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The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities, some considered to be unnatural.
    -- Darth Sidious

[ examples/demo.c ]

#include <metalang99.h>

// Compile-time list manipulation:

// 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
static int five_threes[] = {
    ML99_LIST_EVAL_COMMA_SEP(ML99_listReplicate(v(5), v(3))),

// 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
static int from_5_to_1[] = {
    ML99_LIST_EVAL_COMMA_SEP(ML99_listReverse(ML99_list(v(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)))),

// 9, 2, 5
static int lesser_than_10[] = {
        ML99_listFilter(ML99_appl(v(ML99_greater), v(10)), ML99_list(v(9, 2, 11, 13, 5)))),

// Macro recursion:
#define factorial(n)          ML99_natMatch(n, v(factorial_))
#define factorial_Z_IMPL(...) v(1)
#define factorial_S_IMPL(n)   ML99_mul(ML99_inc(v(n)), factorial(v(n)))

ML99_ASSERT_EQ(factorial(v(4)), v(24));

// Overloading on a number of arguments:
typedef struct {
    double width, height;
} Rect;

#define Rect_new(...) ML99_OVERLOAD(Rect_new_, __VA_ARGS__)
#define Rect_new_1(x)                                                                              \
    { x, x }
#define Rect_new_2(x, y)                                                                           \
    { x, y }

static Rect _7x8 = Rect_new(7, 8), _10x10 = Rect_new(10);

// ... and more!

int main(void) {
    // Yeah. All is done at compile time.

(Hint: v(something) evaluates to something.)

Metalang99 is a functional language aimed at full-blown C99 preprocessor metaprogramming.

It features a wide range of concepts, including algebraic data types, control flow operators, collections, recursion, and auto-currying -- to develop both small and complex metaprograms painlessly.


Macros facilitate code re-use, macros are the building material that lets you shape the language to suit the problem being solved, leading to more clean and concise code. However, metaprogramming in C is utterly castrated: we cannot even operate with control flow, integers, unbounded sequences, and compound data structures, thereby throwing a lot of hypothetically useful metaprograms out of scope.

To solve the problem, I have implemented Metalang99. Having its functionality at our disposal, it becomes possible to develop even fairly non-trivial metaprograms, such as Datatype99:

#include <datatype99.h>

    (Leaf, int),
    (Node, BinaryTree *, int, BinaryTree *)

int sum(const BinaryTree *tree) {
    match(*tree) {
        of(Leaf, x) return *x;
        of(Node, lhs, x, rhs) return sum(*lhs) + *x + sum(*rhs);

Or Interface99:

#include <interface99.h>

#define State_INTERFACE               \
    iFn(int, get, void *self);        \
    iFn(void, set, void *self, int x);


typedef struct {
    int x;
} Num;

int Num_State_get(void *self) {
    return ((Num *)self)->x;

void Num_State_set(void *self, int x) {
    ((Num *)self)->x = x;

impl(State, Num);

As you can see, advanced metaprogramming with Metalang99 allows to drastically improve quality of your code -- make it safer, cleaner, and more maintainable.

Looks interesting? Check out the motivational post for more information.

Getting started

  1. Download this repository.
  2. Add metalang99/include to your include paths.
  3. #include <metalang99.h> beforehand (or use separate headers described in the docs).

Some handy advices:

  • PLEASE, use Metalang99 only with -ftrack-macro-expansion=0 (GCC), -fmacro-backtrace-limit=1 (Clang), or something similar, otherwise it will throw your compiler to the moon.

  • Precompile headers that use Metalang99 so that they will not be compiled each time they are included. It is helpful to reduce compilation times, but they are not mandatory.

Tutorial | Examples | User documentation

Happy hacking!


  • Macro recursion. Recursive calls behave as expected. In particular, to implement recursion, Boost/Preprocessor just copy-pastes all recursive functions up to a certain limit and forces to either keep track of recursion depth or rely on a built-in deduction; Metalang99 is free from such drawbacks.

  • Almost the same syntax. Metalang99 does not look too alien in comparison with Order PP because the syntax differs insignificantly from usual preprocessor code.

  • Partial application. Tracking auxiliary arguments here and there results in code clutter; partial application, in turn, allows to naturally capture an environment by applying your constant values first. Besides that, partial application facilitates better reuse of metafunctions.

  • Debugging and error reporting. You can conveniently debug your macros with ML99_abort and report fatal errors with ML99_fatal. The interpreter will immediately finish its work and do the trick.

Philosophy and origins

My work on Poica, a research programming language implemented upon Boost/Preprocessor, has left me unsatisfied with the result. The fundamental limitations of Boost/Preprocessor have overcomplicated reasoning about macros: recursive macro calls was a really hard-to-debug disaster, and the absence of partial application forced me to reify the same patterns each time. The codebase got simply unmaintainable.

After I realised that the metaprogramming framework lacks abstractions, I started to implement Metalang99. Honestly, it turned out to be a much tougher and fascinating challenge than I expected -- it took half of a year of hard work to release v0.1.0. As a real-world application of Metalang99, I created Datatype99 exactly of the same form I wanted it to be: the implementation is highly declarative, the syntax is nifty, and the semantics is well-defined.

Finally, I want to say that Metalang99 is only about syntax transformations and not about CPU-bound tasks; the preprocessor is just too slow and limited for such kind of abuse.






  • If possible, assert macro parameters for well-formedness using ML99_assertIsTuple, ML99_assertIsNat, etc. for better diagnostic messages.
  • Prefer the ## token-pasting operator inside Metalang99-compliant macros instead of ML99_cat or its friends, because arguments will nevertheless be fully expanded.
  • Use ML99_todo and its friends to indicate unimplemented functionality.

Learning resources


Detecting a keyword followed by parentheses

To detect something like abracadabra(1, 2, 3), follow this simple pattern:

#define DETECT_ABRACADABRA_abracadabra(...) ()

// 1
DETECT_ABRACADABRA(abracadabra(1, 2, 3))

// 0

Extracting a value of a keyword followed by parentheses

To get 1, 2, 3 from abracadabra(1, 2, 3):

#define EXTRACT_ABRACADABRA_abracadabra(...) __VA_ARGS__

// 1, 2, 3
EXTRACT_ABRACADABRA(abracadabra(1, 2, 3))

Interspersing a comma

To intersperse a comma between one or more elements, put a comma before each element and pass them all to ML99_variadicsTail:

#define ARRAY_SUBSCRIPTS(array, n)                                                                 \
    ML99_EVAL(ML99_variadicsTail(ML99_repeat(v(n), ML99_appl(v(GEN_SUBSCRIPT), v(array)))))
#define GEN_SUBSCRIPT_IMPL(array, i) v(, (array)[i])
#define GEN_SUBSCRIPT_ARITY          2

// (animals)[0], (animals)[1], (animals)[2]

Optimisation tips

Generally speaking, the fewer reduction steps you perform, the faster you become. A reduction step is a concept defined formally by the specification. Here is its informal (and imprecise) description:

  • Every v(...) is a reduction step.
  • Every ML99_call(op, ...) induces as many reduction steps as required to evaluate op and ....

To perform fewer reduction steps, you can:

  • use ML99_callUneval,
  • use plain macros (e.g., ML99_CAT instead of ML99_cat),
  • use optimised versions (e.g., ML99_listMapInPlace),
  • use tuples/variadics instead of lists,
  • call a macro as <X>_IMPL(...), if all the arguments are already evaluated.

(I strongly recommend to use the last trick only if X is defined locally to a caller, in order to control the correctness of expansion. For example, X can become painted blue, it can emit unexpected commas, the # and ## operators can block expansion of parameters, and a plenty of other nasty things.)


Q: What about compile-time errors?

A: Metalang99 reports syntax mismatches, where possible:


ML99_EVAL(v(123) v(456))


$ gcc playground.c -Imetalang99/include -ftrack-macro-expansion=0
playground.c: In function ‘ml99_error_3’:
playground.c:3:1: error: call to ‘ml99_error_3’ declared with attribute error: invalid term `123`
    3 | ML99_EVAL(123)
      | ^~~~~~~~~
playground.c: In function ‘ml99_error_4’:
playground.c:4:1: error: call to ‘ml99_error_4’ declared with attribute error: invalid term `(0v, 123) (0v, 456)`, did you miss a comma?
    4 | ML99_EVAL(v(123) v(456))
      | ^~~~~~~~~

(If you use GCC, you can see such neat errors right from the console. Otherwise, you have to preprocess your file with -E and search for Metalang99 errors by yourself.)

However, compile-time errors can be still quite obscured:

// ML99_PRIV_REC_NEXT_ML99_PRIV_IF_0 blah(ML99_PRIV_SYNTAX_CHECKER_EMIT_ERROR, ML99_PRIV_TERM_MATCH) ((~, ~, ~) blah, ML99_PRIV_EVAL_)(ML99_PRIV_REC_STOP, (~), 0fspace, (, ), ((0end, ~), ~), ~, ~ blah)(0)()
ML99_EVAL((~, ~, ~) blah)

In this case, the best thing you can do is to iteratively debug your metaprogram. I often use the bottom-up approach: first, I ensure that all utilitary macros work as expected, then move on to more general macros, and so on, till I find the problem. It is handy to trace arbitrary terms during execution with ML99_abort, or just copy-paste them into ML99_EVAL(...) in a separate file and see how it goes with -E.

Metalang99's debugging facilities are discussed in a dedicated chapter.

Q: How does it work?


  1. Because macro recursion is prohibited, there is an ad-hoc recursion engine which works by deferring macro expansions and passing continuations here and there.
  2. Upon it, the continuation-passing style interpreter reduces language expressions into final results.
  3. The standard library is nothing but a set of metafunctions implemented using the core metalanguage, i.e. they are to be evaluated by the interpreter.

Q: What about debugging?

A: See the chapter Testing, debugging, and error reporting.

Q: What about IDE support?

A: I use VS Code for development. It enables pop-up suggestments of macro-generated constructions but, of course, it does not support macro syntax highlightment.

Q: Why not third-party code generators?


  • Seamless cooperation with the rest of C code. Programming inside comments or DSL-specific files is clearly not the most convenient way, both in terms of IDE support and maintenance. This is especially true for meta-abstractions that are to be considered as a part of the host language, like Datatype99.

  • Burden of third-party tools. You need to setup, distribute, and maintain third-party code generators, whilst macros are already to be used like any other C code. Macros is a built-in tool to generate code, therefore, they do not require external ad-hoc machinery to work.

  • Integration into existing codebases. Being a library, Metalang99 has more chances to be considered as a dependency of already functioning C projects.

Q: Compilation times?

A: To run the benchmarks, execute ./scripts/ from the root directory.

Q: Why formal specification?

A: The interpreter implementation is inherently non-trivial, with plenty of subtle details. Having an abstract picture of what is happening is extremely helpful not to mess up, especially when we are talking about corner cases. Additionally, the specification helps to figure out how the language would behave under some exotic circumstances.

Q: Is it Turing-complete?

A: The C/C++ preprocessor is capable to iterate only up to a certain limit. For Metalang99, this limit is defined in terms of reductions steps: once a fixed amount of reduction steps has exhausted, your metaprogram will not be able to execute anymore.

Q: Why macros if we have templates?

A: Metalang99 is primarily targeted at pure C, and C lacks templates. But anyway, you can find the argumentation for C++ at the website of Boost/Preprocessor.

Q: Where is an amalgamated header?

A: I am against amalgamated headers because of burden with updating. Instead, you can just add Metalang99 as a Git submodule and update it with git submodule update --remote.

Q: What standards are supported?

A: C99/C++11 and onwards.

Q: What compilers are tested?

A: Metalang99 is known to work on these compilers:

  • GCC
  • Clang
  • MSVC
  • TCC


Full-blown preprocessor metaprogramming







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  • C 93.5%
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