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This is a lib-project for other microservices (ms-projects) to import.
OAuth2 is integrated for the SSO with Keycloak as the development identity provider (IdP) server.
End-to-End-Encryption (E2EE) is also introduced in this project.




Gradle is the dependency manager for these poc projects.
The java-library is the plugins in build.gradle file, NOT the java-platform.

plugins {
    id 'java-library'

By using java-library, the ms projects used this lib-project which do not need to add the dependencies again.
Because, the dependencies marked with api in this lib-project will be exported to the ms projects.
This can align the library version along with all projects.


dependencies {
    // Use JUnit Jupiter for testing.
    testImplementation 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter:5.9.1'

    // This dependency is exported to consumers, that is to say found on their compile classpath.
    api 'org.apache.commons:commons-math3:3.6.1'

    // This dependency is used internally, and not exposed to consumers on their own compile classpath.
    implementation ''
    api 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-jpa'
    api 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-oauth2-client'
    api 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-oauth2-resource-server'
    api 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-security'
    api 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web'

By using java-test-fixtures, the ms projects used this test-fixtures-project which do not need to add the testing dependencies again.
Because, the dependencies marked with testFixturesApi in this test-fixtures-project will be exported to the ms projects.
This can align the testing library version along with all projects.
Besides, the source codes in testFixtures/java could be shared to ms projects.


plugins {
    id 'java-test-fixtures'


dependencies {
    implementation 'com.siukatech.poc:react-backend-parent:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT'

//    implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-jpa'
//    implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-security'
//    implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web'

//    implementation 'org.modelmapper:modelmapper:3.1.1'
//    implementation 'org.hibernate:hibernate-validator:6.0.13.Final'
////    implementation 'com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype:jackson-datatype-jsr310:2.15.2'

//    implementation 'org.projectlombok:lombok:1.18.26'
    annotationProcessor 'org.projectlombok:lombok:1.18.26'

    runtimeOnly 'org.postgresql:postgresql:42.6.0'

    testFixturesApi 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-test'
    testFixturesApi ''
    testFixturesApi 'com.h2database:h2:2.1.214'

//    testImplementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-test'
//    testImplementation ''
//    testImplementation 'com.h2database:h2:2.1.214'
////    testImplementation 'org.simplify4u:slf4j2-mock:2.3.0'


Besides, this is a library, not a bootable jar.
Therefore, the configuration of plugin has been updated as below.

plugins {
    id 'org.springframework.boot' version '3.1.0' apply false
dependencyManagement {
    imports {
        mavenBom org.springframework.boot.gradle.plugin.SpringBootPlugin.BOM_COORDINATES

gradlew upgrade


#gradle wrapper --gradle-version [version no, e.g. 7.6.1, 8.7]
gradle wrapper --gradle-version 8.7


//from 17 to 21
java {
//    sourceCompatibility = "17"
    sourceCompatibility = "21"
//targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_17
targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_21
//    api 'org.projectlombok:lombok:1.18.24'
//    annotationProcessor 'org.projectlombok:lombok:1.18.24'
api 'org.projectlombok:lombok:1.18.30'
annotationProcessor 'org.projectlombok:lombok:1.18.30'

Sonatype Nexus (private maven repository) Setup


Since I am using Macbook Pro M2 (ARM) with docker desktop as my development environment.
Therefore this sonatype nexus version is not compatible with other x64 machine.

Nexus (ARM) installation steps

Before pulling the docker image, I will create a local folder (persistence storage) as the volume for the image to mount.

echo 'export NEXUS_HOME="~/Documents/development/artifact/nexus"' >> ~/.zshrc
source ~/.zshrc
docker pull klo2k/nexus3:3.43.0
docker run -d -p 38081:8081 --name klo2k-nexus3-01 -v $NEXUS_HOME/klo2k-nexus3:/nexus-data klo2k/nexus3:3.43.0

Replace [container_id] to actual container-id by using docker ps -a to check.
And password can be found in the admin.password file to check the initial admin password.

docker exec -it [container_id] /bin/bash
more /nexus-data/admin.password

After the launch, u can directly go to the url (http://localhost:38081) to access the nexus repository.
Or perform a curl http://localhost:38081/nexus/service/local/status to check status.

Realms, Roles and Users

Realms (for private npm registry)

Login Nexus Repository Manager
Goto -> Security -> Realms
Add npm Bearer Token Realm from Available to Active.
Click Save after the above configuration.
Nexus Realms 01


Login Nexus Repository Manager
Goto -> Security -> Roles
Click Create Role to create new role for maven publish.
Role Type: Nexus role
Role ID: nx-deployer-maven
Role Name: nx-deployer-maven
Role Description: Deployer role maven
Privileges: nx-repository-view-maven2-*-* (This role can view all nexus maven repositories.)
Click Save after the above configuration.
Nexus Roles 01


Login Nexus Repository Manager
Goto -> Security -> Users
Click Create local user to create new role for maven publish.
ID: deployer-maven
First name: maven
Last name: deployer Email: Password: xxxxxx
Confirm password: xxxxxx
Status: Active
Roles: nx-deployer-maven
Click Create local user after the above configuration.
Nexus Users 01


plugins {
    id 'maven-publish'
repositories {
publishing {
    publications {
        privateMaven(MavenPublication) {
            def artifactIdStr = "$"
            groupId "$"
            version "$project.version"
            artifactId "$artifactIdStr"
            versionMapping {
                usage('java-api') {
                usage('java-runtime') {
            pom {
                name = "$artifactId"
                description = "$artifactId"
    if (project.hasProperty("[repository-name]Uri")) {
        repositories {
//            def publishingUri = project.hasProperty("[repository-name]Uri") ? "$[repository-name]Uri" : ""
            maven {
                name = '[repository-name]'
                allowInsecureProtocol = true
                url = uri("$[repository-name]Uri")

The [repository-name] here is a name that can lookup the login and password from ~/.gradle/
Here is the reference from gradle official website.

Snippet of ~/.gradle/


After the setup of above configuration, our gradle task list will be updated.
New folder publishing is added. Tasks publishXXX are used to publish the artifacts to maven repository.
The [repository-name] on screen-capture is platformSnapshot.
Gradle Publishing 01

Once publishToMavenLocal is clicked, the artifact will be published to your maven local. (~/.m2/repository/)




  • OAuth2 is required because our ms-projects are linked to an IdP.
    As a result, the spring-boot-starter oauth2-client and oauth2-resource-server are selected.
  • spring-boot-starter data-jpa is selected for the data persistence.
    Maybe will add Mybatis later to do some poc.
  • spring-boot-starter spring-security is the must to protect the resources.
  • Others like modelmapper and jackson (objectmapper) are included for data binding between objects.
  • Apache common-lang3 is the utility library to improve our productivity.


  • spring-boot-starter-test is the main testing framework
  • spring-security-test is required for authorization and authentication testing
  • h2database is used to work as database during testing the repository components.


  • main/java
    • business: Business services and dto
    • data: Data layer, repositories and entities
    • global: Global configuration for application
    • security: Security configuration and related classes
    • util: Utility classes
    • web
      • advice: ControllerAdvice classes
      • annotation: Custom annotations for web
      • config: Web configurations
      • context: Custom context for request-scope
      • controller: Web controller
      • helper: Helper to perform some specific logics
      • model: Form models, request models
  • test/java
    • business
    • data
    • global
    • util
    • web
    • AbstractJpaTests: Abstract class with Jpa testing specific properties
    • AbstractUnitTests: Abstract class with some common unit test configuration



There are several annotations created for rest controller.

  • base
    • PublicController
    • ProtectedController
    • EncryptedController
  • v1
    • ApiV1Controller
    • PublicApiV1Controller
    • ProtectedApiV1Controller
    • EncryptedApiV1Controller

And in the coming future, more will be added like.

  • v2
    • ApiV2Controller
    • PublicApiV2Controller
    • ProtectedApiV2Controller
    • EncryptedApiV2Controller
  • and etc...

The idea here is that when there is a new api version coming out which means there are some breaking changes.
The corresponding annotations are required to created in this project.
Since annotation has a limitation that does not support inheritance (Reference:
The annotations in the base are defined as baseline, common usages which are generic approach and required to attach to [XXX]ApiV[X]Controller series annotations.
Some embedded interceptors are planning to develop to cross-check the base annotations for security control.


Enable ms-projects to contain the features in this library project.
The concept is doing @Import with those @Configuration classes.

        , WebConfigImport.class
        , SecurityConfigImport.class
  • @EnableReactBackendParent.class
    • GlobalConfigImport.class
      • ParentAppConfig.class
    • WebConfigImport.class
      • DataConfig.class
      • WebConfig.class
      • WebMvcConfigSupport.class
    • SecurityConfigImport.class
      • WebSecurityConfig.class

End-to-End-Encryption (E2EE)

Besides the annotation control, I am trying the end-to-end-encryption (E2EE) in this project by using the EncryptedController annotation.
Two encryption algorithms are used for the solution.

  • RSA with key-size 2048 bytes
  • AES (AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding) with secret-size 32 bytes = 256 bits

Sequence flow after login

1 & 2 frontend: AxiosInterceptor requests user-public-key from backend (/v1/protected/my/public-key)

3 & 4 frontend: AxiosInterceptor generates aes-key by CryptoJs (SHA3)

5 & 6 frontend: AxiosInterceptor encrypts original-payload-str by CryptoJs (AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding) to aes-cbc-str

7 & 8 frontend: AxiosInterceptor encrypts aes-cbc-str and aes-key by Jsencrypt with user-public-key to aes-key-rsa

9 frontend: AxiosInterceptor combines aes-cbc-str and aes-key-rsa to request-body-str

10 frontend: AxiosInterceptor sends request-body-str to backend

11 backend: RestControllerAdvice splits request-body-str into aes-cbc-str and aes-key-rsa in RequestBodyAdviceAdapter.beforeBodyRead

12 & 13 backend: EncryptedRequestBodyAdvice decrypts aes-key-rsa by user-private-key to aes-key

14 backend: EncryptedBodyAdviceHelper decrypts aes-cbc-str by aes-key (AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding) to original-payload-str

15 backend: EncryptedBodyAdviceHelper passes original-payload-str to controller through the return of RequestBodyAdviceAdapter.beforeBodyRead

16 backend: RestControllerAdvice encrypts original-response-entity by aes-key to aes-ecb-str aes-cbc-str (AES/ECB/PKCS7Padding AES/CBC/PKCS7Padding)

17 backend: EncryptedRequestBodyAdvice returns aes-ecb-str aes-cbc-str as response through ResponseBodyAdvice.beforeBodyWrite

18 backend: RestControllerAdvice Sends aes-ecb-str aes-cbc-str as response

19 & 20 frontend: AxiosInterceptor decrypts aes-ecb-str aes-cbc-str by crypto-js (AES/ECB/PKCS7Padding AES/CBC/PKCS7Padding) to response-entity-str

21 & 22 frontend: AxiosInterceptor parses response-entity-str to response-entity by JSON.parse

Original plan is using plantuml but mermaid looks having a better support on Github.

'The plantuml `visible markdown` (```) is not working for github markdown syntax (.md file).

    participant AxiosInterceptor as "frontend: \nAxiosInterceptor"
    control JSON as "frontend: \nJSON"
title: E2EE sequence diagram
    participant AxiosInterceptor as frontend: <br/>AxiosInterceptor
    participant JSON as frontend: <br/>JSON
    participant CryptoJs as frontend: <br/>CryptoJs
    participant Jsencrypt as frontend: <br/>Jsencrypt
    participant RestControllerAdvice as backend: <br/>@RestControllerAdvice
    participant EncryptedRequestBodyAdvice as backend: <br/>EncryptedRequestBodyAdvice
    participant EncryptedBodyAdviceHelper as backend: <br/>EncryptedBodyAdviceHelper

    AxiosInterceptor ->> RestControllerAdvice: Request /v1/protected/my/public-key
    RestControllerAdvice -->> AxiosInterceptor: Reply `user-public-key`

    AxiosInterceptor ->> CryptoJs: Generate `aes-key` (SHA3)
    CryptoJs -->> AxiosInterceptor : Reply `aes-key`

    AxiosInterceptor ->> CryptoJs: Encrypt `original-payload-str` <br/>with `aes-key` <br/>(AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding)
    CryptoJs -->> AxiosInterceptor: Reply `aes-cbc-str`

    AxiosInterceptor ->> Jsencrypt: Encrypt `aes-key` with `user-public-key`
    Jsencrypt -->> AxiosInterceptor: Reply `aes-key-rsa`

    AxiosInterceptor ->> AxiosInterceptor: Combine `aes-cbc-str` <br/>and `aes-key-rsa` <br/>to `request-body-str`

    %% ++ / -- Shortcut syntax for activation, deactivation, creation
    AxiosInterceptor ->> +RestControllerAdvice: Send `request-body-str`

    RestControllerAdvice ->> EncryptedRequestBodyAdvice: Split `request-body-str` into <br/>`aes-cbc-str` and `aes-key-rsa` in <br/>`RequestBodyAdviceAdapter.beforeBodyRead`

    EncryptedRequestBodyAdvice ->> EncryptedBodyAdviceHelper: Decrypt `aes-key-rsa` <br/>by `user-private-key` <br/>to `aes-key` by <br/>`EncryptedBodyAdviceHelper.ecryptDataBase64ToBodyDetail`
    EncryptedBodyAdviceHelper -->> EncryptedRequestBodyAdvice: Reply `aes-key`

    EncryptedBodyAdviceHelper ->> EncryptedBodyAdviceHelper: Decrypt `aes-cbc-str` <br/>by `aes-key` <br/>(AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding) to <br/>`original-payload-str`

    EncryptedBodyAdviceHelper ->> RestControllerAdvice: Pass `original-payload-str` to controller <br/>through the return of <br/>`RequestBodyAdviceAdapter.beforeBodyRead`

    %% ~~`aes-ecb-str`~~
    %% ~~AES/ECB/PKCS7Padding~~
    RestControllerAdvice ->> EncryptedRequestBodyAdvice: Encrypt `original-response-entity` <br/>by `aes-key` to `aes-cbc-str` <br/>(AES/CBC/PKCS7Padding)

    %% ~~`aes-ecb-str`~~
    EncryptedRequestBodyAdvice -->> RestControllerAdvice: Reply `aes-cbc-str` <br/>as response through <br/>`ResponseBodyAdvice.beforeBodyWrite`

    %% ~~`aes-ecb-str`~~
    RestControllerAdvice -->> -AxiosInterceptor: Reply `aes-cbc-str` as response

    %% ~~`aes-ecb-str`~~
    %% ~~AES/ECB/PKCS7Padding~~
    AxiosInterceptor ->> CryptoJs: Decrypt `aes-cbc-str` <br/>by `crypto-js` (AES/CBC/PKCS7Padding) <br/>to `response-entity-str`
    CryptoJs -->> AxiosInterceptor: Reply `response-entity-str`

    AxiosInterceptor ->> JSON: Parse `response-entity-str` to <br/>`response-entity` by `JSON.parse`
    JSON -->> AxiosInterceptor: Reply `response-entity`

title: E2EE class diagram
    RequestBodyAdviceAdapter <|-- EncryptedRequestBodyAdvice: extend
    EncryptedRequestBodyAdvice ..> EncryptedBodyAdviceHelper: use
    ResponseBodyAdvice <|.. EncryptedResponseBodyAdvice: implement
    EncryptedResponseBodyAdvice ..> EncryptedBodyAdviceHelper: use
    EncryptedResponseBodyAdvice ..> EncryptedBodyContext: use
    HttpInputMessage <|.. DecodeHttpInputMessage: implement
    class RequestBodyAdviceAdapter {
    class EncryptedRequestBodyAdvice {
    %%        -EncryptedBodyContext encryptedBodyContext
    %%        -EncryptedBodyAdviceHelper encryptedBodyAdviceHelper
    %%        +supports()
    %%        +beforeBodyRead()
    %%        +afterBodyRead()
    %%        +handleEmptyBody()
    class ResponseBodyAdvice {
    class EncryptedResponseBodyAdvice {
    %%        -EncryptedBodyContext encryptedBodyContext
    %%        -EncryptedBodyAdviceHelper encryptedBodyAdviceHelper
    %%        +support()
    %%        +beforeBodyWrite()
    class EncryptedBodyAdviceHelper {
    %%        -ObjectMapper objectMapper
    %%        -RestTemplate oauth2ClientRestTemplate
    %%        -ParentAppProp parentAppProp
    class EncryptedBodyContext {
        -MyKeyDto myKeyDto
        -EncryptedDetail encryptedDetail
    class HttpInputMessage {

title: ReactBackend initialization state
    [*] --> EnableReactBackend
    EnableReactBackend --> GlobalConfigImport
    EnableReactBackend --> WebConfigImport
    EnableReactBackend --> SecurityConfigImport
    EnableReactBackend --> [*]
    state EnableReactBackend {
        [*] --> GlobalConfigImport
        GlobalConfigImport --> WebConfigImport
        WebConfigImport --> SecurityConfigImport
        SecurityConfigImport --> [*]
    state GlobalConfigImport {
        [*] --> ParentAppProp
        ParentAppProp --> MapperConfig
        MapperConfig --> PostAppConfig
        PostAppConfig --> [*]
    state WebConfigImport {
        [*] --> DataConfig
        DataConfig --> WebComponentConfig
        WebComponentConfig --> NoopTracingConfig
        NoopTracingConfig --> WebMvcConfig
        WebMvcConfig --> [*]
    state SecurityConfigImport {
        [*] --> Oauth2ClientRestTemplateConfig
        Oauth2ClientRestTemplateConfig --> AuthorizationDataProviderConfig
        AuthorizationDataProviderConfig --> WebSecurityConfig
        WebSecurityConfig --> [*]



The ms-project user-service is required to turn on as the user info provider.
To facilitate the development, this lib-project has a simple MyController implementation.
Those ms-projects can extend this MyController to expose the my-key-info api with UserDto as return.
This MyKeyDto object provides the user-private-key for application to perform the aes-key decryption.

  host-name: [host-name of user-service]
    my-user-info: [my-user-info api on user-service, e.g. /v1/protected/my/user-info]
    my-key-info: [my-key-info api on user-service, e.g. /v1/protected/my/key-info]   <-----

A RuntimeException will be thrown if the my-key-info api is not available when there is an /encrypted api call.


The jsencrypt does not support using user-public-key to decrypt.
The better approach should be using user-private-key to encrypt data at backend and frontend uses the user-public-key for decryption.
On frontend, the crypto-js (AES/CBC) is hard to decrypt the java aes-cbc-str (AES/CBC).
Finally only the crypto-js (AES/ECB) can decrypt java aes-ecb-str (AES/ECB).
On frontend, the crypto-js (AES/CBC) can decrypt the java aes-cbc-str (AES/CBC) with correct iv.
The iv is required the byte array format which means the decoding should be happened before.
The CryptoJS.enc.Base64.parse([base64-str]) decodes base64-str to byte-array.


Here is a snippet from frontend project.

const decryptedDataBase64 = dataRet;
const encryptedAesData = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.parse(decryptedDataBase64);
const decodedKey = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.parse(cipherInfo.key);
const decodedKeyStr = decodedKey.toString(CryptoJS.format.Utf8);
const decodedIv = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.parse(cipherInfo.iv);
const decryptedData = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(
  { ciphertext: encryptedAesData },
    // mode: CryptoJS.mode.ECB,
    mode: CryptoJS.mode.CBC,
    iv: decodedIv,
const dataStr = decryptedData.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8);
dataRet = JSON.parse(dataStr);

Besides, there is a RSA key length limitation. The RSA key cannot encrypt content that exceeds the defined length (key-size minuses some factors).
As a result, RSA is designed to encrypt small content, such as aes-key.
The proper way should be similar to reference below.


  1. Generate a 256-bit random key-str
  2. Encrypt data with AES/CBC as aes-data with key-str
  3. Encrypt key-str with RSA key-pair, either public-key or private-key
  4. Send encrypted key-str and aes-data to the other side

Since the length of aes-key is fixed, currently is 344 for this setup.
Then I composed the aes-key and aes-data together.
And split them by the fixed length rather than adding separator.

Moreover, there is not payload embedded in GET method calls.
The aes-key is also attached to http-header for ResponseBodyAdvice.beforeBodyWrite to perform the aes-key decryption and response-body encryption.

I also tried the AES/GCM on backend but failed on frontend.
So the AES/CBC is default encryption algorithm.

Springboot Upgrade ***

From 3.1.0 => 3.2.1

After upgrade to springboot 3.2.1, @PathVariable behavior is changed.
This can be fixed by update build.gradle or adding maven plugin.

Manually indicate the name of the variable one by one.

public ResponseEntity<?> test(@PathVariable
    // name is required for framework to look up the parameter name
    (name = "id") 
    id) {
        // do something

Better solution by using build.gradle (gradle) or pom.xml (maven).

tasks.withType(JavaCompile).configureEach {




Using @Slf4j, after compilation, following statement will be added to the class.

private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(xxx.class);


No description, website, or topics provided.




