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tkchu committed Dec 16, 2016
1 parent 38fce01 commit 5d1060c
Showing 1 changed file with 204 additions and 0 deletions.
204 changes: 204 additions & 0 deletions isbn.csv
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
scratchjr, The Official ScratchJr Book (2015),9781593276713, 未找到中文, None
codinggamesinscratch, Coding Games in Scratch (2015),1465439358, 未找到中文, None
superscratchprogadv, Super Scratch Programming Adventure! (2013),9781593275310, 未找到中文, None
learntoprogramwithscratch, Learn to Program with Scratch (2014),9781593275433, 未找到中文, None
helpyoukidswithcomputercoding, Help Your Kids with Computer Coding (2015),9781465419569, 未找到中文, None
inventgamepython3, Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python 3rd Ed (2015),9781503212305, 未找到中文, None
makinggamespython, Making Games with Python & Pygame (2012),9781469901732, 未找到中文, None
learntoprogramwithminecraft, Learn to Program with Minecraft (2015),9781593276706, 未找到中文, None
adventuresinminecraft, Adventures in Minecraft (2014),9781118946916, 零基础学Minecraft编程,9787115398970
3dgpforkids, 3D Game Programming for Kids (2013),9781937785444, 未找到中文, None
sicp2, Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SICP) 2nd Ed (1996),9780262011532, 计算机程序的构造和解释,9787111135104
csapp3, Computer Systems (CSAPP) 3rd Ed (2015),9780134092669, 深入理解计算机系统(原书第2版),9787111321330
caaqa5, Computer Architecture (CAAQA) 5th Ed (2011),9780123838728, 计算机体系结构,9787115297655
mos4, Modern Operating System (MOS) 4th Ed (2014),9780133591620, 现代操作系统(第3版),9787111255444
clrs3, Introduction to Algorithms (CLRS) 3rd Ed (2009),9780262033848, 算法导论(原书第3版),9787111407010
algorithms4, Algorithms 4th Ed (2011),9780321573513, 算法(第4版),9787115293800
concretemaths2, Concrete Mathematics 2nd Ed (1994),9780201558029, 具体数学,9787115308108
computationalscieng, Computational Science and Engineering (2007),9780961408817, 未找到中文, None
tcpl2, The C Programming Language (TCPL) 2nd Ed (1988),9780131103627, C程序设计语言,9787111128069
cppprimer5, C++ Primer (CPPP) 5th Ed (2012),9780321714114, C++ Primer 中文版(第 5 版),9787121155352
tcpppl4, The C++ Programming Language (TCPPPL) 4th Ed (2014),9780321563842, C++程序设计语言,9787111298854
cppstandardlibrary2, The C++ Standard Library 2nd Ed (2012),9780321623218, C++标准库(第2版),9787121260896
boostcpplibraries2, The Boost C++ Libraries 2nd Ed (2014),9781937434366, 未找到中文, None
cppconcurrencyinaction, C++ Concurrency in Action (2012),9781933988771, C++并发编程实战,9787115387325
effectivestl, Effective STL (2001),9780201749625, Effective STL中文版,9787121201257
exceptionalcpp, Exceptional C++ (1999),9780201615623, Exceptional C++(中文版),9787121170850
moreexceptionalcpp, More Exceptional C++ (2001),9780201704341, More Exceptional C++中文版,9787560927718
exceptionalcppstyle, Exceptional C++ Style (2004),9780201760422, Exceptional C++ Style中文版,9787115142252
cppcodingstandard, C++ Coding Standards (2004),9780321113580, C++编程规范,9787115239402
effectivecpp3, Effective C++ 3rd Ed (2005),9780321334879, Effective C++,9787121029097
moreeffectivecpp3, More Effective C++ (1996),9780201633719, More Effective C++(中文版),9787121125706
effectivemoderncpp, Effective Modern C++ (2014),9781491903995, 未找到中文, None
optimizedcpp, Optimized C++ (2016),9781491922064, 未找到中文, None
insidecppobjectmodel, Inside the C++ Object Model (1996),9780201834543, 深度探索C++对象模型,9787121149528
imperfectcpp, Imperfect C++ (2004),9780321228772, Imperfect C++中文版,9787115136848
cpptemplates, C++ Templates (2002),9780201734843, C++ Templates中文版,9787115312815
elementsofprogramming, Elements of Programming (2009),9780321635372, 编程原本,9787111367291
frommathtogeneric, From Mathematics to Generic Programming (2014),9780321942043, 未找到中文, None
moderncppdesign, Modern C++ Design (2001),9780201704310, C++设计新思维,9787508314969
programminginlua4, Programming in Lua 4th Ed (2016),9788590379867, LUA程序设计(第2版),9787121061875
luaprogramminggems, Lua Programming Gems (2008),9788590379843, 未找到中文, None
mvcsharpstepbystep8, Microsoft Visual C# Step by Step 8th Ed (2015),9781509301041,Visual C#从入门到精通(第8版) ,9787302435273
csharpindepth3, C# in Depth 3rd Ed (2013),9781617291340, 深入理解C#(第3版),9787115346421
clrviacsharp4, CLR via C# 4th Ed (2012),9780735667457, CLR via C#(第4版),9787302380979
mythicalmanmonth2, The Mythical Man-Month 2nd Ed (1995),9780201835953, 人月神话,9787302155676
codecomplete2, Code Complete 2 (2004),9780735619678, 代码大全,9787121046186
apidesignforcpp, API Design for C++ (2011),9780123850034, C++ API设计,9787115322999
agilesoftwaredev, Agile Software Development (2002),9780135974445, 敏捷软件开发,9787115165756
designpatterns, Design Patterns (1994),9780201633610, 设计模式,9787111211266
headfirstdesignpatterns, Head First Design Patterns (2004),9780596007126, Head First 设计模式(中文版),9787508353937
practiceofprogramming, The Practice of Programming (1999),9780201615869, 程序设计实践,9787121134586
cleancode, Clean Code (2008),9780132350884, 编码整洁之道,9787121175633
refactoring, Refactoring (1999),9780201485677, 重构,9787115221704
workingeffectivelylegacycode, Working Effectively with Legacy Code (2004),9780131177055, 修改代码的艺术,9787111466253
umldistilled3, UML Distilled 3rd Ed (2003),9780321193681, UML精粹,9787121170492
umluserguide2, The Unified Modeling Language User Guide 2nd Ed (2005),9780321267979, UML用户指南,9787115148339
ooadwa3, Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications 3rd Ed (2007),9780201895513, 面向对象分析与设计,9787121173899
foundationsgedmath," Foundations of Game Engine Development, Vol 1: Mathematics (2016)",9780985811747, 未找到中文, None
math3dcpcg3, Mathematics for 3D Game Programming and Computer Graphics 3rd Ed (2011),9781568817231, 3D数学基础,9787302109464
3dmathprimer2, 3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development 2nd Ed (2011),9781435458864, 未找到中文, None
essentialmaths3, Essential Mathematics for Games and Interactive Applications 3rd Ed (2011),9781482250923, 未找到中文, None
geometricalgebra, Geometric Algebra for Computer Science (2007),9780123694652, 未找到中文, None
geometrictools, Geometric Tools for Computer Graphics (2002),9781558605947, 计算机图形学几何工具算法详解,9787121005152
computationalgeometry, Geometric Tools for Computational Geometry 3rd Ed (2008),9783540779735, 计算几何,9787302199380
visualizingquaternions, Visualizing Quaternions (2006),9780120884001, 未找到中文, None
divgradcurl4," Div, Grad, Curl and all That 4th Ed (2004)",9780393925166, 散度、旋度、梯度释义(图解版),9787111501718
windowsgp2, Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus 2nd Ed (2002),9780672323690, Windows游戏编程大师技巧,9787115292483
gamecodingcomplete4, Game Coding Complete 4th Ed (2012),9781133776574, 游戏编程全接触,9787115132192
introtogdprodev," Introduction to Game Design, Prototyping, and Development (2014)",9780321933164, 未找到中文, None
unityinaction, Unity in Action (2015),9781617292323, 未找到中文, None
learninguegd, Learning Unreal Engine Game Development (2015),1784398152, 未找到中文, None
blueprintsvisualscripting, Blueprints Visual Scripting for Unreal Engine (2015),1785286013, 未找到中文, None
cocos2dxbyexample2, Cocos2d-X by Example (2015),9781785288852, 未找到中文, None
gpalgorithmstechniques, Game Programming Algorithms and Techniques (2013),9780321940155, 未找到中文, None
gameprogrammingpatterns, Game Programming Patterns (2014),9780990582908,,9787115426888
gpgoldenrules, Game Programming Golden Rules (2004),9781584503064, 未找到中文, None
crossplatformgp, Cross-Platform Game Programming (2005),9781584503798, 未找到中文, None
androidndkgdcookbook, Android NDK Game Development Cookbook (2013),1782167781, 未找到中文, None
buildingfpsgameunity, Building an FPS Game with Unity (2015),178217480X, 未找到中文, None
unityvrprojects, Unity Virtual Reality Projects (2015),9781783988556, 未找到中文, None
agumentedreality, Augmented Reality (2016),9780321883575, 未找到中文, None
practicalaugmentedreality, Practical Augmented Reality (2016),9780134094236, 未找到中文, None
gpgemsbest, Best of Game Programming Gems (2008),9781584505716, 未找到中文, None
beginninggp, Beginning Game Programming (2009),9781598638059, 未找到中文, None
advancedgp, Advanced Game Programming (2009),9781598638066, 未找到中文, None
gpgems, Game Programming Gems (2000),9781584500490, 游戏编程精粹 1,9787115125873
gpgems2, Game Programming Gems (2001),9781584500544, 游戏编程精粹2,9787115108715
gpgems3, Game Programming Gems (2002),9781584502333, 游戏编程精粹3,9787115108708
gpgems4, Game Programming Gems (2004),9781584502951, 游戏编程精粹4,9787115136350
gpgems5, Game Programming Gems (2005),9781584503521, 游戏编程精粹5,9787115163950
gpgems6, Game Programming Gems (2006),9781584504504, 游戏编程精粹6,9787115167262
gpgems7, Game Programming Gems (2008),9781584505273, 游戏编程精粹-7-附光盘,9787115229144
gpgems8, Game Programming Gems (2010),9781584507024, 未找到中文, None
gameenginearchitecture2, Game Engine Architecture (GEA) 2nd Ed (2014),9781466560017, 游戏引擎架构,9787121222887
3dgameenginearchitecture, 3D Game Engine Architecture (2004),9780122290640, 未找到中文, None
gameenginedesign2, 3D Game Engine Design 2nd Ed (2006),9780122290640, 未找到中文, None
gameenginegems1, Game Engine Gems 1 (2010),9780763778880, 未找到中文, None
gameenginegems2, Game Engine Gems 2 (2011),9781568814377, 未找到中文, None
gameenginegems3, Game Engine Gems 3 (2016),9781498755658, 未找到中文, None
gamescriptingmastery, Game Scripting Mastery (2002),9781931841573, 游戏脚本高级编程,9787302130796
languageimplpatterns, Language Implementation Patterns (2010),9781934356456, 编程语言实现模式,9787560977003
garbagecollectionhandbook, The Garbage Collection Handbook (2011),9781420082791, 垃圾回收算法手册:自动内存管理的艺术,9787111528821
unity5gameoptimization, Unity 5 Game Optimization (2015),1785884581, 未找到中文, None
videogameoptimization, Video Game Optimization (2010),9781598634358, 未找到中文, None
hackersdelight2, Hacker's Delight 2nd Ed (2012),9780321842688, 算法心得:高效算法的奥秘(原书第2版),9787111453567
modernx86assembly, Modern X86 Assembly Language Programming (2014),9781484200650, 未找到中文, None
gpgpu, GPGPU Programming for Games and Science (2014),9781466595354, 未找到中文, None
vectorgamemathprocessors, Vector Games Math Processors (2002),9781556229213, 未找到中文, None
gamedevtools, Game Development Tools (2011),9781568814322, 未找到中文, None
designinguxgamedevtools, Designing the User Experience of Game Development Tools (2015),9781482240191, 未找到中文, None
rt3drendering, Real-Time 3D Rendering with DirectX and HLSL (2014),9780321962720, 未找到中文, None
3dgpdx12, Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 12 (2016),9781942270065, DirectX 9.0 3D游戏开发编程基础,9787302130253
oglguide9, OpenGL Programming Guide 9th Ed (2016),9780134495491, OpenGL编程指南(原书第8版),9787111481133
fundamentalscg4, Fundamentals of Computer Graphics 4th Ed (2015),9781482229394, 计算机图形学,9787115158673
cgpp3, Computer Graphics Principles and Practice (CGP&P) 3rd Ed (2013),9780321399526, 计算机图形学原理及实践:C语言描述(原书第2版) (平装),9787111130260
pdis, Principles of Digital Image Synthesis (PODIS) (1995),9781558602762, 未找到中文, None
digitalimageprocessing3, Digital Image Processing (DIP) 3rd Ed (2007),9780131687288, 数字图像处理,9787121102073
graphicsshaders2, Graphics Shaders 2nd Ed (2011),9781568814346, 图形着色器,9787302315995
glsl3, OpenGL Shading Language 3rd Ed (2009),9780321637635, OpenGL着色语言,9787115151391
oglsuper7, OpenGL Super Bible 7th Ed (2015),9780672337475, 未找到中文, None
ogles3guide2, OpenGL ES 3.0 Programming Guide 2nd Ed (2014),9780321933881, OpenGL ES 3.0编程指南,9787111489153
oglinsights, OpenGL Insights (2012),9781439893760, 未找到中文, None
vulkanguide, Vulkan Programming Guide (2016),9780134464541, 未找到中文, None
practiald3d11, Practical Rendering and Computation with Direct3D 11 (2011),9781568817200, 未找到中文, None
rtr3, Real-Time Rendering (RTR) 3rd Ed (2008),9781568814247, 实时计算机图形学,9787301071052
tricks3dgpgurus, Tricks of the 3D Game Programming Gurus (2003),9780672318351, 3D游戏编程大师技巧,9787115133717
realtimeshadows, Real-Time Shadows (2011),9781568814384, 实时阴影技术,9787302344384
rtvolumegraphics, Real-Time Volume Graphics (2006),9781568812663, 未找到中文, None
graphicsprogrammingmethods, Graphics Programming Methods (2003),9781584502999, 未找到中文, None
gpugems, GPU Gems (2004),9780321228321, GPU精粹,9787115141767
gpugems2, GPU Gems 2 (2005),9780321335593, GPU精粹2,9787302139430
gpugems3, GPU Gems 3 (2007),9780321515261, GPU精粹3,9787302220701
gpupro, GPU Pro (2010),9781568814728, 未找到中文, None
gpupro2, GPU Pro 2 (2011),9781568817187, 未找到中文, None
gpupro3, GPU Pro 3 (2012),9781439887820, 未找到中文, None
gpupro4, GPU Pro 4 (2013),9781466567436, 未找到中文, None
gpupro5, GPU Pro 5 (2014),9781482208634, 未找到中文, None
gpupro6, GPU Pro 6 (2015),9781482264616, 未找到中文, None
gpupro7, GPU Pro 7 (2016),9781498742535, 未找到中文, None
pbrt3, Physically Based Rendering (PBRT) 3rd Ed (2016),9780128006450, 未找到中文, None
raytracingfromgroundup, Ray Tracing from the Ground Up (2007),9781568812724, 光线跟踪算法技术,9787302248217
advancedgi2, Advanced Global Illumination 2nd Ed (2006),9781568813073, 未找到中文, None
productionvolumerendering, Production Volume Rendering (2012),9781568817248, 未找到中文, None
texturingmodeling3, Texturing and Modeling (2002),9781558608481, 未找到中文, None
lod, Level of Detail for 3D Graphics (2002),9781558608382, 未找到中文, None
3denginedesignvirtualglobes, 3D Engine Design for Virtual Globes (2011),9781568817118, 未找到中文, None
polygonmeshprocessing, Polygon Mesh Processing (2010),9781568814261, 未找到中文, None
isosurfaces, Isosurfaces (2013),9781466570979, 未找到中文, None
npr, Non-Photorealistic Rendering (2001),9781568811338, 未找到中文, None
npcg, Non-Photorealistic Computer Graphics (2002),9781558607873, 未找到中文, None
graphicsgems, Graphics Gems (1990),9780122861659, 未找到中文, None
graphicsgems2, Graphics Gems II (1991),9780120644810, 未找到中文, None
graphicsgems3, Graphics Gems III (1994),9780124096738, 未找到中文, None
graphicsgems4, Graphics Gems IV (1994),9780123361554, 未找到中文, None
graphicsgems5, Graphics Gems V (1995),9780125434553, 未找到中文, None
blinn1, Jim Blinn's Corner: A Trip Down the Graphics Pipeline (1997),9781558603875, 未找到中文, None
blinn2, Jim Blinn's Corner: Dirty Pixels (1998),9781558604551, 未找到中文, None
blinn3," Jim Blinn's Corner: Notation, Notation, Notation (2002)",9781558608603, 未找到中文, None
glassenernotebook1, Andrew Glassner's Notebook (1999),9781558605985, 未找到中文, None
glassenernotebook2, Andrew Glassner's Other Notebook (2002),9781568811710, 未找到中文, None
magiccg, The Magic of Computer Graphics (2011),9781568815770, 未找到中文, None
gameaudioprogramming, Game Audio Programming (2016),9781498746731, 未找到中文, None
gettingstartedcppaudio, Getting Started with C++ Audio Programming for Game Development (2013),1849699097, 未找到中文, None
natureofcode, The Nature of Code (2012),9780985930806, 代码本色:用编程模拟自然系统,9787115369475
characteranimation, Character Animation with Direct3D (2011),9781584505709, 未找到中文, None
rt3dcharacteranimation, Real-time 3D Character Animation with Visual C++ (2001),9780240516646, 未找到中文, None
computeranimation3, Computer Animation 3rd Ed (2012),9780124158429, 未找到中文, None
gameik, Game Inverse Kinematics (2013),1484922328, 未找到中文, None
physicsbasedanimation, Physics Based Animation (2005),9781584503804, 未找到中文, None
rtcameras, Real-Time Cameras (2009),9780123116345, 未找到中文, None
physicsforgameprogrammers, Physics for Game Programmers (2003),9781590594728, 未找到中文, None
physicsforgamedevelopers2, Physics for Game Developers 2nd Ed (2013),9781449392512, 未找到中文, None
physicsmodeling, Physics Modeling for Game Programmers (2004),9781592000937, 未找到中文, None
gamephysicsenginedev2, Game Physics Engine Development 2nd Ed (2010),9780123819765, 游戏物理引擎开发,9787302344568
gamephysics2, Game Physics 2nd Ed (2010),9780123749031, 未找到中文, None
collisiondetection3denv, Collision Detection in Interactive 3D Environments (2003),9781558608016, 未找到中文, None
rtcollisiondetection, Real-Time Collision Detection (2004),9781558607323, 实时碰撞检测算法技术,9787302224112
gamephysicspearls, Game Physics Pearls (2010),9781568814742, 未找到中文, None
taofluidanimation, The Art of Fluid Animation (2015),1498700209, 未找到中文, None
fluidsimulationforcg2, Fluid Animation for Computer Graphics 2nd Ed (2015),9781482232837, 未找到中文, None
aiforgames2, Artificial Intelligence for Games 2nd Ed (2009),9780123747310, 未找到中文, None
aiforgd, AI for Game Developers (2004),9780123747310, 游戏开发中的人工智能,9787564105075
proggameaibyexample, Programming Game AI By Example (2004),9781556220784, 游戏人工智能编程案例精粹,9787115291134
unityaigp2, Unity AI Game Programming 2nd Ed (2015),178528827X,Unity人工智能游戏开发(第2版) ,9787302446903
aima3, Artificial Intelligence Modern Approach (AIMA) 3rd Ed (2009),9780133601244, 人工智能,9787115122285
behavioralmathforgameai, Behavioral Mathematics for Game AI (2009),9781584506843, 未找到中文, None
aigpwisdom, AI Game Programming Wisdom (2002),9781584500773, 未找到中文, None
aigpwisdom2, AI Game Programming Wisdom 2 (2003),9781584502890, 未找到中文, None
aigpwisdom3, AI Game Programming Wisdom 3 (2006),9781584504573, 未找到中文, None
aigpwisdom4, AI Game Programming Wisdom 4 (2008),9781584505235, 未找到中文, None
gameaipro, Game AI Pro (2013),9781466565968, 未找到中文, None
gameaipro2, Game AI Pro 2 (2015),9781482254792, 未找到中文, None
multiplayergp, Multiplayer Game Programming (2015),9780134034300, 未找到中文, None
massivelymultiplayergd, Massively Multiplayer Game Development (2003),9781584502432, 大型多人在线游戏开发,9787115152671
massivelymultiplayergd2, Massively Multiplayer Game Development 2 (2005),9781584503903, 未找到中文, None
progposixthreads, Programming with POSIX Threads (1997),9780201633924, POSIX多线程程序设计,9787508313955
advancedprogunixenv3, Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment 3rd Ed (2013),9780321637734, UNIX环境高级编程(第3版),9787115352118
linuxsystemprog2, Linux System Programming 2nd Ed (2013),9781449339531, Linux 系统编程(第二版),9787564146016
tcpipillustratedv1_2, TCP/IP Illustrated Vol 1 2nd Ed (2011),9780321336316, TCP/IP详解 卷1:协议,9787111453833
tcpipillustratedv2, TCP/IP Illustrated Vol 2 (1995),9780201633542, TCP/IP详解 卷2:实现,9787111075677
tcpipillustratedv3, TCP/IP Illustrated Vol 3 (1996),9780201634952, TCP/IP详解 卷3:TCP事务协议、HTTP、NNTP和UNIX域协议,9787111075684
unixnetworkprogv1_3, Unix Network Programming Vol 1 3rd Ed (2003),9780131411555, UNIX网络编程 卷1:套接字联网API(第3版),9787115367198
unixnetworkprogv2_2, Unix Network Programming Vol 2 2nd Ed (1998),9780130810816, UNIX网络编程 卷2:进程间通信(第2版),9787115367204
linuxnetworkinternals, Understanding Linux Network Internals (2006),9780596002558, 深入理解LINUX网络技术内幕,9787508379647

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