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Tiny, rough-and-ready quantum circuit simulator for exploring quantum networking and computing.

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Tiny, rough-and-ready quantum circuit emulator for exploring quantum networking and computing.

Should only require Numpy to get started. Tests in can be run using the pytest framework from PyPy. Python 3.10 or higher recommended.


Qoord is a quantum circuit emulator, written to teach myself about quantum computing, and (secondarily) to prototype quantum algorithms.

In ordinary computers, the deepest level of programming (directly on the chip) uses logic gates (AND, OR, NOT) to manipulate binary bits. Most quantum computing efforts are also focused on this kind of "gate-based" computing - devices are built from quantum bits or qubits. Quantum computers also use logical operations, but because qubits have a more complex behavior than binary logic, the quantum logic gates are very different.

Each quantum program is written as a sequence of quantum gates, which are applied to the qubits. Because quantum programs are still low-level and operate directly on the hardware, they are often called quantum circuits. Most of us do not have an ion trap or a near-absolute-zero refrigerator hanging around to build quantum systems with, but we can mimic quantum computers in software: a quantum circuit emulator is a program to mimic the behavior of an idealized gate-based quantum computer, as a substitute for having actual quantum hardware. That's what Qoord does.

Background Material

Getting comfortable with the bra-ket (<| and |>) notation makes a big difference; they're two types of vectors. The kets |> are basically vector-valued data, and the bras <| are the coefficients of multivariable linear functions. The expression <y|x> is then just a dot product, e.g. applying the linear model to the data to get a scalar answer.
In quantum circuits, the ket vectors are always the current state of the quantum register, and the various gate operations are multiplying the state by a matrix.

There are a few stumbling blocks related to what kind of data a qubit value provides - a single qubit stores a 2-dimensional complex-valued vector of length 1. That's way more data than a classical bit, but you can only extract one classical bit per measurement and all the rest of the qubit information is destroyed in the process.

I strongly recommend - Scott Aaronson's lecture notes for the first semester of quantum information theory. The beginning parts are good for understanding what a qubit is and what a gate is doing. Later he goes into algorithms and nonlocal games, which are incredibly cool.

There's also, which is introductory material in circuit-model quantum computing, by Michael Nielsen and Andy Matuschak. Nielsen also co-wrote "Mike and Ike", the standard intro to quantum computing / quantum information textbook. The Quantum Country site is part of his work on finding alternative ways to teach deep topics.

Generally, it helped me a lot to use multiple sets of lecture notes online to get several perspectives on the same material. One point that gets glossed over: when considering a gate acting on a qubit, you often need to know the matrix that operates on the entire state vector, not just the one qubit that the gate is acting on. When this happens, you are taking tensor products of matrices; the 2x2 identity matrix is used on the other qubits. This probably isn't at all obvious if you're not used to working with tensor products and linear maps, especially coming from a software background.

Notes and caveats

Qoord is a very simple emulator, designed to be easy to understand and hack on. It's not designed for speed or scale, which are challenging problems for a quantum emulator because of the exponential growth in the size of the quantum state vector as the number of qubits increases. Since quantum computation in Qoord involves repeated matrix multiplications, the accuracy will be limited by the standard floating point precision of Python and numpy - we currently don't take any measures to correct for this.

Many other circuit emulators are available, but I wrote my own to really lock in the basics of the theory. I've also used Cirq from Google, IBM's Qiskit, and PennyLane from Xanadu. They're all great, and they have different strengths. When I started this project in early 2023, one missing feature from a lot of the packages out there was an ability to perform mid-circuit measurements and then continue the circuit - because most of these were written to control actual hardware, and most of the time you just measure at the end. I made sure Qoord could do mid-circuit measurements because I needed it for something else. Good news - in the last year, most of the packages I look at have added this feature.


Qoord is pronounced like "coordinate". If you say it like "cord" or "qword", I probably won't notice. My whole family are writers, but I've mostly fought off the temptation to spell it "qoörd" with a diaeresis. Although... the two dots do look a bit entangled, so maybe I'll rethink it.


Core: State Vectors and Matrix Operators

The base layer represents and manipulates program states using vectors of complex numbers, in the StateVector class. Each state is a complex-valued vector of length $2^n$, where $n$ is the number of qubits in the system. This layer is primarily implementing mathematical operations. It doesn't know anything about the physical interpretation as quantum states and gates.

The StateVector class is immutable, and all operations on it return a new StateVector instance. States can also be represented as a DensityMatrix, an array of complex numbers that captures a broader set of possibilities where the quantum state is only partially determined. All StateVector instances can be converted to valid DensityMatrix instances, but not vice-versa.

To change a program's state, we multiply the StateVector by a matrix operator to get a new StateVector. These matrix operators are always either unitary (representing quantum gates) or projections (representing measurements). You use unitary matrices to change the program state during a calculation; you use projection matrices to extract data from the program by reading the value of a qubit. Operators are represented by the MatrixOperator class.

Mantle: Quantum States and Gates

The QuantumState class represents the joint state of a set of qubits. QuantumState contains a collection of qubit identifiers and either a StateVector or a DensityMatrix instance to represent the numeric values of the state.

When working with multiple qubits, the global state of the system can't be broken down into a simple combination of the individual qubit states. If Alice and Bob's qubits are entangled, when Alice manipulates her qubit, the global state of the system changes in a way that matters for Bob's qubit, even if they are separated by a large distance and can't otherwise interact. This means that multiple distinct objects need to keep references to the global QuantumState; this violates the normal object/state encapsulation you want in software, but is a critical part of the quantum behavior. We handle this by making all references to the global QuantumState immutable, but the QuantumState itself is a mutable object whose value is maintained by either a StateVector or a DensityMatrix. All changes in the system involve updating the internal values of the shared QuantumState object.

When constructing a quantum system, we first fix the number of qubits $n$ and initialize a StateVector to the ${\left|0\right\rangle}^n$ state. The StateVector is used to set up a QuantumState instance. Then we create $n$ Qubit instances, passing the QuantumState to each constructor so the state is shared by all the qubits. This reference is immutable, so qubits cannot lose their connection to the global state object. However, because the QuantumState class has mutable internal state, gates and measurements on a Qubit can change the global state of the system, and all the qubits still share access to the changed state.

Object Description
StateVector, DensityMatrix immutable wrapper around a numpy array or numeric list. Fundamental operations are just math.
QuantumState mutable container for a state vector or density matrix, with a list of associated qubit identifiers.
Qubit, QubitSet immutable identifier for one or more of the qubits in a quantum system, with an immutable reference to the QuantumState object.

Crust: Devices and Circuits

Users typically will initialize a Device instance with some number of quantum bits. The Device is a container and initializer for the shared QuantumState.

    device = Device(qubits=2)
    device.initialize(StateVector((0, 0, 1, 0)))  # |10>

    qubits = device.get_qubits([0, 1])

    expected = StateVector((0, 0, 0, 1))  # |11>
    actual = device.get_state()

    # (0, 0, 0, 1)
    # (0, 0, 0, 1)


A quantum state is a vector of complex numbers.

You can create a quantum state by passing a list of complex numbers to the StateVector class. Here's a state vector representing a single qubit in the |0> state, and another in the |+> state.

from qoord import StateVector
sv0 = StateVector([1, 0])  # |0>
sv_plus = StateVector([1, 1])  # |+>

State vectors are always normalised to have unit length.
If you print out a state vector, you'll see the normalised version.

# StateVector([0.70710678+0.j, 0.70710678+0.j])

Create a Bell pair on two qubits

device = Device(qubits=2)
device.make_bell_pair(qubits=[0, 1])

qubit = device.get_qubit(0)
state = qubit.get_state(force_density_matrix=True)

#  Use partial trace to reduce to look at just the first qubit
qb0_state = state.partial_trace(keep_qubits=[0])
# this is a density matrix, not a state vector,because of the 
# partial trace operation


Tiny, rough-and-ready quantum circuit simulator for exploring quantum networking and computing.






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