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Crab is a language agnostic engine to perform static analysis of programs based on abstract interpretation.

At its core, Crab is a collection of abstract domains and fixpoint iterators built on the top of Ikos (Inference Kernel for Open Static Analyzers) developed by NASA Ames Research Center.

Crab has been designed to have two kind of users:

  1. Analysis/verification tools that want to compute invariants using abstract interpretation.

  2. Researchers on abstract interpretation who would like to experiment with new abstract domains and fixpoint iterators.


Ikos is distributed under NASA Open Source Agreement (NOSA) Version 1.3 or later. Crab is distributed under MIT license.

See Crab_LICENSE.txt and Ikos_LICENSE.pdf for details.


Crab is written in C++ and uses heavily the Boost library. You will need:

  • C++ compiler supporting c++11
  • Boost and Gmp

Then, just type:

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=my_install_dir ../
cmake --build . --target install 

If you want to run the tests add -DDEVMODE=ON option.

If you want to use the BOXES domain then add -DUSE_LDD=ON option.

If you want to use the Apron library domains then add -DUSE_APRON=ON option.

If you want to enable statistics about the analysis then add -DUSE_STATS=ON option.

If you want to enable logging for debugging purposes then add -DUSE_LOG=ON option.

By default, all these options are set to OFF (i.e., disabled).

Crab input language and output

The main input of Crab is a Control Flow Graph (CFG) language that interfaces with the abstract domains and iterators for the purpose of generating invariants.

In its simplest form, the CFG consists only of:

  • assume,
  • havoc,
  • arithmetic and bitwise operations, and
  • goto instructions

but it also supports other instructions such as

  • load, store, pointer arithmetic, and function pointers
  • function calls and returns

To support inter-procedural analysis, Crab can also take as input a whole program represented as a bunch of functions. For Crab, a function is a CFG (as described above) with a signature that consists of the function name, its formal parameters, and return value.

The output of Crab is a map from CFG basic blocks to invariants expressed in the underlying abstract domain.


The tests directory contains some examples of how to build CFGs and how to compute invariants using different abstract domains.

Important: the option DEVMODE must be enabled to compile all the tests.

How to integrate Crab in other verification tools

Check these projects:

  • Crab-Llvm is a static analyzer that infers invariants from LLVM-based languages using Crab.

  • SeaHorn is a verification framework that uses Crab-Llvm to supply invariants to the back-end solvers.

How to implement new fixpoint iterators

The new fixpoint iterator must follow this API:

template< class NodeName, class AbstractValue >
class forward_fixpoint_iterator {
 virtual AbstractValue analyze(NodeName, AbstractValue) = 0;

 virtual void process_pre(NodeName, AbstractValue) = 0;

 virtual void process_post(NodeName, AbstractValue) = 0;


How to implement new abstract domains

The main task is to implement the following API required by the fixpoint algorithm:

static AbsDomain top();

static AbsDomain bottom();

bool is_bottom ();

bool is_top ();

// Less or equal
bool operator<=(AbsDomain o);

// Join
AbsDomain operator|(AbsDomain o);

// Meet
AbsDomain operator&(AbsDomain o);

// Widening
AbsDomain operator||(AbsDomain o);

// Narrowing 
AbsDomain operator&&(AbsDomain o);

How to implement new numerical abstract domains

In addition to the previous API, for numerical domains it is also required to implement the API described in numerical_domains_api.hpp:

typedef linear_expression< Number, VariableName > linear_expression_t;
typedef linear_constraint< Number, VariableName > linear_constraint_t;
typedef linear_constraint_system< Number, VariableName > linear_constraint_system_t;

// x = y op z
virtual void apply(operation_t op, VariableName x, VariableName y, VariableName z) = 0; 

// x = y op k
virtual void apply(operation_t op, VariableName x, VariableName y, Number k) = 0; 

// x = e
virtual void assign(VariableName x, linear_expression_t e) = 0; 

// assume (c);
virtual void operator+=(linear_constraint_system_t csts) = 0;

// forget
virtual void operator-=(VariableName v) = 0;

This API assumes the manipulation of linear expressions and linear constraints both defined in linear_constraints.hpp so it is good to be familiar with.

For non-relational domains it is highly recommend to build on the top of separate_domains which provides an efficient implementation of a fast mergeable integer map based on patricia trees. This map can be used to map variable names to abstract values. The implementation of intervals and congruences use it.