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Demo Spring Selenium Automation Project

Table of Contents



You should download and install these properly on your system. Visit the websites (linked) to find instructions on how to set them up.


  • Cucumber - library used to support Behavior-Driven Development (BDD).
  • Selenium WebDriver - drives a browser natively, as a real user would, either locally or on remote machines.
  • Hamcrest - a framework for writing matcher objects allowing match rules to be defined declaratively.

Running Tests

Spring Profile

You can run either default or test profiles. The default runs on the URL, and the test runs on

For the default profile you just need to execute Gradle test task.

./gradlew test

To execute the test profile the environment variable SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE should be set. The following command line should be used:

SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=test ./gradlew test


You can either run local (Firefox is used) or remote (in Docker containers). The default value is remote, but for local execution the context property should be set as local. However, the docker-compose is set as required every time the test task is executed, so passing context as local will bring up the Docker containers anyway, even though the execution happens locally. In the command line we pass the following argument:

./gradlew test -Dcontext=local


If we run remotely, we have the option of running in a Firefox or a Chrome browser. The default value is firefox, but for chrome the browser property should be set as chrome. In the command line we pass the following argument:

./gradlew test -Dbrowser=chrome


The project is configured to run in parallel by default. The default threads count for parallel executions are 10. We can either change the thread count to 1 and execute them sequentially, or even increase the default number if necessary. In the command line we pass the following argument with the thread count wanted:

./gradlew test -Ddataproviderthreadcount="1"
./gradlew test -Ddataproviderthreadcount="20"


All the scenarios are executed unless we specify the tag group that we want to execute. In the command line, we pass the following argument with the tag(s):

./gradlew test -Dcucumber.filter.tags="@smoke"

Running Through IntelliJ

You can also execute the test scenarios through IntelliJ and there are multiple execution options.


In the application.yml file change the property context to local.

  • Right-click on the feature file and select Run 'Feature: login'; or
  • Right-click on the file and select Run 'CucumberRunner'.

Remote (Docker)

In the application.yml file make sure the property context is remote.

Bring the docker containers up by executing the command:

docker-compose up -d --scale firefox=2 --scale chrome=2
  • Right-click on the feature file and select Run 'Feature: login'; or
  • Right-click on the file and select Run 'CucumberRunner'.

Bring the docker containers down after the test is done by executing the command:

docker-compose down


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  • Java 93.8%
  • Gherkin 6.2%