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rottenbytes edited this page Nov 14, 2011 · 3 revisions

What's this ?

Cuisine is a little chef dashboard

# Why ?

I wanted to be able to track changes made by chef. It is based on several components :


  • clone cuisine

git clone git://

You will have to create a configuration file. A sample is available as of config/cuisine.yml.dist. Copy it to config/cuisine.yml and adapt values to match your infrastructure.

  • initialize ES stuff

ruby ./scripts/init_ES_datas.rb

A ruby script that will consume the queue (the one you mentionned in the config file) is available in the scripts directory.

ruby ./scripts/queue2es.rb

  • Start the webserver (install thin if not present)

thin -R start

Additional components


download latest elasticsearch, uncompress it and just run the following command : ./bin/elasticsearch

STOMP server

I use rabbitmq and its stomp plugin but activemq will also do the job. Pick your favorite one.

End note

The project is still in a very early stage, I'm a sysadmin, not a developer, don't except great code and stuff.

I'm nico on freenode IRC, catch me on #chef-hacking for questions.

All this stuff is under BSD License

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