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Materials for Map all the Things with Mapbox GL!, a workshop on working with large map-based datasets.

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Map all the Things with Mapbox GL!

This repo contains source code and step-by-step instructions for a workshop entitled Map all the Things with Mapbox GL! This was first presented as a talkat ForwardJS Ottawa 2020 to a virtual audience of roughly 700. Given the high level of interest, I decided to submit it as a longer workshop for Startup Slam 2020, and here we are!

Session Description

Come learn how to map millions of features while keeping your visualizations understandable and navigable for your users! In this session, we'll use Mapbox GL and open data from the City of Toronto to cover tools and techniques for mapping large datasets. From Mapbox GL basics to vector tiles, heatmaps, and clustering, you'll learn several ways to harness the power of these datasets in your applications.

Although we'll focus on web-based applications, many of the same techniques can be used alongside Mapbox mobile SDKs to power map-based experiences on mobile.

Session Requirements

You'll get more out of this session if you have some experience with frontend (HTML / CSS / JavaScript) development and are comfortable using npm or similar JavaScript package managers. Previous experience with mapping and/or data visualization also helps, but is not required. Slides and materials will be available after the workshop as well, so you'll be able to refer back to them anytime.

Getting Started

git clone
cd map-all-the-things

git checkout start-here

npm install
npm run serve

This repository also includes a .code-workspace file for use with Visual Studio Code, as well as an .nvmrc file in case you're using nvm.


Step 0: Starting page

We have a simple full-page layout, plus a bit of scaffolding for Mapbox GL that we aren't yet using.

To get to the next step, you have to clean up some of the eye-searing-ness and initialize the map properly!

Let's start by getting rid of that <h1> element:

<div id="map_container"></div>

Like other mapping libraries, Mapbox GL needs a container element for its map. In our case, that's #map_container, which has been styled in CSS to take up the whole page width and height. We get a reference to this container, then attach it in options and initialize the map:

function initMap() {
  const $mapContainer = document.getElementById('map_container');
  // or: document.querySelector('#map_container')

  const options = {
    // set the container in options
    container: $mapContainer,
    dragRotate: false,
    pitchWithRotate: false,
    renderWorldCopies: true,
    style: basemapStyle,

  // finally, create a new `mapboxgl.Map` instance using these options!
  map = new mapboxgl.Map(options);

Congratulations! You've created your first Mapbox GL map. We'll be building on this map incrementally over the rest of the workshop.

Step 1: Toronto map

Now that we've shown our first map, let's focus on a specific area. Since we'll be using City of Toronto data, it makes sense to focus on Toronto.

To get to the next step, you have to configure Mapbox GL to stay within Toronto city bounds!

First, we need a bounding box for Toronto:

const BOUNDS_TORONTO = new mapboxgl.LngLatBounds(
  new mapboxgl.LngLat(-79.639264937, 43.580995995),
  new mapboxgl.LngLat(-79.115243191, 43.855457183),

But wait! The map defaults to zoom level 0, which shows the entire world. We don't need to zoom out that far. By default, it also allows the user to zoom in as far as zoom level 23 - that's way too close for our purposes. In addition to our bounding box, then, we need some zoom bounds:

const ZOOM_LEVEL_0 = 10;
const ZOOM_LEVEL_3 = 19;

Why ZOOM_LEVEL_0 and ZOOM_LEVEL_3? Similar to breakpoints in responsive design, these can be thought of as zoom breakpoints. We'll be adding more breakpoints between these two.

We can then use the bounding box and zoom bounds to keep the viewer within Toronto city limits:

function initMap() {
  // ...
  const options = {
    // add in these options:
    center: BOUNDS_TORONTO.getCenter(),
    maxBounds: BOUNDS_TORONTO,
    minZoom: ZOOM_LEVEL_0,
    maxZoom: ZOOM_LEVEL_3,
    zoom: ZOOM_LEVEL_0,
    // change this line (optional, but we don't need it to be `true`):
    renderWorldCopies: false,
    // ...
  // ...

Note that we've also set center and zoom - these tell Mapbox GL where the view should initially be placed. (This is similar to the concept of a camera in graphics / game programming: it's one particular view of a larger world!)

Great! By using bounding box and zoom limiting options, you've focused the map on Toronto. This puts us in a good place to start adding City of Toronto data.

Step 2: GeoJSON data layers

Step 2a: loading collision data

With the map focused on Toronto, we're ready to add some City of Toronto data! To do that, though, we first have to load the data.

To get to the next step, you have to load collision data into our page, then test that the data is loading properly.

You might have noticed that the page we're building comes equipped with a function called getJson():

async function getJson(url) {
  const response = await fetch(url);
  return response.json();

This function takes a URL and returns a Promise that resolves to the JSON response from issuing an HTTP GET request to that URL.

You might also have noticed another file in the src/data folder in this repository:

$ ls data
collisions.geojson metadata.json      root.json

We're already using metadata.json and root.json to create the basemap - these are borrowed from the World Dark Gray Base tile layer made available by ESRI.

That's right! Despite what the Mapbox GL docs say, you do not need a Mapbox access token to use Mapbox GL, nor do you need to use a map style hosted with Mapbox. You can use any style from anywhere, so long as it conforms to the Mapbox GL Style Specification.

But enough about basemaps - we want data to put on the basemap! That's where collisions.geojson comes in. Let's add that to the datasets we fetch in initMapbox():

let collisions = null;

async function initMapbox() {
  const [
    collisionsData,  // <--
  ] = await Promise.all([
    getJson('data/collisions.geojson'), // <--

  basemapStyle = getStyle(metadata, root);
  collisions = collisionsData; // <--

Before we start using this data, let's check that it actually loads successfully. To do this, we'll add an event listener for the load event on the mapboxgl.Map object:

function initMap() {
  // ...

  map = new mapboxgl.Map(options);
  map.on('load', populateMap);

function populateMap() {

From the Mapbox GL docs on load:

Fired immediately after all necessary resources have been downloaded and the first visually complete rendering of the map has occurred.

Awesome! You've loaded collision data from the City of Toronto, and can see that we have roughly 175 000 points. (The full dataset we have is much larger, but this is large enough to show off some of the techniques here.) Now we can use that data in the map.

Step 2b: using collision data

OK, we've got collision data loaded into the page, ready to use in our map. In Mapbox GL, data is provided by sources, which are then used within layers to render that data to the map.

To get to the next step, you have to add a GeoJSON source using the newly loaded collisions data, then add a layer that uses that source.

We add sources using map.addSource():

function populateMap() {
  // don't need the `console.log()` anymore
  map.addSource('collisions', {
    type: 'geojson',
    data: collisions,
    buffer: 0,

That's it! Under the covers, Mapbox GL takes our 30 MB collisions dataset and indexes it into vector tiles, right in the browser. (We don't need the buffer option, but for circle layers it can speed up both vector tile indexing and subsequent rendering.)

From there, we use sources in layers by using the source option:

function populateMap() {
  // ...
    id: 'collisionsPoints',
    source: 'collisions',
    type: 'circle',
    minzoom: ZOOM_LEVEL_0,
    maxzoom: ZOOM_LEVEL_3,
    paint: {
      'circle-color': '#ef4848',
      'circle-radius': 6.5,
      'circle-stroke-color': '#773333',
      'circle-stroke-width': 1,

The paint options tell Mapbox GL how to style these circles.

Whoa, that's a lot of data. You've used the collision data in your first source and layer to show each collision as its own point. It's a good start, but we can do a lot more to make it easier for users to understand and navigate this dataset!

Step 3: Heatmaps

Step 3a: switching to heatmap

So we have a lot of data on a map, but we can't make sense of it! Fortunately, Mapbox GL has several features that help us visualize large datasets. The first one we'll look at is heatmap layers: it's easy to configure a layer to show its data not as a series of individual points, but as a heatmap.

To get to the next step, you have to update your layer configuration to turn it into a heatmap.

First, though, let's pull our fill and stroke colors from before up into variables, so that we can reuse them throughout this workshop:

const COLOR_COLLISION_FILL = '#ef4848';
const COLOR_COLLISION_STROKE = '#773333';

Now we can adjust our layer as follows:

  id: 'collisionsHeatmap',
  source: 'collisions',
  type: 'heatmap',
  minzoom: ZOOM_LEVEL_0,
  maxzoom: ZOOM_LEVEL_3,
  paint: {
    'heatmap-color': COLOR_COLLISION_FILL,
    'heatmap-weight': 0.03,

Oh no! You've traded out your beautiful circles for a uniform sea of eye-searing red. Never fear, though: we'll work this into a usable heatmap over the next couple of substeps.

Step 3b: heatmap color ramps

We can fix this sea of red by using Mapbox GL style expressions, which let us apply data-driven styling to map layers. We'll tweak other things in a moment, but for now we'll focus our attention on heatmap-color.

To get to the next step, you have to use style expressions to create a nice color ramp for your heatmap.

Let's start with the color ramp. Replace the value of the heatmap-color property with this expression:


To get this working, we'll also need to define two new colors:

const COLOR_COLLISION_HEATMAP_ZERO = 'rgba(244, 227, 219, 0)';

You can use these values or play around with your own. The only requirement is that COLOR_COLLISION_HEATMAP_ZERO have an alpha value of 0 - this is what allows the heatmap to fade to transparent wherever there aren't any points.

OK, let's pick this apart a bit. This is your first real look at Mapbox GL style expressions! If you've ever worked with Scheme / Racket, Clojure, or other LISP-like languages, these expressions will look familiar: they're basically S-expressions in JSON array form.

For the rest of us, though, that's not a helpful description! A style expression can be a value, as in '#ef4848' or 6.5:

  'circle-color': '#ef4848',
  'circle-radius': 6.5,
  'circle-stroke-color': '#773333',
  'circle-stroke-width': 1,

It can also be an array, as in our heatmap example:


The first element of this array is an operator, and everything else is an argument to that operator. So interpolate is the operator, and from the interpolate documentation we can see what it does:

Produces continuous, smooth results by interpolating between pairs of input and output values ("stops").

The first argument is the interpolation function: here we're using ['linear'], which is just a simple linear ramp. (You can also use exponential or BĂ©zier curves.)

The next one, ['heatmap-density'], is the input. This is another array expression! heatmap-density is a special operator that returns the density of the heatmap at each pixel. (Explaining density here is beyond the scope of this workshop, but in layperson terms it's as though you blurred each point, and then added those blurred points up.)

Next is a series of pairs of input and output values - these are the stops mentioned in the documentation. In our example, a density of 0.25 would map to a color halfway between COLOR_COLLISION_HEATMAP_ZERO and COLOR_COLLISION_HEATMAP_HALF. (You could add even more stops and make rainbow scales, or tritone scales, or any of the ColorBrewer scales...)

And that's it! interpolate uses an interpolator to map an input value onto an output range, using the stops configured in the expression. In our case, we're using it to map heatmap density (the input) onto a color (the output). We'll see several more examples of style expressions as we go along.

Looking better now! You can actually make out areas of higher and lower collision density now. It's a bit blobby-looking, though, so we'll keep tweaking the style.

Step 3c: intensity and radius

To help de-blobify our heatmap, we can adjust heatmap-intensity and heatmap-radius to values that better suit our data. There isn't a hard and fast rule here - you'll have to experiment with your dataset (and users!) to see what values are most useful. To make things interesting, we'll use interpolate again, this time with zoom to compensate for points spreading out as we zoom in.

To get to the next step, you have to use more style expressions to set heatmap-intensity and heatmap-radius.

To start with, we'll define another zoom breakpoint at zoom level 14:

const ZOOM_LEVEL_1 = 14;

Now we can use this new breakpoint in a style expression to vary the heatmap-intensity and heatmap-radius:

'heatmap-intensity': [
  ZOOM_LEVEL_0, 0.33,
  ZOOM_LEVEL_1, 1,
'heatmap-radius': [
  ZOOM_LEVEL_0, 5,
  ZOOM_LEVEL_1, 10,

There's interpolate again, this time with ['zoom'] as the input. The zoom operator here returns the current map zoom level, so we can use it to change the style gradually as the user zooms in and out! This is super-powerful: as we'll see again, this allows you to present different views of the same dataset at different scales.

Great! By reducing the visual noise of your heatmap, you've helped your users make sense of the data. It's now much easier to see which areas have especially high numbers of collisions.

Step 3d: point weighting in heatmaps

Some collisions are more serious than others. In the collisions.geojson dataset, each collision has a property called ksi. This stands for "killed or seriously injured": these are especially serious collisions that result in hospitalization or even death.

As a Vision Zero city, Toronto's goal is to treat every single KSI collision as preventable. That means improving everything from signage to lane markings to signal timings / phases to visibility, all in an attempt to create a safe environment for all road users. Since pedestrians, cyclists, seniors, and other vulnerable road users are overrepresented in KSI statistics, their safety is given the highest priority.

To get to the next step, you have to give KSI collisions the importance they deserve by dramatically increasing their weight.

Set heatmap-weight as follows:

'heatmap-weight': [
  ['get', 'ksi'], 3,

OK! We've got two new operators in here: case and get. case is Mapbox GL's if-then-else block; we can read this expression as "if ['get', 'ksi'], then return 3, else return 0.03". get is a property accessor operator: for each data point, ['get', 'ksi'] returns the value of the ksi property. To see what that means, we can take a quick look at collisions.geojson:

  "type": "FeatureCollection",
  "features": [
      "id": 1742504,
      "type": "Feature",
      "geometry": {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [
      "properties": {
        "ksi": false,
        "cyclist": false,
        "pedestrian": false
    // ...

['get', 'ksi'] pulls out that ksi property. We could just as easily do ['get', 'cyclist'], or ['get', 'pedestrian'], depending on what we want to show in our map.

Phew - you made it. By tweaking the various parameters of heatmap layers, you've created a heatmap that better represents the data, and that appropriately draws attention to the most serious collisions. We're not done, though! This heatmap is cool, but we can still improve upon this.

Step 4: Clustering and Visual Differentiation

Step 4a: heatmap and points!

Heatmaps are great for seeing the big picture, but not so useful for getting a precise view of individual data why not use both?

To get to the next step, you have to set up another layer for points, then use style expressions to crossfade between the heatmap and individual points as the user zooms in.

When a DJ crossfades two tracks, there's a period of time where both tracks are playing. Similarly, to crossfade over zoom levels, we need a zoom level where both the heatmap and the points are visible! To do this, we'll show the heatmap for one additional zoom level by changing maxzoom:

maxzoom: ZOOM_LEVEL_1 + 1,

Now we need the fade part, for which we'll use heatmap-opacity:

'heatmap-opacity': [
  ZOOM_LEVEL_1, 1,
  ZOOM_LEVEL_1 + 1, 0,

There's that interpolate / zoom combo again! OK, so we're fading out our heatmap, but what are we fading in? We need a second layer for our points:

  id: 'collisionsPoints',
  source: 'collisions',
  type: 'circle',
  minzoom: ZOOM_LEVEL_1,
  maxzoom: ZOOM_LEVEL_3,
  paint: {
    'circle-color': COLOR_COLLISION_FILL,
    'circle-opacity': [
      ZOOM_LEVEL_1, 0,
      ZOOM_LEVEL_1 + 1, 1,
    'circle-radius': 6.5,
    'circle-stroke-color': COLOR_COLLISION_STROKE,
    'circle-stroke-width': 1,

And there's the fade in effect! Between ZOOM_LEVEL_1 and ZOOM_LEVEL_1 + 1, our heatmap will fade out while our points fade in.

Yay! You made your first map with more than one layer, and you've even set up a cool crossfade effect between those layers as you zoom in. This is one of the great things about interactive maps: you can show more than one representation of the data to help users see both the big picture and the details.

Step 4b: clustering

Even with our new crossfade technique in place, we're still showing a lot of visual clutter with all those points. To handle large point-based datasets, Mapbox GL also supports clustering. We'll use this feature to help tame visual clutter at higher zoom levels. It'll take a bit of work, but it's worth it!

To get to the next step, you have to add a clustered data source for collisions, then update our points layer to use that data source.

Clustered data sources are another piece of magic available out-of-the-box in Mapbox GL:

map.addSource('collisionsClustered', {
  type: 'geojson',
  data: collisions,
  cluster: true,
  clusterMaxZoom: ZOOM_LEVEL_3,
  clusterRadius: 30,

Under the covers, this uses a technique called hierarchical greedy clustering, which works quite well with many real-world datasets (like ours!) We've chosen a clusterRadius of 30, but you should feel free to play with that value! Lower values mean more clusters, which means more precise locations at the cost of more clutter and lower performance.

Now we're going to update our collisionsPoints layer, renaming it collisionsClustered in the process. (You can name these however you like, but as with all programming tasks it's helpful to pick descriptive names!)

  id: 'collisionsClustered',
  source: 'collisionsClustered',
  type: 'circle',
  minzoom: ZOOM_LEVEL_1,
  maxzoom: ZOOM_LEVEL_3,
  filter: ['has', 'point_count'],
  paint: {
    'circle-color': COLOR_COLLISION_FILL,
    'circle-opacity': [
      ZOOM_LEVEL_1, 0,
      ZOOM_LEVEL_1 + 1, 1,
    'circle-radius': [
      ['get', 'point_count'],
      10, 10,
      100, 14,
      1000, 16,
    'circle-stroke-color': COLOR_COLLISION_STROKE,
    'circle-stroke-width': 1,

Note the filter on this layer: we can use a Mapbox GL style expression here to only show specific points. When building a clustered data source, Mapbox GL adds the point_count property to each cluster - as you might expect, this is the number of points in that cluster! So this layer will only show clusters: individual points that didn't get clustered aren't included. (We'll get to those in a bit.)

There's also a new operator: step. This is similar to interpolate, in that it takes a series of stops that describe how to map input values to output values. In this case, though, we're not interpolating between output values. As an example: using our expression above, a cluster with a point_count of 55 would have a radius of 10, whereas if we'd used interplate with ['linear'] as the interpolator we'd instead get a radius of 12.

OK! You've taken the first step towards moving from individual points to clusters at higher zoom levels. We're not done yet, though: we still need to handle points that don't make it into clusters, and it would be nice to show the point count on each cluster!

Step 4c: cluster labels and unclustered points

Now that we have the basic clusters in place, let's finish this off! In Mapbox GL, text labels use the symbol layer type. (Icons also use symbol, but we won't cover those in this workshop.) Since each layer can only have one type, this means we need a separate layer to show cluster point counts.

To get to the next step, you have to add two new layers - one for the cluster point counts, one to handle unclustered single points.

Let's start with the cluster point counts:

  id: 'collisionsClusteredCount',
  source: 'collisionsClustered',
  type: 'symbol',
  minzoom: ZOOM_LEVEL_1,
  maxzoom: ZOOM_LEVEL_3,
  filter: ['has', 'point_count'],
  layout: {
    'text-field': '{point_count_abbreviated}',
    'text-font': ['literal', ['Ubuntu Regular']],
    'text-size': 12
  paint: {
    'text-color': COLOR_COLLISION_STROKE,

This is our first layer of type symbol. In Mapbox GL, symbol layers are used to show text and/or icons. (You can actually show both: this is great for showing markers with numbers on them, for instance!)

To show text, we need to provide a text-field. In this case, we're using the point_count_abbreviated cluster property - this is similar to point_count, except that it's a string instead of a number, and it abbreviates larger values (e.g. '2.5k' instead of '2513.)

We also need a text-font. Similar to CSS font-family, this takes a font stack; each font is tried in sequence until a supported font is found. But how do we provide an array of fonts? After all, arrays are already used as expressions. That's where literal comes in: this is an operator that returns its first argument. As an example:

// this is an error: there's no `Ubuntu Regular` operator!
['Ubuntu Regular']

// this works: `literal` returns its first argument, in this case `['Ubuntu Regular']`
['literal', ['Ubuntu Regular']]

There's also text-size and text-color. Note that text-field, text-font, and text-size are layout options while text-color is a paint option. If you try to put text-color in layout, or text-size in paint, Mapbox GL will give you an error.

Now that we have text labels to show the number of points in each cluster, there's just one last piece to clean up: unclustered points. They get their own layer:

  id: 'collisionsUnclustered',
  source: 'collisionsClustered',
  type: 'circle',
  minzoom: ZOOM_LEVEL_1,
  maxzoom: ZOOM_LEVEL_3,
  filter: ['!', ['has', 'point_count']],
  paint: {
    'circle-color': COLOR_COLLISION_FILL,
    'circle-opacity': [
      ZOOM_LEVEL_1, 0,
      ZOOM_LEVEL_1 + 1, 1,
    'circle-radius': 4,
    'circle-stroke-color': COLOR_COLLISION_STROKE,
    'circle-stroke-width': 1,

Here we've used a filter with the ! operator, which is a Boolean NOT operator: this layer only shows points that do NOT have a point_count property.

Amazing! By adding clusters to your map, you've reduced visual clutter, and you've actually added more information in the process - now users can see exactly how many collisions are in a rough area, something that would have been impossible to see with all the overlapping points before.

Step 4d: visual differentiation

We could still do more to help users pick out the most important data points. Remember those KSI collisions? We can use clusterProperties on our clustered data source to mark clusters that have any KSI collisions in them. Once we do that, we can use this property together with case expressions to dramatically increase the prominence of KSI collisions.

To get to the next step, you have to define the ksiAny cluster property, use it to style clustered circles and text labels, and use the ksi property on unclustered points to style those.

Let's start with the ksiAny cluster property, which we'll add to our existing collisionsClustered source using the clusterProperties option:

map.addSource('collisionsClustered', {
  type: 'geojson',
  data: collisions,
  cluster: true,
  clusterMaxZoom: ZOOM_LEVEL_3,
  clusterProperties: {
    ksiAny: ['any', ['get', 'ksi']],
  clusterRadius: 30,

any is a Boolean OR operator. This means that our clusters will have a new ksiAny property, which will be true if any collision in that cluster is a KSI collision (and false otherwise).

Now we can use ksiAny in our cluster layers and ksi in our unclustered layer. Here's our clustered circle layer:

  id: 'collisionsClustered',
  source: 'collisionsClustered',
  type: 'circle',
  minzoom: ZOOM_LEVEL_1,
  maxzoom: ZOOM_LEVEL_3,
  filter: ['has', 'point_count'],
  paint: {
    'circle-color': [
      ['get', 'ksiAny'], COLOR_KSI_FILL,
    'circle-opacity': [
      ZOOM_LEVEL_1, 0,
      ZOOM_LEVEL_1 + 1, 1,
    'circle-radius': [
        ['get', 'ksiAny'], 1.25,
        ['get', 'point_count'],
        10, 10,
        100, 14,
        1000, 16,
    'circle-stroke-color': [
      ['get', 'ksiAny'], COLOR_KSI_STROKE,
    'circle-stroke-width': [
      ['get', 'ksiAny'], 2,

Looks like we need fill and stroke colors for KSI collisions:

const COLOR_KSI_FILL = '#272727';
const COLOR_KSI_STROKE = '#fefefe';

Now we can also use ksiAny with these colors in our cluster text label layer:

'text-color': [
  ['get', 'ksiAny'], COLOR_KSI_STROKE,

Finally, we update the unclustered layer, using ksi instead of ksiAny to style unclustered KSI collisions:

  id: 'collisionsUnclustered',
  source: 'collisionsClustered',
  type: 'circle',
  minzoom: ZOOM_LEVEL_1,
  maxzoom: ZOOM_LEVEL_3,
  filter: ['!', ['has', 'point_count']],
  paint: {
    'circle-color': [
      ['get', 'ksi'], COLOR_KSI_FILL,
    'circle-opacity': [
      ZOOM_LEVEL_1, 0,
      ZOOM_LEVEL_1 + 1, 1,
    'circle-radius': [
      ['get', 'ksi'], 6,
    'circle-stroke-color': [
      ['get', 'ksi'], COLOR_KSI_STROKE,
    'circle-stroke-width': [
      ['get', 'ksi'], 2,

And here we are! You've taken this map all the way from a blank canvas to something that helps users see the big picture and zoom in on details, all while drawing attention to the most important points in the dataset.

Now What?

Is there more we could do? Definitely! Contextual popups, interactive filters (e.g. collisions that involve cyclists, pedestrians, etc.), additional datasets (e.g. traffic counts, road infrastructure projects, etc.) - all these (and more!) could be added to unlock new possibilities for understanding this dataset.

There's also lots we could do to improve accessibility. The red text on red circles is definitely not WCAG AA compliant: it's too small, and the contrast isn't high enough. The map has no non-visual alternatives (e.g. summary text), nor does it offer ways to navigate data by keyboard. (This is a non-trivial problem, of course!)

Finally: we're using a subset of the data. Because of that, we can just load it directly into the browser and play around - but what if we were using the full 35-year dataset with 1.5 million data points, each of which have several dozen properties? To handle that much data, we need to preprocess it: pre-generate vector tiles, pre-aggregate summary statistics, pre-cluster point datasets. By doing this, we can scale these same techniques to work with millions (or even billions!) of data points.


Materials for Map all the Things with Mapbox GL!, a workshop on working with large map-based datasets.






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