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Node script to copy projects from staging or prod (#1816)
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* Node script to copy projects from staging or prod

Often fails to copy assets because `kubectl cp` or `kubectl exec tar`
get cut off partway through, but that should go away once Kubernetes
version 1.30 is released.

* Fetch project assets with rsync and retry failures

This should ensure that the project assets eventually get copied over to
the local Docker setup even under conditions where `kubectl exec` is
flaky and fails every couple of minutes.

* Only set up rsync if needed

This will save a bit of time when kubectl cp is being reliable

* Only include assets that are really there

Before including pictures and audio in the tarball, make sure they're
really there, and skip them if they are a broken symlink.

* Make backup script slightly more cross-platform

Windows has issues with single-quotes for quoting command-line params,
but thankfully Linux handles double-quotes correctly in all the places I
used single-quotes, so we'll just switch to double-quotes everywhere.

* Clean up assets tarball when done

Also use pod name instead of deploy/app since not every user account has
access to deploy objects, at least on production

* Rewrite path, to workaround kubectl interpreting Windows drive letter as pod name


Co-authored-by: Tim Haasdyk <>
  • Loading branch information
rmunn and myieye authored Jun 14, 2024
1 parent 037646b commit 97e3f37
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Showing 3 changed files with 465 additions and 0 deletions.
360 changes: 360 additions & 0 deletions backup.mjs
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@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
import { execSync, spawn } from "child_process";
import { existsSync, mkdtempSync, rmSync, statSync } from "fs";
import { MongoClient, ObjectId } from "mongodb";
import os from "os";
import path from "path";
import net from "net";

// Expected arguments: first arg is project ID (5dbf805650b51914727e06c4) or URL (http://localhost:8080/app/lexicon/5dbf805650b51914727e06c4)
// Second arg is "qa" or "staging" to copy from staging, "live" or "prod" or "production" to copy from production
// NOTE: You must edit the context names below if they don't match the context names you have (see `kubectl config get-contexts` output)

// ===== EDIT THIS =====

const stagingContext = "dallas-rke";
const prodContext = "aws-rke";

// ===== END of EDIT THIS =====

let defaultContext = stagingContext;
let defaultContextName = "staging";

// Create a temp dir reliably
const tempdir = mkdtempSync(path.join(os.tmpdir(), "lfbackup-"))
// Work around kubectl bug where Windows drive letters are interpreted as pod names by kubectl cp
.replace(/^C:\\/, "\\\\localhost\\C$\\");
let portForwardProcess;
let localConn;
let remoteConn;
let remoteTarball = undefined;
let remotePodname = undefined;

async function cleanup() {
try {
if (existsSync(tempdir)) {
console.warn(`Cleaning up temporary directory ${tempdir}...`);
rmSync(tempdir, { recursive: true, force: true });
} catch (_) {}
try {
if (remotePodname && remoteTarball) {
console.warn(`Cleaning up assets tarball from remote side...`);
`kubectl --context="${context}" --namespace=languageforge exec -c app pod/${remotePodname} -- rm -f ${remoteTarball}`,
} catch (_) {}
try {
if (localConn) await localConn.close();
} catch (_) {}
try {
if (remoteConn) await remoteConn.close();
} catch (_) {}
try {
if (portForwardProcess) await portForwardProcess.kill();
} catch (_) {}

async function randomFreePort() {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const server = net.createServer();
server.listen(0, () => {
// Asking for port 0 makes Node automatically find a free port
const port = server.address().port;
server.close((_) => resolve(port));

process.on("exit", cleanup);
process.on("uncaughtExceptionMonitor", cleanup);

function run(cmd) {
return execSync(cmd).toString().trimEnd();

function getContexts() {
var stdout = run("kubectl config get-contexts -o name");
return stdout.split("\n");

function reallyExists(name) {
// Sometimes the audio and/or pictures folders in assets are symlinks, and sometimes they're broken symlinks
// This returns true if the name is a real file/directory *or* a symlink with a valid target, or false if it doesn't exist or is broken
const result = execSync(
`kubectl --context=${context} --namespace=languageforge exec -c app pod/${remotePodname} -- sh -c "readlink -eq ${name} >/dev/null && echo yes || echo no"`,
if (result === "yes") return true;
if (result === "no") return false;
throw new Error(`Unexpected result from readlink ${name}: ${result}`);

// Sanity check

var contexts = getContexts();
if (!contexts.includes(stagingContext)) {
console.warn("Staging context not found. Tried", stagingContext, "but did not find it in", contexts);
console.warn("Might need to edit the top level of this file and try again");
if (!contexts.includes(prodContext)) {
console.warn("Prod context not found. Tried", prodContext, "but did not find it in", contexts);
console.warn("Might need to edit the top level of this file and try again");

// Process args

if (process.argv.length < 3) {
console.warn("Please pass project ID or URL as argument, e.g. node backup.mjs 5dbf805650b51914727e06c4");

let projId;
const arg = process.argv[2];
if (URL.canParse(arg)) {
const url = new URL(arg);
if (url.pathname.startsWith("/app/lexicon/")) {
projId = url.pathname.substring("/app/lexicon/".length);
} else {
projId = url.pathname; // Will probably fail, but worth a try
} else {
projId = arg;

let context = defaultContext;
let contextName = defaultContextName;

if (process.argv.length > 3) {
const env = process.argv[3];
switch (env) {
case "qa":
context = stagingContext;
contextName = "staging";
case "staging":
context = stagingContext;
contextName = "staging";

case "live":
context = prodContext;
contextName = "production";
case "prod":
context = prodContext;
contextName = "production";
case "production":
context = prodContext;
contextName = "production";

console.warn(`Unknown environment ${env}`);
console.warn(`Valid values are qa, staging, live, prod, or production`);
} else {
console.warn("No environment selected. Defaulting to staging environment.");
console.warn('Pass "prod" or "production" as second arg to copy projects from production envrionment instead.');

projId = projId.trim();

console.warn(`Fetching project with ID ${projId} from ${contextName} context, named "${context}"`);
console.warn("If that looks wrong, hit Ctrl+C right NOW!");
console.warn("Pausing for 2 seconds to give you time to hit Ctrl+C...");
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 2000));
// Start running

console.warn("Setting up kubectl port forwarding for remote Mongo...");
const remoteMongoPort = await randomFreePort();
let portForwardingReady;
const portForwardingPromise = new Promise((resolve) => {
portForwardingReady = resolve;
portForwardProcess = spawn(
[`--context=${context}`, "--namespace=languageforge", "port-forward", "deploy/db", `${remoteMongoPort}:27017`],
stdio: "pipe",
portForwardProcess.stdout.on("data", (data) => {
portForwardProcess.stderr.on("data", (data) => {
console.warn("Port forwarding failed:");

console.warn("Setting up local Mongo connection...");

const localMongoPort = run("docker compose port db 27017").split(":")[1];
const localConnStr = `mongodb://admin:pass@localhost:${localMongoPort}/?authSource=admin`;
localConn = await MongoClient.connect(localConnStr);

const localAdmin = await localConn.db("scriptureforge").collection("users").findOne({ username: "admin" });
const adminId = localAdmin._id.toString();
console.log(`Local admin ID: ${adminId}`);
console.warn("If that doesn't look right, hit Ctrl+C NOW");

await portForwardingPromise;
console.warn("Port forwarding is ready. Setting up remote Mongo connection...");

const remoteConnStr = `mongodb://localhost:${remoteMongoPort}`;
remoteConn = await MongoClient.connect(remoteConnStr);

console.warn("Remote Mongo connection established. Fetching project record...");

// Get project record
const project = await remoteConn
.findOne({ _id: new ObjectId(projId) });
console.log("Project code:", project.projectCode);

const dbname = `sf_${project.projectCode}`;
project.users = { [adminId]: { role: "project_manager" } };
project.ownerRef = new ObjectId(adminId);

// Mongo removed the .copyDatabase method in version 4.2, whose release notes said to just use mongodump/mongorestore if you want to do that

console.warn(`Copying ${dbname} database...`);
const collections = await remoteConn.db(dbname).collections();
for (const remoteColl of collections) {
const name = remoteColl.collectionName;
console.log(` Copying ${name} collection...`);
const indexes = await remoteColl.indexes();
const cursor = remoteColl.find();
const docs = await cursor.toArray();
const localColl = await localConn.db(dbname).collection(name);
try {
await localColl.drop();
} catch (_) {} // Throws if collection doesn't exist, which is fine
try {
await localColl.dropIndexes();
} catch (_) {} // Throws if collection doesn't exist, which is fine
if (indexes?.length) await localColl.createIndexes(indexes);
if (docs?.length) await localColl.insertMany(docs);
console.log(` ${docs.length} documents copied`);
console.warn(`${dbname} database successfully copied`);

// Copy project record after its database has been copied, so there's never a race condition where the project exists but its entry database doesn't
console.warn("Copying project record...");
await localConn
.findOneAndReplace({ _id: new ObjectId(projId) }, project, { upsert: true });

// NOTE: mongodump/mongorestore approach below can be revived once Kubernetes 1.30 is installed on client *and* server, so kubectl exec is finally reliable

// console.warn(`About to try fetching ${dbname} database from remote, will retry until success`);
// let done = false;
// while (!done) {
// try {
// console.warn(`Fetching ${dbname} database...`);
// execSync(
// `kubectl --context="${context}" --namespace=languageforge exec -i deploy/db -- mongodump --archive -d "${dbname}" > ${tempdir}/dump`,
// );
// console.warn(`Uploading to local ${dbname} database...`);
// execSync(`docker exec -i lf-db mongorestore --archive --drop -d "${dbname}" ${localConnStr} < ${tempdir}/dump`);
// console.warn(`Successfully uploaded ${dbname} database`);
// done = true;
// } catch (err) {
// console.warn("mongodump failed, retrying...");
// }
// }

console.warn("Getting name of remote app pod...");
remotePodname = run(
`kubectl --context="${context}" --namespace=languageforge get pod -o jsonpath="{.items[*]['']}" -l app=app --field-selector "status.phase=Running"`,

console.warn("Checking that remote assets really exist...");
const includeAudio = reallyExists(`/var/www/html/assets/lexicon/${dbname}/audio`);
const includePictures = reallyExists(`/var/www/html/assets/lexicon/${dbname}/pictures`);
console.log(`Copy audio? ${includeAudio ? "yes" : "no"}`);
console.log(`Copy pictures? ${includePictures ? "yes" : "no"}`);

const filesNeeded = [];
if (includeAudio) {
if (includePictures) {

if (filesNeeded.length === 0) {
console.warn("Project has no assets. Copy complete.");

const tarTargets = filesNeeded.join(" ");

console.warn("Creating assets tarball in remote...");
remoteTarball = `/tmp/assets-${dbname}.tar`;
`kubectl --context="${context}" --namespace=languageforge exec -c app pod/${remotePodname} -- tar chf ${remoteTarball} --owner=www-data --group=www-data -C "/var/www/html/assets/lexicon/${dbname}" ${tarTargets}`,
const sizeStr = run(
`kubectl --context="${context}" --namespace=languageforge exec -c app pod/${remotePodname} -- sh -c "ls -l ${remoteTarball} | cut -d' ' -f5"`,
const correctSize = +sizeStr;
console.warn(`Asserts tarball size is ${sizeStr}`);
console.warn("Trying to fetch assets tarball with kubectl cp...");
let failed = false;
try {
`kubectl --context="${context}" --namespace=languageforge cp ${remotePodname}:${remoteTarball} ${tempdir}/assets-${dbname}.tar`,
} catch (_) {
console.warn("kubectl cp failed. Will try to continue with rsync...");
failed = true;
if (!failed) {
const localSize = statSync(`${tempdir}/assets-${dbname}.tar`).size;
if (localSize < correctSize) {
console.warn(`Got only ${localSize} bytes instead of ${correctSize}. Will try to continue with rsync...`);
failed = true;
if (failed) {
console.warn("Ensuring rsync exists in target container...");
`kubectl exec --context="${context}" -c app pod/${remotePodname} -- bash -c "which rsync || (apt update && apt install rsync -y)"`,
console.warn("\n===== IMPORTANT NOTE =====");
"The rsync transfer may (probably will) stall at 100%. You'll have to find the rsync process and kill it. Sorry about that.",
console.warn("===== IMPORTANT NOTE =====\n");
let done = false;
while (!done) {
try {
`rsync -v --partial --info=progress2 --rsync-path="/tmp/" --rsh="kubectl --context=${context} --namespace=languageforge exec -i -c app pod/${remotePodname} -- " "rsync:/tmp/assets-${dbname}.tar" "${tempdir}/"`,
{ stdio: "inherit" }, // Allows us to see rsync progress
done = true;
} catch (err) {
console.warn(`Rsync failed with error: ${err}. Retrying...`);
console.warn("Uploading assets tarball to local...");
`docker exec lf-app mkdir -p "/var/www/html/assets/lexicon/${dbname}" ; docker exec lf-app chown www-data:www-data "/var/www/html/assets/lexicon/${dbname}" || true`,
execSync(`docker cp - lf-app:/var/www/html/assets/lexicon/${dbname}/ < ${tempdir}/assets-${dbname}.tar`);
console.warn("Assets successfully uploaded");

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -82,6 +82,7 @@
"jasmine-spec-reporter": "^4.1.1",
"lint-staged": "^13.0.3",
"mini-css-extract-plugin": "^1.3.9",
"mongodb": "^6.6.2",
"ng-annotate-loader": "^0.7.0",
"ngtemplate-loader": "^2.1.0",
"npm-run-all": "^4.1.5",
Expand Down

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