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Vitaly S edited this page Feb 2, 2016 · 15 revisions

Version 0.3.9 @ 02/02/2016

  • Fixed incorrect popover offset in case if keyboard is visible
  • Restored possibility to resize popover (credits to nionguyen)

Version 0.3.8 @ 14/05/2015

Version 0.3.7 @ 15/02/2015

Version 0.3.6 @ 28/01/2015

Version 0.3.5 @ 02/12/2014

Version 0.3.4 @ 04/11/2014

Version 0.3.3 @ 10/10/2014

Version 0.3.2 @ 06/10/2014

Version 0.3.1 @ 06/10/2014

Version 0.3.0 @ 16/09/2014

Version 0.2.2 @ 21/02/2014

Version 0.2.1 @ 20/02/2014

Version 0.2.0 @ 20/02/2014

Version 0.1.9 @ 15/02/2014

Version 0.1.8 @ 30/01/2014

Version 0.1.7 @ 09/11/2013

Version 0.1.6 @ 11/10/2013

  • Replaced -popoverControllerShouldDismiss: by -popoverControllerShouldDismissPopover: on delegate
  • Replaced -popoverControllerDidDismiss: by -popoverControllerDidDismissPopover: on delegate
  • Added -popoverController:willRepositionPopoverToRect:inView: on delegate
  • Automatic use of edgesForExtendedLayout = UIExtendedEdgeNone on view controllers embed in an UINavigationController with iOS7
  • Added none arrow direction ~> popover is always centered on screen ( credits to scastria )
  • Added convenient -presentPopoverAsDialogAnimated: method in order to present popover without any arrow direction and anchored view needed ( credits to scastria )
  • Fixed unspecified popover content size when it is used with UINavigationController on iOS7

Version 0.1.5 @ 02/10/2013

  • Added ability to change overlay background color ( credits to shkutkov ).
  • Fixed few compile warnings.
  • Fixed potential keyboard observer crash when popover is released ( credits to cbess ).

Version 0.1.4 @ 18/09/2013

  • Added popoverContentSize getter and setter ( credits to stephanheilner ).
  • Fixed build support with iOS 6 SDK ( credits to bizz84 ).
  • Fixed drawing glitches with iOS 7.

Version 0.1.3 @ 15/09/2013

  • Added iOS7 support with default theme colors.
  • Added innerStrokeColor and outerStrokeColor ( credits to shkutkov ).
  • Fixed size of the view controller’s view while displayed in a popover.
  • Property strokeColor was deprecated.

Version 0.1.2 @ 08/09/2013

  • Added support keyboard show / hide.
  • Added minOuterCornerRadius appearance property.
  • Fixed performance.
  • Fixed generation of colors from tintColor.
  • Replaced device orientation change notification by interface orientation change notification.

Version 0.1.1 @ 31/08/2013

  • Added support for UIStoryBoard.
  • Replaced [UIWindow sendEvent] sizzled method by [UIView hitTest] ( credits to thantthet ).

Version 0.1.0 @ 16/08/2013

  • Initial release.
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