommand(cmd, data). There are util methods Serial.getLcdBytes and Serial.getStripBytes when change LCD screen text and changing light strip color.

To read responses, there are Kotlin extension methods Serial.cmd to extract CMD from 3rd and 4th place of raw data. Also Serial.dataFrame to extract data frame, and finally Serial.dataHex if you want to see how the raw data looks.

Please check the SDK source and SDK example for how to send and read in practice.

How to tell robot version

There hasn't been an interface in SDK to support that. But this can be done with the following code.

fun getRobotType(): RobotType {
    val serialNumber = robot.getSerialNumber()
    val isV2 = Build.MODEL.startsWith("rk3288")

    return when {
        (!isV2 && serialNumber.length == 11 && serialNumber.startsWith("0022")) -> RobotType.PLATFORM
        !isV2 -> {
            if (serialNumber.length == 11 && serialNumber[2] == '3' && !serialNumber.startsWith("00319") ) {
            } else {
        else -> RobotType.V2
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