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Releases: ropensci/rdflib


10 Jan 19:17
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v 0.2.2

10 Jan 19:17
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10 Jan 19:16
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rdflib: Tools to Manipulate and Query Semantic Data

14 Nov 06:05
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Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. Travis-CI Build Status Build status Coverage Status CircleCI CRAN_Status_Badge CRAN RStudio mirror downloads DOI

A friendly and consise user interface for performing common tasks on rdf data, such as parsing and converting between formats including rdfxml, turtle, nquads, ntriples, and trig, creating rdf graphs, and performing SPARQL queries. This package wraps the redland R package which provides direct bindings to the redland C library. Additionally, the package supports parsing and serialization of rdf into json-ld through the json-ld package, which binds the official json-ld javascript API. The package interface takes inspiration from the Python rdflib library.

v0.2.0 Release Notes

  • rdf() supports all major storage backends: Virtuoso, SQLite, Postgres, MySQL,
    in addition to existing support for BDB and memory-based storage.
  • length() method added to report length of triplestore
  • print() method gains rdf_max_print() option and does not print huge triplestores
  • print() method sumarizes total number of triples and backend


01 Nov 04:02
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Data release

rdflib: Tools to Manipulate and Query Semantic Data

09 Apr 19:54
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rdflib 0.1.0 (2018-03-02)

New Features

  • rdf() supports BDB backend for disk-based storage for large
    triplestores #6
  • rdf_parse() gains an argument rdf to append triples to existing graph
  • adds c() method to concatenate rdf objects
  • Performance improvements make it possible to handle triplestores with millions of triples
  • Two new vignettes better introduce RDF and package functions.

Minor Improvements

  • rdf_query now bypasses the the very slow iteration over getNextResult
    approach and uses an internal redland function call to access all results
    at once in csv format.

  • experimental as_rdf method now uses a poor-man's nquad serializer to
    rapidly generate rdf (instead of slowly iterating over add_rdf).

  • rdf_add argument for object can now take all atomic types
    (numeric, integer, string, Date, POSIX, logical) and
    will automatically declare the appropriate datatype_uri
    if the user has not manually specified this.

  • Numerous improvements to documentation from rOpenSci onboarding feedback, see
    #9 and

  • both functions and unit tests are broken out into separate files in
    their respective directories.

  • additional example RDF data added in extdata

  • rdf_serialize passes ... arguments to serializeToFile (e.g. to set a baseUri)

Bug Fixes

  • rdf_free() will also remove the object from the parent frame,
    reducing the potential for crashing R by referring to a freed pointer.
  • fix encoding with UTF-8 characters (coming from nquads & ntriples)
  • rdf_query() now coerces data into appropriate type
    if it recognizes the data URI and can match that
    to an R type (a few XMLSchema types are recognized,
    otherwise still defaults to character string)
  • Memory management: All methods free memory from any
    temporary objects they initialize, tests free memory.
    (e.g. parsers, serializers, query, statement)
  • extend unit tests to cover new features, check UTF-8
  • turtle parser/serializer fixed


  • trig support removed (not working in redland without optional
    libraries and alternative compile configuration)

A high level wrapper around the redland package for common rdf applications

02 Jan 18:25
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The Resource Description Framework, or RDF is a widely used data representation model that forms the cornerstone of the Semantic Web. RDF represents data as a graph rather than the familiar data table or rectangle of relational databases. The rdflib package provides a friendly and concise user interface for performing common tasks on RDF data, such as reading, writing and converting between the various serializations of RDF data, including rdfxml, turtle, nquads, ntriples, trig, and json-ld; creating new RDF graphs, and performing graph queries using SPARQL. This package wraps the low level redland R package which provides direct bindings to the redland C library. Additionally, the package supports the newer and more developer friendly JSON-LD format through the jsonld package.

A high level wrapper around the redland package for common rdf applications

02 Jan 18:25
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The Resource Description Framework, or RDF is a widely used data representation model that forms the cornerstone of the Semantic Web. RDF represents data as a graph rather than the familiar data table or rectangle of relational databases. The rdflib package provides a friendly and concise user interface for performing common tasks on RDF data, such as reading, writing and converting between the various serializations of RDF data, including rdfxml, turtle, nquads, ntriples, trig, and json-ld; creating new RDF graphs, and performing graph queries using SPARQL. This package wraps the low level redland R package which provides direct bindings to the redland C library. Additionally, the package supports the newer and more developer friendly JSON-LD format through the jsonld package.

A high level wrapper around the redland package for common rdf applications

10 Dec 04:38
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A friendly and concise user interface for performing common tasks on rdf data, such as parsing and converting between formats including rdfxml, turtle, nquads, ntriples, and trig, creating rdf graphs, and performing SPARQL queries. This package wraps the redland R package which provides direct bindings to the redland C library. Additionally, the package supports parsing and serialization of rdf into 'JSON-LD' through the jsonld package, which binds the official JSON-LD javascript API. This package interface takes inspiration from the Python rdflib library.