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A Fully Customisable, Simple and Easy to use Library for Custom Consent Form.Looks alike Admob Consent Form and Does everything we want.This Library is for those who have more than 12 adproviders in admob..However can be used for universal AdNetworks.

MainLayout-Shown Immediately after Calling show Shown When users click on LearnHow in mainLayout Shown When Users Clicks on NonPersonalisedButton


  • Fully Customisable (Colours Customisation will be added in future)
  • Google AdMob ConsentForm look Alike.
  • Simple Fast and Easy to use
  • Behaviour Similar to Admob Consent Form

How To Use

AdProviders Class Contains 3 childs.Create an arrayList of adProviders.We need to show list of adProviders and their privayPolicy to the end user..So we get list of adProviders from the respective adNetworks and add it to the AdProviders ArrayList

   ArrayList<AdProviders> adProviders = new ArrayList();
   adProviders.add(new AdProviders(id,name,privacyUrl))

   //Here id,name and privacyUrl are strings

NextCreate dialog as it is

   //Pass the adProviders arraylist in the constructor
   ConsentDialog consentDialog = new ConsentDialog.Builder(this,adProviders)
               .withSelectionListeners(new ConsentSelectionListener() {
                   public void onPersonalisedAdsSelected() {
                     //Called when user clicks on Choose Personalised Button

                   public void onNonPersonalisedAdsSelected() {
                     //WHen clicks agree on NonPersonalisedPage

                   public void onPaidServiceSelected() {
                       //WHen user clicks paidButton
          //Choose the Buttons u want
          //Set if u want privacyPolicyClickListener
               .withPrivacyPolicyClickListener(new ConsentDialog.Builder.PrivacyPolicyClickListener() {
                   public void onPrivacyPolicyClicked(String privacyUrl) {

       //Show Consent Dialog;

Texts can be customised Completely

   ConsentDialog consentDialog = new ConsentDialog.Builder(this,adProviders)
               .withSelectionListeners(new ConsentSelectionListener() {
                   public void onPersonalisedAdsSelected() {
                     //Called when user clicks on Choose Personalised Button

                   public void onNonPersonalisedAdsSelected() {
                     //WHen clicks agree on NonPersonalisedPage

                   public void onPaidServiceSelected() {
                       //WHen user clicks paidButton
          //Choose the Buttons u want
          //Customise Texts
               .mainLabelText("We collect etc etc")

       //Show Consent Dialog;


  • Set .appName() and .icon() compulsory.

  • Set Required Button..If u dont set Dialog wont show any ..Set Buttons in this way .withPersonalisedAdsOption().

  • Set PrivacyClickListener if required -- .withPrivacyPolicyListener(PrivacyPolicyListener).


Add Jitpack to ur Project build.gradle

   repositories {
       maven { url '' }

Add ConsentDialog to ur app Build.gradle

   implementation 'com.github.saiakhil90:ConsentDialog:v(LatestRelease)'


This project was initiated by SaiAkhil V(IGCORPORATION.IN). You can contribute to this project by submitting issues or/and by forking this repo and sending a pull request.

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Author: SaiAkhil



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    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.