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In this activity, we were tasked with creating an Amazon-like storefront with the MySQL skills. The app takes in orders from customers and depletes stock from the store's inventory. You can program your app to track product sales across your store's departments and then provide a summary of the highest-grossing departments in the store.

This uses MySQL and Inquirer npm packages and uses them for data input and storage.


<<<<<<< HEAD Please download the App. Install NPM. MySQL and Inquirer.
Run node bamazonCustomer.js. or node bamazonManager.js

Please download the App. Install NPM. MySQL and Inquirer. Run bamazonCustomer.js or bamazonManager.js


Click on the following link to preview the completed assignment.

Built With HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript Node and MySQL.

Consumer.JS Inventory: Image of Inventory

Consumer.JS Buy: Image of Buy

Manager.JS Inventory: Image of Inventory

Manager.JS Low Inventory: Image of Inventory

Manager.JS Add Inventory: Image of Inventory

Manager.JS New Product: Image of Product

Manager.JS New Product: Image of Product

Sql DB: Image of Databse