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Break & Fix with OpenShift

This is a set of utilities and resources to be used during the Break & Fix with OpenShift Workshop

The event

Have you ever considered running an OpenShift cluster? Are you scared by the complexity? Join us in this workshop to break and fix some stuff to gain the confidence you need.

Each assistant will start with a non-working OpenShift cluster and the final target will be to run a provided containerized web application after we solve several small and related issues.

Hints will be provided every few minutes and there will be a mechanism to check current progress of the challenge.

Assistants will learn some troubleshooting techniques and experience how to solve some of the most common OpenShift operational and development problems.

The lab

This laboratory is intended to be deployed using minishift as an add-on. The add-on will create all the necessary resources to get you started.

  • Create a new project break-fix
  • Create a service account with cluster-admin role
  • Deploy the manager-app application (see manager-app) that will use the previously created service account
  • Deploy the demoapp on the demo namespace (project)

Getting started

  1. Install the latest version of minishift
./minishift start --profile break-fix --openshift-version v3.11.0
-- Starting profile 'break-fix'
-- Checking if requested hypervisor 'kvm' is supported on this platform ... OK
-- Checking if KVM driver is installed ...
   Driver is available at /usr/local/bin/docker-machine-driver-kvm ...
OpenShift server started.

The server is accessible via web console at:

You are logged in as:
    User:     developer
    Password: <any value>

To login as administrator:
    oc login -u system:admin
  1. Download the add-ons and install the ones you need. Check the v3.11 release:
$ wget
$ tar -xf break-fix-3.11.tar.gz
$ ./minishift addons install break-fix
Addon 'break-fix' installed
$ ./minishift addons install scoreboard
Addon 'scoreboard' installed
  1. Install a local scoreboard if there isn't one already available remotely (e.g. shared workshop)
$ ./minishift addons apply scoreboard
-- Applying addon 'scoreboard':.........
  1. Install the main break-fix addon that contains the manager-app, demoapp and tty. Provide the SCOREBOARD_HOST and SCOREBOARD_PORT variables to connect to an existing scoreboard. By default it will be our GCP hosted server ( which might not be online.
$ ./minishift addons apply break-fix --addon-env SCOREBOARD_HOST=scoreboard.scoreboard.svc.cluster.local --addon-env SCOREBOARD_PORT=8080
-- Applying addon 'break-fix':..........
  1. Wait until all the applications are running
$ oc get pods -n break-fix --as system:admin -l app=manager-app -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{}{"\t"}{.status.phase}{"\n"}{end}'
manager-app-1-19jhw Running

$ oc get pods -n demo --as system:admin -l app=demoapp -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{}{"\t"}{.status.phase}{"\n"}{end}'
demoapp-1-j4xlx     Running
  1. Access the manager-app and start breaking OpenShift
$ oc get routes -n break-fix --as system:admin
NAME          HOST/PORT                                    PATH      SERVICES      PORT       TERMINATION   WILDCARD
manager-app             manager-app   8080-tcp                 None

Open the route in your favourite browser

manager-app animation


The manager-app is a web application that drive you through the workshop. It will break the application and check when it has been fixed. All your progress is stored in your browser. If you want to start over, you can click the Reset button. Cleaning the cache or the cookies won't be enough as it uses the localStorage.


  1. Type some username to be used when sharing the scores
  2. To start, select New game
  3. Enter the master password that will be provided during the workshop to unlock the first level


Each level will break the demoapp or some element that will prevent it from being accessible through its route.

  • Break: Will execute some oc commands that will break the demoapp and you will have 10 minutes to fix it (if you want to get some points).
  • Check: Tries to access the demoapp through it's route (to verify the end-2-end health of the application). If it succeeds you will get 1 point for each second left and you will be able to move to the next level. See the demoapp README for more details.
  • Give up: Will revert the changes made by the Break commands and you will be able to move forward to the next level but you won't get any points.

The Docker images

The Docker images are also published in Docker Hub

  • ruromero/manager-app: An image that downloads and builds the source code for the manager-app app.
  • ruromero/scoreboard: An image that downloads and builds the source code for the scoreboard app.


We also included a Web-based OpenShift Command Line utility based on online-oc.

  • You can access the route directly:
$ oc get routes -n tty --as system:admin
NAME        HOST/PORT                             PATH      SERVICES    PORT       TERMINATION   WILDCARD
online-oc             online-oc   8080-tcp                 None