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A PHP extension for interacting with RocksDB, built with Rust. This extension provides a simple interface for RocksDB operations such as putting, getting, deleting, and managing column families.


php-rocksdb-rc is a PHP extension that allows you to use RocksDB, a high-performance embedded database for key-value data, directly from your PHP applications. This extension is written in Rust using the ext-php-rs and rust-rocksdb crates to provide a seamless integration between PHP and RocksDB.


  • Basic CRUD operations on RocksDB
  • Support for column families
  • TTL support for key-value pairs
  • Advanced options like flushing and repairing the database
  • Backup and restore functionality
  • Write batch operations
  • Snapshot support
  • Transaction support


Pre-built Binaries

You can download pre-built binaries from the releases page. Download the appropriate binary for your system and PHP version.

For Linux:

  1. Download the .so file for your PHP version and architecture.

  2. Place the file in your PHP extensions directory (usually /usr/lib/php/extensions).

  3. Add the following line to your php.ini file:
  4. Restart your web server or PHP-FPM to load the extension.

For macOS:

  1. Download the .dylib file for your PHP version and architecture.

  2. Place the file in your PHP extensions directory (usually /usr/local/lib/php/extensions).

  3. Add the following line to your php.ini file:

  4. Restart your web server or PHP-FPM to load the extension.

Building from Source

To build the extension from source, you will need Rust and Cargo installed. Follow the steps below:

Install Rust and Cargo

  1. On Linux and macOS:

    The recommended way to install Rust is via rustup, a toolchain installer for Rust.

    curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

    Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. After installation, you may need to restart your terminal or source your profile:

    source $HOME/.cargo/env
  2. On Windows:

    Download and run the rustup-init.exe installer from the official Rust website. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

    After installation, open a new command prompt or PowerShell window and ensure that cargo and rustc are in your PATH by running:

    rustc --version
    cargo --version

Clone the Repository and Build the Extension

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd php-rocksdb-rc
  2. Build the extension:

    cargo build --release
  3. Copy the built library to your PHP extensions directory:

    • On Linux:

      cp target/release/ /usr/lib/php/extensions/
    • On macOS:

      cp target/release/librocksdb.dylib /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/
    • On Windows:

      copy target\release\librocksdb.dll C:\path\to\php\ext\
  4. Add the following line to your php.ini file:

    • On Linux and macOS:
    • On Windows:

  5. Restart your web server or PHP-FPM to load the extension.

Additional Notes

  • Ensure that the path to the PHP extensions directory is correct. You can find the extension directory by running php -i | grep extension_dir.
  • If you encounter any issues during the installation of Rust, refer to the official Rust installation guide for troubleshooting tips.
  • Make sure your PHP installation is compatible with the extension. You can check your PHP version by running php -v.

By following these steps, you should be able to build and install the PHP extension from source successfully.


Here are some examples of how to use the php-rocksdb-rc extension:

Creating and Using a RocksDB Instance


$db = new RocksDB("/path/to/db", 3600); // 3600 seconds TTL

// Put a value
$db->put("key1", "value1");

// Get a value
$value = $db->get("key1");
echo $value; // Outputs: value1

// Delete a value

// Create a column family

// Put a value in a column family
$db->put("key2", "value2", "new_cf");

// Get a value from a column family
$value = $db->get("key2", "new_cf");
echo $value; // Outputs: value2

// List column families
$column_families = RocksDB::listColumnFamilies("/path/to/db");

// Drop a column family

// Flush the database

// Repair the database

// Close the database

This example demonstrates basic put and get operations in RocksDB.

$dbPath = __DIR__ . "/temp/testdb";
$db = new RocksDB($dbPath, 3600); // 3600 seconds TTL
$db->put("key1", "value1");
$db = null; // Free the connection

$db = new RocksDB($dbPath, 3600);
$value = $db->get("key1");
var_dump($value); // Outputs: string(6) "value1"
$db = null; // Free the connection

Example: Delete Operation

This example demonstrates how to delete a key-value pair from RocksDB.

$dbPath = __DIR__ . "/temp/testdb";
$db = new RocksDB($dbPath, 3600); // 3600 seconds TTL
$db->put("key1", "value1");
$db = null; // Free the connection

$db = new RocksDB($dbPath, 3600);
$value = $db->get("key1");
var_dump($value); // Outputs: NULL
$db = null; // Free the connection

Example: Iterator Usage

This example demonstrates how to use an iterator to traverse key-value pairs in RocksDB.

$dbPath = __DIR__ . "/temp/testdb_iter";
$db = new RocksDB($dbPath, 3600); // 3600 seconds TTL
$db->put("key_vvv", "value_a");
$db->put("key_ggg", "value_b");
$db->put("key_hhh", "value_c");

$result = [];
while ($db->valid()) {
    $res = $db->next();
    $key = $res['key'];
    $value = $res['value'];

    $result[$key] = $value;
var_dump($result); // Outputs an array with all key-value pairs
$db = null; // Free the connection

Example: Backup and Restore

This example demonstrates how to create a backup of the RocksDB database and retrieve information about the backups.

$dbPath = __DIR__ . "/temp/testdb_backup";
$backupPath = __DIR__ . "/temp/testdb_backup_files";

// Create and use RocksDB instance
$db = new RocksDB($dbPath, 3600); // 3600 seconds TTL
$db->put("key1", "value1");

// Initialize backup engine and create a backup
$backup = new \RocksDBBackup($dbPath, 3600); // 3600 seconds TTL

// Get backup info
$info = $backup->info();
print_r($info); // Outputs information about the backups

// Restore from backup
$restorePath = __DIR__ . "/temp/testdb_restore";
$backup->restore(1, $restorePath); // Restore the first backup

// Verify the restored data
$restoredDb = new RocksDB($restorePath, 3600);
$value = $restoredDb->get("key1");
var_dump($value); // Outputs: string(6) "value1"

// Cleanup
$db = null;
$restoredDb = null;

Example: Write Batch Operations

This example demonstrates how to use write batch operations to perform multiple writes in a single batch.

$dbPath = __DIR__ . "/temp/testdb_write_batch";
$db = new RocksDB($dbPath, 3600); // 3600 seconds TTL

// Initialize write batch
$writeBatch = new \RocksDBWriteBatch($dbPath, 3600); // 3600 seconds TTL
$writeBatch->put("key1", "value1");
$writeBatch->put("key2", "value2");
$writeBatch->write(); // Write the batch to the database

// Verify the data
$value1 = $db->get("key1");
$value2 = $db->get("key2");
var_dump($value1); // Outputs: NULL (since key1 was deleted)
var_dump($value2); // Outputs: string(6) "value2"

// Cleanup
$db = null;

Example: Transactions

This example demonstrates how to use transactions to ensure atomicity of multiple operations.

$dbPath = __DIR__ . "/temp/testdb_transaction";
$db = new RocksDB($dbPath, 3600); // 3600 seconds TTL

// Initialize transaction
$transaction = new \RocksDBTransaction($dbPath, 3600); // 3600 seconds TTL
$transaction->put("key1", "value1");
$transaction->put("key2", "value2");
$transaction->commit(); // Commit the transaction

// Verify the data
$value1 = $db->get("key1");
$value2 = $db->get("key2");
var_dump($value1); // Outputs: NULL (since key1 was deleted)
var_dump($value2); // Outputs: string(6) "value2"

// Cleanup
$db = null;

Example: Snapshots

This example demonstrates how to use snapshots to capture the state of the database at a specific point in time.

$dbPath = __DIR__ . "/temp/testdb_snapshot";
$db = new RocksDB($dbPath, 3600); // 3600 seconds TTL

// Put some initial data
$db->put("key1", "value1");
$db->put("key2", "value2");

// Create a snapshot
$snapshot = new \RocksDBSnapshot($dbPath, 3600); // 3600 seconds TTL

// Modify the database after taking the snapshot
$db->put("key1", "new_value1");

// Verify the data in the snapshot
$snapshotValue1 = $snapshot->get("key1");
$snapshotValue2 = $snapshot->get("key2");
var_dump($snapshotValue1); // Outputs: string(6) "value1" (original value)
var_dump($snapshotValue2); // Outputs: string(6) "value2" (original value)

// Verify the current data in the database
$currentValue1 = $db->get("key1");
$currentValue2 = $db->get("key2");
var_dump($currentValue1); // Outputs: string(10) "new_value1"
var_dump($currentValue2); // Outputs: NULL (since key2 was deleted)

// Cleanup
$db = null;
$snapshot = null;

Detailed API

__construct(path: String, ttl_secs: Option<u64>)

Creates a new RocksDB instance with the specified path and TTL.

$db = new RocksDB("/path/to/db", 3600); // 3600 seconds TTL

put(key: String, value: String, cf_name: Option<String>)

Inserts a key-value pair into the database.

$db->put("key1", "value1");
$db->put("key2", "value2", "new_cf"); // Using column family

get(key: String, cf_name: Option<String>)

Retrieves the value associated with the given key.

$value = $db->get("key1");
echo $value; // Outputs: value1

$value = $db->get("key2", "new_cf"); // From column family
echo $value; // Outputs: value2

merge(key: String, value: String, cf_name: Option<String>)

Merges a value into the database using JSON Patch.

$db->merge("json_obj_key", '[ { "op": "replace", "path": "/employees/1/first_name", "value": "lucy" } ]');
$db->merge("json_obj_key", '[ { "op": "replace", "path": "/employees/0/last_name", "value": "dow" } ]');

This method uses JSON Patch to update the JSON object in the database. For more details on JSON Patch, refer to RFC 6902.

delete(key: String, cf_name: Option<String>)

Deletes the key-value pair associated with the given key.

$db->delete("key2", "new_cf"); // From column family

listColumnFamilies(path: String)

Lists all column families in the database.

$column_families = RocksDB::listColumnFamilies("/path/to/db");

createColumnFamily(cf_name: String)

Creates a new column family with the specified name.


dropColumnFamily(cf_name: String)

Drops the column family with the specified name.


getProperty(property: String, cf_name: Option<String>)

Retrieves a database property.

$property = $db->getProperty("rocksdb.stats");
echo $property;

$property = $db->getProperty("rocksdb.stats", "new_cf"); // From column family
echo $property;

flush(cf_name: Option<String>)

Flushes all memtable data to SST files.

$db->flush("new_cf"); // Flush column family

repair(path: String)

Repairs a RocksDB database at the specified path.



Closes the RocksDB instance.


all(cf_name: Option<String>)

Returns all key-value pairs in the database or column family.

$data = $db->all();

$data = $db->all("new_cf"); // From column family

keys(cf_name: Option<String>)

Returns all keys in the database or column family.

$keys = $db->keys();

$keys = $db->keys("new_cf"); // From column family

Iterator Methods


Seeks to the first key in the database or column family.



Seeks to the last key in the database or column family.


seek(key: String)

Seeks to the specified key in the database or column family.


seekForPrev(key: String)

Seeks to the specified key or previous key in the database or column family.



Checks if the current iterator position is valid.

$isValid = $db->valid();
echo $isValid ? 'true' : 'false';


Moves to the next key-value pair in the database or column family.

$kv = $db->next();


Moves to the previous key-value pair in the database or column family.

$kv = $db->prev();

compact_range(start: Option<String>, end: Option<String>, cf_name: Option<String>)

Compacts the key-value pairs in the specified range within the database or column family.

$db->compact_range("key_start", "key_end");
$db->compact_range("key_start", "key_end", "new_cf"); // In column family


Returns the names of the live SST files in the database.

$live_files = $db->get_live_files();

set_options(options: HashMap<String, String>, cf_name: Option<String>)

Sets the database options.

$options = [
    "write_buffer_size" => "4194304",
    "max_write_buffer_number" => "3",
$db->set_options($options, "new_cf"); // For column family

set_compression(compression_type: String, cf_name: Option<String>)

Sets the compression type for the database or column family.

$db->set_compression("zlib", "new_cf"); // For column family

This method supports the following compression types: "none", "snappy", "zlib", "bzip2", "lz4", "lz4hc", "zstd".

set_write_buffer_size(size: usize, cf_name: Option<String>)

Sets the size of the write buffer for the database or column family.

$db->set_write_buffer_size(4194304, "new_cf"); // For column family

This method sets the amount of data to build up in memory (backed by an unsorted log on disk) before converting to a sorted on-disk file.

set_cache_size(size: usize, cf_name: Option<String>)

Sets the size of the block cache for the database or column family.

$db->set_cache_size(8388608, "new_cf"); // For column family

This method sets the amount of memory to use for the block cache, which is used to accelerate the read operations by caching the data blocks in memory.

Backup Methods

__construct(path: String, ttl_secs: Option<u64>)

Creates a new RocksDBBackup instance.

$backup = new \RocksDBBackup("/path/to/db", 3600); // 3600 seconds TTL

init(backup_path: String)

Initializes the backup engine with the specified path.



Creates a backup of the database.



Returns information about the backups.

$info = $backup->info();

purgeOld(num_backups_to_keep: usize)

Purges old backups, keeping the specified number of backups.


restore(backup_id: u32, restore_path: String)

Restores the database from a backup.

$backup->restore(1, "/path/to/restore");

Write Batch Methods

__construct(path: String, ttl_secs: Option<u64>)

Creates a new RocksDBWriteBatch instance.

$write_batch = new \RocksDBWriteBatch("/path/to/db", 3600); // 3600 seconds TTL


Starts a new write batch.


put(key: String, value: String, cf_name: Option<String>)

Puts a key-value pair into the current write batch.

$write_batch->put("key1", "value1");
$write_batch->put("key2", "value2", "new_cf"); // Using column family

merge(key: String, value: String, cf_name: Option<String>)

Merges a value into the current write batch.

$write_batch->merge("json_obj_key", "employees[1].first_name = lucy");
$write_batch->merge("json_obj_key", "employees[0].last_name = dow", "new_cf"); // Using column family

delete(key: String, cf_name: Option<String>)

Deletes a key-value pair from the current write batch.

$write_batch->delete("key2", "new_cf"); // From column family


Writes the current write batch to the database.



Clears the current write batch.



Destroys the current write batch.


Transaction Methods

__construct(path: String, ttl_secs: Option<u64>)

Creates a new RocksDBTransaction instance.

$transaction = new \RocksDBTransaction("/path/to/db", 3600); // 3600 seconds TTL


Starts a new transaction.



Commits the current transaction.



Rolls back the current transaction.



Sets a savepoint within the current transaction.



Rolls back the transaction to the last savepoint.


put(key: String, value: String, cf_name: Option<String>)

Puts a key-value pair into the current transaction.

$transaction->put("key1", "value1");
$transaction->put("key2", "value2", "new_cf"); // Using column family

get(key: String, cf_name: Option<String>)

Gets the value associated with the given key within the current transaction.

$value = $transaction->get("key1");
echo $value; // Outputs: value1

$value = $transaction->get("key2", "new_cf"); // From column family
echo $value; // Outputs: value2

delete(key: String, cf_name: Option<String>)

Deletes a key-value pair within the current transaction.

$transaction->delete("key2", "new_cf"); // From column family

merge(key: String, value: String, cf_name: Option<String>)

Merges a value within the current transaction.

$transaction->merge("json_obj_key", "employees[1].first_name = lucy");
$transaction->merge("json_obj_key", "employees[0].last_name = dow", "new_cf"); // Using column family

Important Note

Before creating a new instance of any class (e.g., RocksDB, RocksDBBackup, RocksDBWriteBatch, RocksDBTransaction), ensure to destroy the previous instance to free up the database connection.

$db = new \RocksDB($dbPath);
$db = null; // Free the connection

$iterator = new \RocksDBIterator($dbPath); // Now you can create a new instance

Enabling Autocompletion in PhpStorm

To enable autocompletion for the librocksdb extension in PhpStorm, follow these steps:

  1. Download the Stub File

    Download the .php_rocksdb_rc.php file from here.

  2. Place the Stub File in Your Project

    Save the .php_rocksdb_rc.php file in your project directory.

After completing these steps, you should have autocompletion support for the librocksdb extension in PhpStorm.


Contributions are welcome! Please submit pull requests or issues on the GitHub repository.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


This project uses the following open-source libraries:


The php-rocksdb-rc extension provides a powerful and efficient way to interact with RocksDB from PHP. With support for basic CRUD operations, column families, TTL, backups, write batches, transactions, and snapshots, it offers a comprehensive set of features for managing key-value data in PHP applications. The provided examples demonstrate how to use these features effectively. Happy coding!