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utaformatix-ts / Unofficial Utaformatix3 wrapper for TypeScript


utaformatix-ts is an unofficial UtaFormatix3 wrapper for TypeScript. This library can parse, generate, and convert project files among singing voice synthesizer softwares.


This library requires one of the following environments:

  • Deno
  • Node.js 20.0.0 or later
  • Bun
  • Browser environment


Please follow jsr documentation for installation instructions.

# Deno
deno add @sevenc-nanashi/utaformatix-ts

# Node.js (one of the below, depending on your package manager)
npx jsr add @sevenc-nanashi/utaformatix-ts
yarn dlx jsr add @sevenc-nanashi/utaformatix-ts
pnpm dlx jsr add @sevenc-nanashi/utaformatix-ts

# Bun
bunx jsr add @sevenc-nanashi/utaformatix-ts


Project.fromFormat converts a binary file to UtaFormatix Data.

import { Project } from "jsr:@sevenc-nanashi/utaformatix-ts";

const stdMidiData = await Deno.readFile("./standard.mid");
const result = await Project.fromStandardMid(stdMidiData);

// You can skip parsing pitch if you want faster parsing.
const svpData = await Deno.readFile("./synthv.svp");
const result2 = await Project.fromSvp(svpData, { pitch: false });

// Exceptionally, fromUst allows array of File or Uint8Array. Each file represents a track.
const firstTrack = await Deno.readFile("./first_track.ust");
const secondTrack = await Deno.readFile("./second_track.ust");

const result3 = await Project.fromUst([firstTrack, secondTrack]);

Project#toFormat converts UtaFormatix Data to a binary file.

import { Project } from "jsr:@sevenc-nanashi/utaformatix-ts";

const project = new Project(
  JSON.parse(await Deno.readTextFile("./standard.ufdata.json")),

const midResult: Uint8Array = await project.toStandardMid();
await Deno.writeFile("./standard.mid", midResult);

// You can use `{ pitch: true }` to include pitch data.
const ustxResult: Uint8Array = await project.toUstx({ pitch: true });
await Deno.writeFile("./openutau.ustx", ustxResult);

// generateUst and generateMusicXml returns multiple files. Each file represents a track.
const musicXmlResult: Uint8Array[] = await project.toMusicXml();
await Deno.writeFile("./first_track.musicxml", musicXmlResult[0]);
await Deno.writeFile("./second_track.musicxml", musicXmlResult[1]);

Lower level APIs are also available in /base.

import {
} from "jsr:@sevenc-nanashi/utaformatix-ts/base";

const stdMidiData = await Deno.readFile("./standard.mid");
const result = await parseStandardMid(stdMidiData);

const binary = await generateMusicXml(result);


This project is licensed under MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.