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volcano plots edited
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seanyoon777 committed May 4, 2023
1 parent 4934fc7 commit 0c6568a
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Showing 6 changed files with 178 additions and 77 deletions.
255 changes: 178 additions & 77 deletions Scripts/clusteranalysis.R
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Expand Up @@ -27,23 +27,38 @@ load_lib("circlize")

get_biodata <- function(path) {
dir <- "/Users/seonghyunyoon/Downloads/proteomics_project/data/Proteomic"
dir <- "/Users/seonghyunyoon/Downloads/proteomics_project/data"
read.csv(paste(dir, path, sep = "/"))

plasma_meta <- get_biodata("Plasma/WashU_Plasma_SomaScan7K_sample_metadata.csv")
plasma_prot <- get_biodata("Plasma/WashU_Plasma_SomaScan7K_sample_protein_expression.csv")
plasma_patient <- get_biodata("Plasma/Plasma_BasicDemo.csv")
CSF_meta <- get_biodata("CSF/WashU_CSF_SomaScan7K_sample_metadata.csv")
CSF_prot <- get_biodata("CSF/WashU_CSF_SomaScan7K_sample_protein_expression.csv")
CSF_patient <- get_biodata("CSF/CSF_BasicDemo.csv")
plasma_meta <- get_biodata("Proteomic/Plasma/WashU_Plasma_SomaScan7K_sample_metadata.csv")
plasma_prot <- get_biodata("Proteomic/Plasma/WashU_Plasma_SomaScan7K_sample_protein_expression.csv")
plasma_patient <- get_biodata("Proteomic/Plasma/Plasma_BasicDemo.csv")
CSF_meta <- get_biodata("Proteomic/CSF/WashU_CSF_SomaScan7K_sample_metadata.csv")
CSF_prot <- get_biodata("Proteomic/CSF/WashU_CSF_SomaScan7K_sample_protein_expression.csv")
CSF_patient <- get_biodata("Proteomic/CSF/CSF_BasicDemo.csv")

patient_meta <- get_biodata("commonfile/WashU_ADNI_demographic.csv")
patient_meta <- get_biodata("Proteomic/commonfile/WashU_ADNI_demographic.csv")

all_prots_ID <- names(plasma_prot)[4:ncol(plasma_prot)]

protMeta <- read_csv("/Users/seonghyunyoon/Downloads/proteomics_project/data/ProteinMetadata_with_LOD.csv", col_types = )
protMeta$SeqId = str_replace(protMeta$SeqId, "-", ".")
protMeta <- filter(protMeta, (Organism == "Human" | Organism == "HIV-1" | Organism == "HIV-2") & Type == "Protein")
all_prots <- str_remove(all_prots_ID, "^X")
my_order <- match(protMeta$SeqId, all_prots)
all_prots <- protMeta$Key_2
nprots <- length(all_prots)

plasma_prot <- plasma_prot[c(1:3, 3 + my_order)]
colnames(plasma_prot) <- c("PA_DB_UID", "Barcode2d", "ExtIdentifier", all_prots)

CSF_prot <- CSF_prot[c(1:3, 3 + my_order)]
colnames(CSF_prot) <- c("PA_DB_UID", "Barcode2d", "ExtIdentifier", all_prots)

nprots <- ncol(plasma_prot)
all_prots <- names(plasma_prot)[4:nprots]

# Logarithmic
plasma_prot[4:nprots] <- log10(plasma_prot[4:nprots])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -120,12 +135,11 @@ intake_fil <- intake_fil[patientdata_summary$final_status %in% c("AD", "CO", "FT
patientdata_summary <- patientdata_summary %>%
filter(patientdata_summary$final_status %in% c("AD", "CO", "FTD", "Non-AD dementia"))

# set date window
# strict: set date window
date_window <- 180
patient_strict <- patientdata_summary[patientdata_summary$drawdate_diff <= date_window, ]
intake_strict <- intake_fil[patientdata_summary$drawdate_diff <= date_window, ]

for(i in 1:length(all_prots)) {
intake_strict_lm_models[[i]] <- summary(lm(intake_strict[, i] ~
relevel(factor(patient_strict$final_status), ref = "CO") +
Expand All @@ -149,92 +163,179 @@ for (i in 1:length(all_prots)) {
intake_strict_lm_summary <- rbind(intake_strict_lm_summary, intake_strict_tidy_result)

volcano_strict_AD <- intake_strict_lm_summary[intake_strict_lm_summary$xVar == "AD", ] %>%
mutate(qval = -log10(p.adjust(Pval, method = "fdr")),
log2fc = Coefficient) %>%
select(Protein, qval, log2fc)

ggplot(volcano_strict_AD, aes(x = log2fc, y = qval)) +

# lenient time window
date_window <- 2000
patient_lenient <- patientdata_summary[patientdata_summary$drawdate_diff <= date_window, ]
intake_lenient <- intake_fil[patientdata_summary$drawdate_diff <= date_window, ]

DEPlot <- ggplot(volcanoPlot, aes(x = log2fc, y = qvalue, color = factor(diffexpressed))) +
geom_point(size = 3, alpha = 0.8, na.rm = T) + # add gene points
geom_text_repel(max.overlaps = 10, aes(label = delabel)) +
theme_bw(base_size = 16) +
theme(legend.position = "none") +
ggtitle(label = paste(str_split(plot_title, '_', simplify = T), sep = "", collapse = " ")) +
xlab("log2 FC") +
ylab(expression(-log[10]("q"))) +
scale_color_manual(values = c("Upregulated" = "indianred1",
"Downregulated" = "royalblue1",
"none" = "grey60"))
intake_lenient_lm_models <- list()
for(i in 1:length(all_prots)) {
intake_lenient_lm_models[[i]] <- summary(lm(intake_lenient[, i] ~
relevel(factor(patient_lenient$final_status), ref = "CO") +
patient_lenient$Sex +
patient_lenient$age +

## 0.2. Wrangle common patientdata
drawdate_diff <- difftime(CSF_patient_fil$DrawDate, plasma_patient_fil$drawdate, units = "days") %>%
data.frame(Diff = ., absDiff = abs(.))
intake_lenient_lm_summary <- data.frame()
for (i in 1:length(all_prots)) {
intake_lenient_tidy_result <- data.frame(intake_lenient_lm_models[[i]]$coefficients) %>%
select(Estimate, Std..Error, Pr...t..)
colnames(intake_lenient_tidy_result) <- c("Coefficient", "StdError", "Pval")
intake_lenient_tidy_result <- intake_lenient_tidy_result[2:nrow(intake_lenient_tidy_result), ] %>%
mutate(xVar = c("AD", "FTD", "Non-AD dementia", "Male", "Age", "Storage_days"),
Protein = all_prots[i]) %>%
select(Protein, xVar, Coefficient, StdError, Pval)
rownames(intake_lenient_tidy_result) <- c()

intake_lenient_lm_summary <- rbind(intake_lenient_lm_summary, intake_lenient_tidy_result)

generate_lmsummary <- function(data, date_window, data_type = c("ADRC", "Knight"))

generate_volcanodata <- function(data, variable) {
volcano_data <- data %>% filter(xVar == variable) %>%
#group_by(Protein) %>%
mutate(padj = p.adjust(Pval, method = "fdr")) %>%
mutate(qval = -log10(padj),
log2fc = Coefficient) %>%
select(Protein, Pval, padj, qval, log2fc) %>%
mutate(diffexpressed = ifelse(log2fc > 0 & qval >= 1,
yes = "Upregulated",
no = ifelse(log2fc < 0 & qval >= 1,
yes = "Downregulated", no="none")))

# set date window
date_window <- 180
patient_strict <- patientdata_fil[patientdata_fil$drawdate_diff <= date_window, ]
intake_strict <- intake_fil[patientdata_fil$drawdate_diff <= date_window, ]

# split dataset
intake_strict_AD <- intake_strict[patient_strict$Plasma_drawstatus == "AD", ]
intake_strict_CO <- intake_strict[patient_strict$Plasma_drawstatus == "CO", ]
split_intake_strict_age <- split(patient_strict$drawage, patient_strict$Plasma_drawstatus)
intake_strict_age_AD <- split_intake_strict_age$AD
intake_strict_age_CO <- split_intake_strict_age$CO

intake_strict_agemax <- min(max(intake_strict_age_AD), max(intake_strict_age_CO))
intake_strict_agemin <- max(min(intake_strict_age_AD), min(intake_strict_age_CO))
age_resolution <- 0.25
intake_age_seq <- seq(intake_strict_agemin, intake_strict_agemax, by = age_resolution)

loess_predict <- function(x, Y) {
models <- vector("list", length(all_prots))
for (i in 1:length(all_prots)) {
models[[i]] <- loess(Y[, i] ~ x)
data <- data.frame(age = intake_age_seq)
for (i in 1:length(all_prots)) {
data[, i + 1] <- predict(models[[i]], intake_age_seq)
names(data) <- c("Age", all_prots)
generate_volcanoplot <- function(volcano_data, variable) {
ggplot(volcano_data, aes(x = log2fc, y = qval, color = factor(diffexpressed))) +
geom_point(size = 0.5, alpha = 0.8, na.rm = T) +
#geom_text_repel(max.overlaps = 10, aes(label = delabel)) +
theme_bw(base_size = 16) +
theme(legend.position = "none") +
#ggtitle(label = paste(str_split(plot_title, '_', simplify = T), sep = "", collapse = " ")) +
xlab("log2 FC") +
ylab(expression(-log[10]("q"))) +
scale_color_manual(values = c("Upregulated" = "indianred1",
"Downregulated" = "royalblue1",
"none" = "grey60")) +
theme(panel.border = element_rect(colour = "black", fill = NA, size = 1),
plot.background = element_rect(fill = "white"),
axis.title = element_text(size = 9.5),
axis.text = element_text(size = 7),
plot.title = element_text(size = 10, hjust = 0.5),
axis.line = element_blank()) +
annotate("text", x = min(volcano_data$log2fc)*1.1, y = max(volcano_data$qval),
label = variable, hjust = 0, size = 4)

models <- vector("list", length(all_prots))
for (i in 1:length(all_prots)) {
models[[i]] <- loess(intake_strict_AD[, i] ~ intake_strict_age_AD)

data_knight <- c(intake_strict_lm_summary, intake_lenient_lm_summary)
xVars <- c("AD", "FTD", "Non-AD dementia", "Male", "Age", "Storage_days")

knight_strict_volcanodata <- list()
for (i in 1:length(xVars)) {
knight_strict_volcanodata[[i]] <- generate_volcanodata(intake_strict_lm_summary,
variable = xVars[i])
data <- data.frame(age = intake_age_seq)
for (i in 1:length(all_prots)) {
data[, i + 1] <- predict(models[[i]], intake_age_seq)
knight_strict_volcanoplot <- list()
for (i in 1:length(xVars)) {
knight_strict_volcanoplot[[i]] <- generate_volcanoplot(knight_strict_volcanodata[[i]],
variable = xVars[i])

names(data) <- c("Age", all_prots)
intake_strict_AD_pred <- loess_predict(intake_strict_age_AD, intake_strict_AD)
gridExtra::grid.arrange(grobs = knight_strict_volcanoplot, ncol = 3)

# 1. confirm if group_by is right?
# 2. generate new volcano plots
# 3. Send the new volcanodata datasets
# 4. Clustering

# linear model, but in two ways: one with stringent dates, and one with up to 2000
# run lm on Knight, then create volcano plots for both stanford and the knight linear models
intake_strict_lm_summary <- vector("list", length(all_prots))
for(i in 1:length(all_prots)) {
intake_strict_lm_summary[[i]] <- summary(lm(intake_filtered[, i + 3] ~
patient_strict$Plasma_drawstatus +
patient_strict$Sex +

#This time for lenient datewindow
knight_lenient_volcanodata <- list()
for (i in 1:length(xVars)) {
knight_lenient_volcanodata[[i]] <- generate_volcanodata(intake_lenient_lm_summary,
variable = xVars[i])
knight_lenient_volcanoplot <- list()
for (i in 1:length(xVars)) {
knight_lenient_volcanoplot[[i]] <- generate_volcanoplot(knight_lenient_volcanodata[[i]],
variable = xVars[i])

gridExtra::grid.arrange(grobs = knight_lenient_volcanoplot, ncol = 3)

# export some data
(knight_strict_volcanodata[[1]])$Protein <- all_prots

# same thing with stanford data?
barcodes2 <- get_biodata("CSF_plasma_matched_barcodes.csv")
CSF_patient2 <- get_biodata("CSF_metadata_2023-03-04.csv")
CSF_protein2 <- get_biodata("CSFProts.log10.noLODFilter.csv")
plasma_patient2 <- get_biodata("Plasma_metadata_samplesOnly_2023-03-04.csv")
plasma_protein2 <- get_biodata("plasmaProts.log10.csv")

CSF_patient2$Age <- gsub('^"&"$', '', CSF_patient2$Age)
CSF_patient2$Age <- as.numeric(CSF_patient2$Age)

common_prots2 <- intersect(names(CSF_protein2), names(plasma_protein2))
CSF_protein2 <- data.frame(Barcode = CSF_patient2$Barcode, CSF_protein2[, common_prots2])
plasma_protein2 <- data.frame(Barcode = plasma_protein2$Barcode, plasma_protein2[, common_prots2])

CSF_protein2_fil <- CSF_protein2[CSF_protein2$Barcode %in% barcodes2$CSF_Barcode, ]
CSF_patient2_fil <- CSF_patient2[CSF_patient2$Barcode %in% barcodes2$CSF_Barcode, ]
plasma_protein2_fil <- plasma_protein2 %>%
filter(Barcode %in% barcodes2$Plasma_Barcode) %>%
arrange(match(Barcode, barcodes2$Plasma_Barcode)) %>%
slice(order(match(Barcode, barcodes2$Plasma_Barcode)))

age2_filtered <- plasma_patient2 %>%
select(Age, Barcode) %>%
rename(Plasma_Barcode = Barcode) %>%
filter(Plasma_Barcode %in% barcodes2$Plasma_Barcode) %>%
arrange(match(Plasma_Barcode, barcodes2$Plasma_Barcode)) %>%
mutate(CSF_Barcode = CSF_patient2_fil$Barcode) %>%
select(Age, CSF_Barcode, Plasma_Barcode)

patientdata_filtered <- plasma %>%
rename(Plasma_Barcode = Barcode, Plasma_Zscore = ConnectivityZscore) %>%
filter(Plasma_Barcode %in% barcodes$Plasma_Barcode) %>%
arrange(match(Plasma_Barcode, barcodes$Plasma_Barcode)) %>%
mutate(CSF_Zscore = CSF_patientdata_filtered$ConnectivityZscore,
CSF_Barcode = CSF_patientdata_filtered$Barcode) %>%
.[, c(ncol(.), 1:(ncol(.) - 1))] %>%
.[, c(1:(ncol(.) - 2), ncol(.), ncol(.) - 1)]


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