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Leon Jacobs edited this page Sep 17, 2024 · 11 revisions

Installing gowitness is really easy, and you have a few options to do so.

After installing Google Chrome or Chromium for your Operating System:

  • Use go install if you have the go binary in your $PATH. This will install the latest, version 3 of gowitness. If something major is broken and you need to revert, use go install for the last v2 release.
  • Download prebuilt binaries from the releases page.
  • Compiling from source.
  • Via docker.

Once installed, you should be able to use the gowitness command.

$ gowitness
               _ _
 ___ ___ _ _ _|_| |_ __ ___ ___ ___
| . | . | | | | |  _|  | -_|_ -|_ -|
|_  |___|_____|_|_||_|_|___|___|___|
|___|    v3, with <3 by @leonjza

  gowitness [command]

Available Commands:
  help        Help about any command
  report      Work with gowitness reports
  scan        Perform various scans
  version     Get the gowitness version

  -D, --debug-log   Enable debug logging
  -h, --help        help for gowitness
  -q, --quiet       Silence (almost all) logging

Use "gowitness [command] --help" for more information about a command.

building from source

The Makefile contains a number of targets to help you build gowitness from source. The general flow to build is:

  • Ensure that you have at least Golang version 1.23.1
  • Ensure you have npm in your path to build the frontend
  • Clone this repository and cd into it.
  • Build binaries with the make command. You can specify a specific target for make, such as make linux too.
  • If you just want to build the frontend, run make frontend.

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