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Monitoring Namespace

We are going to install the monitoring components into a "monitoring" namespace. While this is not necessary, it does show "best practices" in organizing applications by namespace rather than deploying everything into the default namespace.

First, create the monitoring namespace: kubectl create -f monitoring-namespace.yaml.

You can now list the namespaces by running kubectl get namespaces and you should see something similar to:

NAME          STATUS    AGE
default       Active    1h
kube-system   Active    1h
monitoring    Active    1h

Deploying Prometheus and Grafana

Let's step through deploying Prometheus.

Prometheus Configuration

Prometheus will get its configuration from a Kubernetes ConfigMap. This allows us to update the configuration separate from the image.

Look at prometheus-config.yaml. The relevant part is in data/prometheus.yml. This is just a Prometheus configuration inlined into the Kubernetes manifest. Note that we are using the in-cluster Kubernetes service account to access the Kubernetes API.

To deploy this to the cluster run kubectl create -f prometheus-config.yaml.
You can view this by running

kubectl get configmap --namespace=monitoring prometheus-config -o yaml.

You can also see this in the Kubernetes Dashboard.

Prometheus Pod

We will use a single Prometheus pod for this demo. Take a look at prometheus-deployment.yaml. This is a Kubernetes Deployment that describes the image to use for the pod, resources, etc. Note:

  • In the metadata section, we give the pod a label with a key of name and a value of prometheus. This will come in handy later.
  • In annotations, we set a couple of key/value pairs that will actually allow Prometheus to autodiscover and scrape itself.
  • We are using an emptyDir volume for the Prometheus data. This is basically a temporary directory that will get erased on every restart of the container. For a demo this is fine, but we'd do something more persistent for other use cases.

Deploy the deployment by running kubectl create -f prometheus-deployment.yaml.
You can see this by running kubectl get deployments --namespace=monitoring.

Prometheus Service

Now that we have Prometheus deployed, we actually want to get to the UI. To do this, we will expose it using a Kubernetes Service.

In prometheus-service.yaml, there are a few things to note:

  • The label selector searches for pods that have been labeled with name: prometheus as we labeled our pod in the deployment.
  • We are exposing port 9090 of the running pods.
  • We are using a "NodePort." This means that Kubernetes will open a port on each node in our cluster. You can query the API to get this port.

Create the service by running kubectl create -f prometheus-service.yaml.
You can then view it by running kubectl get services --namespace=monitoring prometheus -o yaml.

One thing to note is that you will see something like nodePort: 30827 in the output. We could access the service on that port on any node in the cluster.

From the Prometheus console, you can explore the metrics is it collecting and do some basic graphing. You can also view the configuration and the targets. Click Status->Targets and you should see the Kubernetes cluster and nodes. You should also see that Prometheus discovered itself under kubernetes-pods

Deploying Grafana

You can deploy grafana by creating its deployment and service by running kubectl create -f grafana-deployment.yaml and kubectl create -f grafana-service.yaml.

You can then view it by running kubectl get services --namespace=monitoring grafana -o yaml

Feel free to explore via the kubectl command line and/or the Dashboard.

Username is admin and password is also admin.

Let's add Prometheus as a datasource.

  • Click on the icon in the upper left of grafana and go to "Data Sources".
  • Click "Add data source".
  • For name, just use "prometheus"
  • Select "Prometheus" as the type
  • For the URL, we will actual use Kubernetes DNS service discovery. So, just enter http://prometheus:9090. This means that grafana will lookup the prometheus service running in the same namespace as it on port 9090.

Create a New dashboard by clicking on the upper-left icon and selecting Dashboard->New. Click the green control and add a graph panel. Under metrics, select "prometheus" as the datasource. For the query, use sum(container_memory_usage_bytes) by (kubernetes_pod_name). Click save. This graphs the memory used per pod.

Weave Scope

Weave Scope is an open source tool that helps you monitor and visualize your cluster. It is currently very beta, but I think it has a lot of potential! Running it is also super easy.

Step 1: Deploy

$ kubectl apply -f weavescope.yaml

Step 2: Connect

$ kubectl port-forward $(kubectl get pod --selector=weave-scope-component=app -o jsonpath={}) 4040

Step 3: Open



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