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We estimate dense, flicker-free, geometrically consistent depth from monocular video, for example hand-held cell phone video.


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[SIGGRAPH 2020] Consistent Video Depth Estimation

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We present an algorithm for reconstructing dense, geometrically consistent depth for all pixels in a monocular video. We leverage a conventional structure-from-motion reconstruction to establish geometric constraints on pixels in the video. Unlike the ad-hoc priors in classical reconstruction, we use a learning-based prior, i.e., a convolutional neural network trained for single-image depth estimation. At test time, we fine-tune this network to satisfy the geometric constraints of a particular input video, while retaining its ability to synthesize plausible depth details in parts of the video that are less constrained. We show through quantitative validation that our method achieves higher accuracy and a higher degree of geometric consistency than previous monocular reconstruction methods. Visually, our results appear more stable. Our algorithm is able to handle challenging hand-held captured input videos with a moderate degree of dynamic motion. The improved quality of the reconstruction enables several applications, such as scene reconstruction and advanced video-based visual effects.

Consistent Video Despth Estimation
Xuan Luo, Jia-Bin Huang, Richard Szeliski, Kevin Matzen, and Johannes Kopf


Quick Start

You can run the following demo without installing COLMAP. The demo takes 37 min when tested on one NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 GPU.

  • Download models and the demo video together with its precomputed COLMAP results.
    ./scripts/ results/ayush
  • Run
    python --video_file data/videos/ayush.mp4 --path results/ayush \
      --camera_params "1671.770118, 540, 960" --camera_model "SIMPLE_PINHOLE" \
    where 1671.770118, 540, 960 is camera intrinsics (f, cx, cy) and SIMPLE_PINHOLE is the camera model.
  • You can inspect the test-time training process by
    tensorboard --logdir results/ayush/R_hierarchical2_mc/B0.1_R1.0_PL1-0_LR0.0004_BS4_Oadam/tensorboard/ 
  • You can find your results as below.
        color_depth_mc_depth_colmap_dense_B0.1_R1.0_PL1-0_LR0.0004_BS4_Oadam.mp4    # comparison of disparity maps from mannequin challenge, COLMAP and ours
        depth/                      # final disparity maps
        checkpoints/0020.pth        # final checkpoint
        eval/                       # disparity maps and losses after each epoch of training
    Expected output can be found here. Your results can be different due to randomness in the test-time training process.

The demo runs everything including flow estimation, test-time training, etc. except the COLMAP part for quick demonstration and ease of installation. To enable testing the COLMAP part, you can delete results/ayush/colmap_dense and results/ayush/depth_colmap_dense. And then run the python command above again.

Customized Run:

Please refer to or run python --help for the full list of parameters. Here I demonstrate some examples for common usage of the system.

Run on Your Own Videos

  • Place your video file at $video_file_path.
  • [Optional] Calibrate camera using PINHOLE (fx, fy, cx, cy) or SIMPLE_PINHOLE (f, cx, cy) model. Camera intrinsics calibration is optional but suggested for more accurate and faster camera registration. We typically calibrate the camera by capturing a video of a textured plane with really slow camera motion while trying to let target features cover the full field of view, selecting non-blurry frames, running COLMAP on these images.
  • Run
    • Run without camera calibration.
      python --video_file $video_file_path --path $output_path --make_video
    • Run with camera calibration. For instance, run with PINHOLE model and fx, fy, cx, cy = 1660.161322, 1600, 540, 960
      python --video_file $video_file_path --path $output_path \
        --camera_model "PINHOLE" --camera_params "1660.161322, 1600, 540, 960" \
    • You can also specify backend monocular depth estimation network by
      python --video_file $video_file_path --path $output_path \
        --camera_model "PINHOLE" --camera_params "1660.161322, 1600, 540, 960" \
        --make_video --model_type "${model_type}"
      The supported model types are mc (Mannequin Challenge by Zhang et al. 2019), , midas2 (MiDaS by Ranftl el al. 2019) and monodepth2 (Monodepth2 by Godard et al. 2019).

Run with Precomputed Camera Poses

We rely on COLMAP to for camera pose registration. If you have precomputed camera poses instead, you can provide them to the system in folder $path as follows. (Example file structure of $path see here.)

  • Save your color images as color_full/frame_%06d.png.
  • Create frame.txt of format (example see here):
  • Convert your camera pose to COLMAP sparse reconstruction format following this. Put your images.txt, cameras.txt and points3D.txt (or .bin) under colmap_dense/pose_init/. Note that the POINTS2D in images.txt and the points3D.txt can be empty.
  • Run.
    python --path $path --initialize_pose

Mask out Dynamic Object for Camera Pose Estimation

To get better pose for dynamic scene, you can mask out dynamic objects when extracting features with COLMAP. Note COLMAP >= 3.6 is required to extract features in masked regions.

  • Extract frames

    python --video_file $video_file_path --path $output_path --op extract_frames
  • Run your favourite segmentation method (e.g., Mask-RCNN) on images in $output_path/color_full to extract binary mask for dynamic objects (e.g., human). No features will be extracted in regions, where the mask image is black (pixel intensity value 0 in grayscale). Following COLMAP document, save the mask of frame $output_path/color_full/frame_000010.png, for instance, at $output_path/mask/frame_000010.png.png.

  • Run the rest of the pipeline.

    python --path $output_path --mask_path $output_path/mask \
      --camera_model "${camera_model}" --camera_params "${camera_intrinsics}" \

Result Folder Structure

The result folder is of the following structure. Lots of files are saved only for debugging purposes.

frames.txt              # meta data about number of frames, image resolution and timestamps for each frame
color_full/             # extracted frames in the original resolution
color_down/             # extracted frames in the resolution for disparity estimation 
color_flow/             # extracted frames in the resolution for flow estimation
flow_list.json          # indices of frame pairs to finetune the model with
flow/                   # optical flow 
mask/                   # mask of consistent flow estimation between frame pairs.
vis_flow/               # optical flow visualization. Green regions contain inconsistent flow. 
vis_flow_warped/        # visualzing flow accuracy by warping one frame to another using the estimated flow. e.g., frame_000000_000032_warped.png warps frame_000032 to frame_000000.
colmap_dense/           # COLMAP results
    metadata.npz        # camera intrinsics and extrinsics converted from COLMAP sparse reconstruction.
    sparse/             # COLMAP sparse reconstruction
    dense/              # COLMAP dense reconstruction
depth_colmap_dense/     # COLMAP dense depth maps converted to disparity maps in .raw format
depth_${model_type}/    # initial disparity estimation using the original monocular depth model before test-time training
    flow_list_0.20.json                 # indices of frame pairs passing overlap ratio test of threshold 0.2. Same content as ../flow_list.json.
    metadata_scaled.npz                 # camera intrinsics and extrinsics after scale calibration. It is the camera parameters used in the test-time training process.
    scales.csv                          # frame indices and corresponding scales between initial monocular disparity estimation and COLMAP dense disparity maps.
    depth_scaled_by_colmap_dense/       # monocular disparity estimation scaled to match COLMAP disparity results
    vis_calibration_dense/              # for debugging scale calibration. frame_000000_warped_to_000029.png warps frame_000000 to frame_000029 by scaled camera translations and disparity maps from initial monocular depth estimation.
    videos/                             # video visualization of results 
        checkpoints/                    # checkpoint after each epoch
        depth/                          # final disparity map results after finishing test-time training
        eval/                           # intermediate losses and disparity maps after each epoch 
        tensorboard/                    # tensorboard log for the test-time training process


If you find our code useful, please consider citing our paper:

  author    = {Luo, Xuan and Huang, Jia{-}Bin and Szeliski, Richard and Matzen, Kevin and Kopf, Johannes},
  title     = {Consistent Video Depth Estimation},
  booktitle = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH)},
  publisher = {ACM},
  volume = {39},
  number = {4},
  year = {2020}


This work is licensed under MIT License. See LICENSE for details.


We would like to thank Patricio Gonzales Vivo, Dionisio Blanco, and Ocean Quigley for creating the artistic effects in the accompanying video. We thank True Price for his practical and insightful advice on reconstruction and Ayush Saraf for his suggestions in engineering.


We estimate dense, flicker-free, geometrically consistent depth from monocular video, for example hand-held cell phone video.



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  • Python 98.6%
  • Shell 1.4%